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Once again i have done bugger all apart from eat, watch TV and play games. I've been doing this on and off for just over a week now and i'm getting bored, especialy while waiting for the Nintendo and Sony conference's to start. I'd go out somewhere if i had a car.


In other news there's been an accident on the motorway with one of the lorries where my dad works. No one can get hold of the driver. The scary thing is that if my dad was on afters (the shift which he alternates between each week) it could have been him.

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Today I scanned through some ol' livejournal posts, and smiled a lot :) very glad I kept it up as long as I did, I really ought to try doing it some more.


had 10 shots of tequila last night over poker and felt pretty fine - not surprising considering it's the same as having 3 cans of strongish cider. tonight is FINALLY an 'event' that I have not organised, so I can feel all special and wanted and not have to worry about everyone else having a good time. Is at this pub that used to be cool but is now overrun by scenesters.


Also trying to organise my ne- mixtape; I've got 8 songs on it so far, and am attempting to gather a good dozen others. It's going to be "what I listened to when I was 18" to tie in with the whole looking-at-3-year-old-diaries thing, and I doubt anyone will find it particularly good.


But yeah! My past self has reminded me that we are all rotting corpses doomed to failure and disease, but it's up to us to smell good, so chin-up, back straight and chill pill inserted.

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I'm guessing brand new and mewithoutyou might make an appearance on that tape J7 =]


Yesterday was a bit blurry, i woke up this morning in my girlfriend's bed and I can't even remember leaving the club.


Today I have just found out I have been reserved a place at my chosen university in the best accomodation which I'm happy about :)

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Pffff, today has been blah. Nothing happened all day (except for the gunshot this morning, which mom heard too).

Tried drawing, but didn't get anything done yet (will at some point). Watched the Nintendo conference but was disappointed; even missed dinner for it. And the worst thing: Coolness Bears left for Italy, so now my days will be spent with no one to have silly random conversations with. =(


*already misses CB*


I knew this wasn't going to be a good day, merf.


My day is so boring I'm currently watching "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants". D:

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Are you removing it forever?? :o


My nose is STILLL annoying me ;_;




It was getting gross because my hands and wrists spend their lives in hot dirty water at work >_>


Planning on either nipples or cheek next!

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Missed the Nintendo conference because I was at work :(


Then came home and watched Sony's conference.


I also removed my wrist staple a few days ago and it was very sore to do.


You didnt missed much from Nintendo conference.


This happened



and this.


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It was getting gross because my hands and wrists spend their lives in hot dirty water at work >_>


Planning on either nipples or cheek next!


Ahhh not so practical then, bummer :(


I'm sticking with what I have for now, my autoimmune reactions are getting a bit scary from them. :(

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My day is so boring I'm currently watching "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants". D:

The name intrigued me, so I looked the film up on IMDB. In my mind it was going to be a City of Lost Children-esque animated dark fantasy about a trio of unworn pants that escape the shadowy confines of their owner's walk-in closet and must survive on the murky streets, avoiding stubborn stains and accidental fraying whilst following the hard-wearing road to fame and fortune at the city's premier burlesque house.


As is so often the case, I was mistaken.

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The name intrigued me, so I looked the film up on IMDB. In my mind it was going to be a City of Lost Children-esque animated dark fantasy about a trio of unworn pants that escape the shadowy confines of their owner's walk-in closet and must survive on the murky streets, avoiding stubborn stains and accidental fraying whilst following the hard-wearing road to fame and fortune at the city's premier burlesque house.


As is so often the case, I was mistaken.


In reality, 3 women post a pair of magical trousers to each other, never explained why they were magical? must be the zips...

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I'm shattered. Woke up and had to ring my agency, who didn't pay me last week, so I'm getting it paid on top of this week's packet, which should be quite nice. :)


Went to work from 1 til 9, and it seriously dragged today. I was feeling quite restless again, and there were very little calls to make/answer, so I spent a lot of the time doing very little.


I feel really bleh. I was working out how much pay I'll be getting, and whether or not it'll pay my rent and clear some of my over-draft. It kinda does, but it means I won't have an awful lot for spending. Hell, I may not even clear my over-draft before the next student year, which is what I was planning to do.


I'm looking at doing over-time, which means I could be working 9-9, which is pretty...shit, especially as I can barely do the hours at the moment, its mentally draining. The work isn't hard, it's the whole getting to the place (as its a trek to even get to and from) and actually getting on with it. I like to be active when I'm working, but this job involves me spending 8 hours a day sat down...and its very hard to do that. Your legs get tired, you get cranky, you get too comfortable and start to doze off!


Ahh. :(

I'm just in need of some excitement. Feel pretty tense, to be honest.

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lol dante... well i'm probably the most drunk I'v ebeen whilst typing on this site, so let's create some stupid piost!


omg so hi, I wish I WAS diviing for seaguls, amonsgt the heavy and the strwwqn - those strewwn amonst the sublttlies are easily missed, but only if they,'re not wanted in fors...


ok, lol, that;s quite fun. So yeah, wnt to town,met some old school friends who've changed their faces, stopped being a lesbian and decided to have a 16-month old kid instead. went to a club but it was shit, so came home to discover all the cool kebab places CLOSED EARLY and now I'm filling time before watching some sort of shitty movie.


Some girl who looked fairly similar to my Ex kept eyeing me up all night, but I was all freaked out about it so I kept ignoring her and her panties. yes. I think it's night time because i'm finding it hard to type without seeming too drunk. Taraah!

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Guest Jordan

I only just woke up...


The reason i'm writing this post at 4am is because i just woke up from a pretty hurrific nightmare. It kinda started in the park across the road from where i used to live and i find this oddly familiar dog running around outside, but its tied up to a tree. It looks really unhappy and i have no idea why its there. I suddenly realise is Lillie (one of my dogs) and i run home to you with her and shout at you because you left her there, you tell me that you left her there because she mauled Mollie (one of my cats, who is really beautiful) and brutually scarred her as a result. I woke up just after that, i didn't get to see mollie, but i woke up and physically started to cry, i was that shocked. i don't know what caused this... maybe i just have an over active imagination or something...


Rational 10am edit:

Wow, i'm nuts. I managed to get back to sleep for an hour before i had to get to work.


Btw by "You" i meant my mother. I have no idea why i typed you, thats just weird. Hmph.

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One thing I have realised this week is over this summer I have so little to do. All I really do is work and I don't even like it. I feel that I am lacking purpose or meaning. Im in essence having an existential crisis. Which is always a nice way to spend summer.


Ah well...only like 8 weeks left :/

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O_Dyson! I shouldawoulda. I'm sure I'll be pissed again soon, and I'll burn your ears plenty.


o_Jordan! I aiin't jo mutha... but it sounds like you're worried everyone "back home" is hurting each other, or some shit.


O_Me! Er... well i woke up... found I'd sent one silly text to a girl asking for boobs and kink, and another text to a good female friend that is most likely going to be taken the wrong way - I said "I'm in a club surrounded by 16 year olds, and wishing you could be here to share the insanity!" but the whole 'wishing you could be here' wasn't meant to sound so flowery.


Now I'm going to get dressed, have a cigarette, and... waste another day!

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So I passed my driving test, apprently the examiner I had, was the one who gets the most complaints out of everybody and is generally a nasty piece of work.




Yay letty get cheeks, such a nice piercing and when you remove them = dimples!


Other than that I've been playing no more heroes and munching as I didn't eat anything before the test.


God it's such a relief..

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So I passed my driving test, apprently the examiner I had, was the one who gets the most complaints out of everybody and is generally a nasty piece of work.




Yay letty get cheeks, such a nice piercing and when you remove them = dimples!


Other than that I've been playing no more heroes and munching as I didn't eat anything before the test.


God it's such a relief..


Congratulations =]

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Ah, having the small amount of power I hold over clients is enjoyable.


Had some tosser who wouldnt listen to a word I said, and talking over me. I said I was more than willing to help but he kept asking for a manager.


The manager who you escalate calls to is my friend, and sits next to me. She was free, and was not dealing with anything else so I was able to pass the client straight through to her.


The client waited 15 minutes before he could however. :) Me doing my bit for karma.

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Guest Stefkov

I can't believe it's only been 4 hours since I got to work. It's going so slow I think I might die of boredom come 10 o'clock.

I only got up 45 minutes before heading off and I've not had anything to eat. I only managed to have a shower.

Jesus the priest can drink.

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