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Congrats Nightwolf! =D


Just been playing some Okami as well; it's a great game so far, and quite beautiful! Only having some troubles with the wiimote, but I hope I can overcome those.


Other than that, not much. Wasted my day in bed, then playing Okami. Right now I might draw. Summer will be over in no time if I keep wasting my days away, heh.

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Bah my mouse has finally decided to give up the ghost, no matter what I've tried it won't recognise is and it won't work, oh well least it was free!


Now I need to find another usb mouse boo, oh well, gives me an excuse to go out tomorrow, but still gah I only have a tenner!


I hate it when things decide to stop working



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So I passed my driving test

Good work, nightwolf. It's a shame that in a few years no one's going to be able to afford to run a car, but then if you're anything like me the happiness comes from passing as opposed to being able to drive.


I've decided that my job would be infinitely¹ more bearable if it was 6 hours a day as opposed to 8. It would mean less money, obviously, but I think two 3½ hour stretches with a break in between is just that little bit too long when you're essentially doing the same thing all day; longer hours are far easier when your job is dynamic.


Then again, perhaps I'm just lazy.



¹This is an approximation.

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Congratulations Nightwolf! I have my driving test next month, I hope I'll do as good as you.


I'm also playing Okami. I love it, surpisingly long game too. I want to finish it though, not because it's a bad game or anything, but I want to start my MGS marathon!

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Well done to the Wolf of the Night.


I've had a much better day today. Went to work, and it seemed a lot better today. People generally seemed happier, I felt happier, especially after being cheered up last night by someone very special. :) I didn't get to bed til late again, but it was alright, work seemed to fly by today. Maybe it was because I was doing the earlier shift.


I'm at home now, all showered up, and going to kick some arse at the gym. I'm raring to go. :)


After that, I'm tempted to get a curry tonight, as I've been craving one for a week. Maybe I should treat myself!

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Talking of which, I've just booked my direct access test, so hopefully big bike riding for me by the end of sept! Wooo!


Feeling a lot better recently, less peh and more... normal i guess. Stuff's sorting itself out as the shockwaves clear. Not much else to report apart from the fact that I find myself wanting a PS3... I might be ill. Oh wait no.

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Best afternoon ever.


Had to clean out the terrapins, which didn't sound fun at all. But we had such a good laugh, I was in pain I was laughing that much. Then shopped around in York for an hour until I we could get a lift home, which was fun. Had a good chat with my mate, and bought some nice jeans. Good times.


Edit: Bugger. I bought size 30/32 Jeans. I needed 30/30. I was looking for 28/30, but they never have any in store. Balls.

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Talking of which, I've just booked my direct access test, so hopefully big bike riding for me by the end of sept! Wooo!


Feeling a lot better recently, less peh and more... normal i guess. Stuff's sorting itself out as the shockwaves clear. Not much else to report apart from the fact that I find myself wanting a PS3... I might be ill. Oh wait no.


woo ^_^, I've been talking to dad on the phone about doing mine, he was more happy about me getting back into bikes than me passing my test haha ^_^

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One thing I have realised this week is over this summer I have so little to do. All I really do is work and I don't even like it. I feel that I am lacking purpose or meaning. Im in essence having an existential crisis. Which is always a nice way to spend summer.


Ah well...only like 8 weeks left :/


Man thats exactly what im feeling atm. I have bugger all to do and having lots of interverted thoughts its kinda bad really maybe I should post on N europe more haha.


Oh wanted to quote you for another reason Ashley. Ive been watching Dexter and it is superb! Obviously as you recommended it haha. On episode 2 of season 1 but im already impressed.

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Lol... I hope I pass straight away cos I failed my car one twice (first was unlucky and I wasn't ready to re-take it again so soon). I have lots of road experience now and I just need some training and I think that I'll be set.


Luckily getting it before the "new" test comes in.

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Lol... I hope I pass straight away cos I failed my car one twice (first was unlucky and I wasn't ready to re-take it again so soon). I have lots of road experience now and I just need some training and I think that I'll be set.


Luckily getting it before the "new" test comes in.



I'm gutted that I may have to take the new test, apprently it's going to be a pain in the arse to pass?


You'll be fine, but you'll be more aware whilst in a car I reckon, I was the same, even though it was only my cbt. Just remember to look around alot, don't go fast and hey presto!:yay:

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I worked today from 10-6, then went to the sauna with Jordan and my friends :D. I've not been out for ages because Ive been working so much, so it was really nice to see everyone!


I bought one of those latex hat things so my hair didnt turn the water red too :D

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Bah. Not too great, thunderer from these forums (Or as I know him, Lewis. Yes we have the same name, it's awesome :D) has gone in to hospital for his throat, it looks like it could be an absyss. On top of that my headset gave up the ghost, so no sound in games, or VOIP, or music.


Though..I did beat Lou on Expert (First time on my 360, achievement = <3) and managed to beat GTAIV. (For anyone wondering, I did the Deal at the end. I'm a faggot :()

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My brother and Dad are now back from their hols (actually, it wasn't a holiday, as my Dad went to attend a funeral!), but they're back nevertheless.


Balance is restored. The house now feels like its normal busier self. Its half 11 and we'll all awake and walking about as if its 3 in the afternoon.

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Morning; lay in bed listening to music

Afternoon: existential crisis and trying to learn hiragana

Evening; work and misanthropic moods

Night; sat on msn when i should be in bed and trying to find someone to go see Wall-E with

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I spent all yesterday scouring Dragon Quest IV for footage that made the game look good (Seriously hard) and basically doing ALL of the fricking promotional work for it. I had to even re-shoot their crappy old footage because they didn't do it with a Nitro. Well they probably got a little more than they wanted when I sent them a whole 7GB of video (which is actually only about 2/3 minutes). :D


If you see anything promotional for DQIV, chances are I did it.


I never want to see that game again.....

But I will take my free copy. lol

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I found out today I have to get rid of my piano because we are moving. Woe is me. :(


...oh, and I have nowhere to live for a month.


Christ, get you. Climbing the ranks in the ol'Square Enix.


I believe the term is "shit rolls down hill". :heh:


They basically get me to do all the dirty work. They should really pay me more, I'm as good as two testers and the whole publishing department. (Athough the latter isn't that hard, lazy sods.)

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Ask for more money Daft?


Today I went to town to buy a new mouse, argos have some cheap ones in sotre, so I got an optical one for 3.97, which is great ^_^, got the bus and whilst on the bus this stupid old woman decided to walk across a dual carriage way, almost causing the poor woman bus driver to nearly run her over.


The old woman didn't even notice us, stupid cow.


But yes, other than that I'm sat eating shepperds pie ^_^ woo

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Ask for more money Daft?


Think how many people would like to work for Square-Enix? It isn't like there is a drought on people who want to test...sadly. :D


I'm better than I need to be. I guess I should just stop working so hard. :heh:


I'm not too bothered, I could just do with extra money though. (But then who couldn't! :) )

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Think how many people would like to work for Square-Enix? It isn't like there is a drought on people who want to test...sadly. :D


I'm better than I need to be. I guess I should just stop working so hard. :heh:


I'm not too bothered, I could just do with extra money though. (But then who couldn't! :) )


Ah true, oh well!


I'm gutted actually, I forgot to mention I removed a piercing this morning, my outer conch. I've only actually had it for three months, but I decided I'd much rather have just my stretches and tragus piercings than this conch that was being constantly pissy at me. :blank:

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