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I've had a look around Bath Spa, which is a very nice place. Probably a bit out of my league, but I'd certainly like to apply. I'm looking to do Creative Writing, and from the sounds of it there are only a handful of universities with respected courses in it so, thankfully, my choices are rather limited.


Dude, come to the University of Cumbria in Carlisle. The single-honours writing course here at the Brampton Road campus is amazing. Very little academic work, and the tutors are truly great. You simply have to meet Nick. According to the internet, he once got his head trapped in a set of rail points.

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Awwwwwwwww, super cute! She looks so tired though! But that's typical for puppies I guess. =)

She was incredibly lethargic. You could pretty much arrange her limbs like a rag doll's whilst she was lying down, and she tended to move a metre at a time over several minutes. A spot of cork hunting brought out some energy in her, though; she was lunging all over the place.

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OK...I just used clips from Drive (a canned TV show that didn't last one season, you can't buy it from anywhere and there are absolutely no plans for DVD or showing it on TV again) in a YouTube video and Fox have been complete bastards and are forcing me to remove it.


This is probably even worse than some company forcing me to remove an old Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games trailer.

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OK...I just used clips from Drive (a canned TV show that didn't last one season, you can't buy it from anywhere and there are absolutely no plans for DVD or showing it on TV again) in a YouTube video and Fox have been complete bastards and are forcing me to remove it.

Were you panning the show or something? Mind you, they did cancel it so I can't see why that would get to them.


It is all about owning the IP these days, past or present. Perhaps Fox's lawyers get paid based on how many 'operations' they shut down?

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Were you panning the show or something? Mind you, they did cancel it so I can't see why that would get to them.


It seems that it detected use of clips and automatically made YouTube remove it. All it was was some clips with a song (like millions of other user-made music videos on YouTube - I just wanted to see how easy it is...answer is very, very easy). Anyway, I've disputed it so it's now watchable. I doubt Fox will bother to answer to refuse my dispute.


Now...if the people who own the music ask for me to remove it, then I'll gladly do so with no arguments.

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Guest Jordan

Ahhh... Work. So little fun.


Can't wait for tonight >.>, apparently MS are releasing Geomatery Wars: Retro Evolved².


If so, i will probably cream myself. Many times.

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Graduation today.


*shits self*


Why is my uni so gorram slow? Our results came out two weeks later (and even then the website crashed and they seemed suprised by the increase traffic on results day) and our graduation ceremony is in November.


Anyway. Today = sorting out E3 boards, popping into town, script prep-work, work.

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And here she is. Because, hey, who doesn't like puppies?



awww ^_^, I'd love to be able to have a puppy again!


Well I had another driving lesson this morning, had to get up at 8 ready for 9 and made sure that I was calm enough before I went for the lesson.


Got really pissed off last night at somebody because I put sigh in my name and they wouldn't let it go, the only thing wrong with me was that I was angry and didn't want to annoy anyone! Some people are too nosy for their own good sometimes.


But it was a good lesson, we went and did everything that I was nervous on and went round all the test route nearly so it was quite good, we also went over questions I might be asked. So I'm feeling alittle more positive. Hopefully the lesson tomorrow will be just as good and I can relax abit more then!


Other than that, my parents are back today, around 7pm ish, which is good :yay:


ps. Raining sorry I was being abit of a wanker last night ^_^ I apologise!!

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Glad to hear your driving lesson went okay nightwolf.



Yesterday was extremely boring for me. Got nothing done, barely played any games (Age of Empires III wouldn't even work), didn't watch any X-files... I'm afraid today will be more of the same. I'm slowly wasting my summer away. =(


One good thing, I apparently sold a print of one of my drawings, yay! First print I've sold actually. It's cool to think someone will have one of your drawings hanging on their wall soon. ^_____^

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ps. Raining sorry I was being abit of a wanker last night ^_^ I apologise!!


heh you weren't being a wanker, everyone gets pissed off and needs to vent now and again, I'm pretty sure i'm guilty of that plenty of times!


@aimless: what an adorable puppy. I still think cats are win tho :heh:




It's only just after 1pm and i've eaten most of my food allowance (diet funs)


God damn you darksnowman, damn you to hell. tempting me with subway AND starbucks :blank:

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Boring day so far, have no actual programming work to do so have spent half the day archiving stuff. Lunchtime now, finally only got 2-3 hours left. And been waitin most of the day for my baby to call, time will pass quick now.

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I'm feeling better today, not great but ok. Life does just get on with itself and returns back to normal just by it's own accord. Still doesn't feel great though, it's like the feeling when you look outside and its raining. It doesn't make you feel bad, just kinda down.

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