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Hooray for nosebleeds ¬_¬


Just got one while having a shower, I can't get some tissue because it'll go all gloopy and horrible mixed with water, can't get out the shower as we have white floor mats, and i don't wanna get my towel bloody.


Had to wait for it to stop which was like 15 minutes >_<


You have a computer in your shower, or are you mixing your tenses?

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You can stop talking to me RIGHT NOW! Go! :nono:


We are talking about the Shenmue fork-lift 'Job' aren't we?! Cause Shenmue is officially one of my fav-games ever but his 9-5 job is horrific in both Shenmue 1 and 2 actually! :D

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Mixing tenses, flashback kind. Like the fresh prince theme.

That's actually in the past tense, with a bit of past continous. You can only really use the present tense in narratives with appropriate cues, and it's usually spoken, apart from in poetry or occasionally in written jokes.


Anyway, I should stop saying pointless things about tenses and start writing my essay.

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Guest bluey

every day is a struggle...

i'm constantly trying to avoid a situation where my students realize that my entire knowledge of grammatical structures is based on the opening 2 lines of "teardrop" by massive attack. @____@


also ~ my friendship bracelet broke :sad: i'm not too worried because it;s a *friendship bracelet* ... i'm not thinking "ARGH! bad OMEN!!" i dont really believe in that kinda thing too much, and i know my friend doesnt wear the other one so its not really even a friendship bracelet :heh: but i liked it... i tried to fix it with electrical tape... but now it's itchy!! hmmmmmm... *sniff*

woe is me! woe is meee!!... </melodramatic>

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We are talking about the Shenmue fork-lift 'Job' aren't we?! Cause Shenmue is officially one of my fav-games ever but his 9-5 job is horrific in both Shenmue 1 and 2 actually! :D


I bloody loved the forklift job. Because driving a forklift in 1980's Japan was not something I had in mind regarding videogames. It was all about the sword-slashing and gun-shooting and platform-jumping and man-wrestling before then.


Speaking of forklifts, my dad let me drive one today. Obviously, I wasn't supposed to, as you need a licence to drive a forklift, so it was done in secret.

It was fun, driving about and moving a crate for a bit (while the forklift music from Shenmue played in my head). It was the highlight of a very boring day.


Also, I don't get paid for doing this job until 25th June! So my dad's just given me £40, which is how much I'm earning each day. (£40 x 8 = £320) :grin:

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Guest bluey

Speaking of forklifts, my dad let me drive one today. Obviously, I wasn't supposed to, as you need a licence to drive a forklift, so it was done in secret.


"had an accident that wasn't your fault? wanna rinse the bastard who's responsible for every penny they've got?? call claims direct now!" ^__^

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Friend came round and we watched Howl's Moving Castle. Thus the highlight of my day had occured by 1.30 :/ Rest of the day has been mediocre.


Lecturer kinda changed her mind on what I should do with my work experience assignment (which is also apparently 2,500 words. Rubbish.) to 'How Photography Can Be Used as a Visual Research Method, With Particular Reference to Wedding Photography.' Which means I have to find a wedding photo from Victorian Britain. Yay.


And friend is hounding me to go to a mutual friend's birthday night out. Don't want to go for too long. Meant to be at his at 6.50 but going to pretend like I forgot.


And in the lecturer's building a robot like the one from "Let's Go To The Mall" has been outside someone's room for a week. May go steal it tonight for teenage kicks.

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My eyes are melting. :o


I've just got back from my Psychology exam! I've never had to concentrate for so long. :heh:


I think it went pretty well and if I couldn't remember the stuff I managed to fluff it out to make it a page and a half.


On a good day I'm looking at a B i think and on a bad day a C. :D


Now I'm really hungry and I'm going to have a Pizza.

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I have to say sometimes my mate matt actually rocks. I've been stuck on this server thing question for days so I ask him and boom: answer = here


^.^ yay


not quite finished really but i can ask him more questions on and off during the weekend ah friends i nearly forgot <3

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Found out today that my dad will be in Leeds Hospital for four months. :sad:


That sucks man :( four months is a long time any way you look at it. What happens after that? is it a wait and see game? or does he then come home? or move to a different hospital?


On a lighter note, off to see the Grindhouse films on Monday with J7 :)

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That sucks man :( four months is a long time any way you look at it. What happens after that? is it a wait and see game? or does he then come home? or move to a different hospital?


On a lighter note, off to see the Grindhouse films on Monday with J7 :)


Hes waiting for new liver Daniel.

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Today felt like one of the longest days ever. 8 hours of school guh. Didn't help that it was highly uncomfortable at school cause of the weather. And stress had made me all ill (plus too much coke for my already upset stomach, even though it was only a can and a small bottle). I even barely ate from my favourite dish, spaghetti. =(


Now I'm all tired and wanting to go to bed, but it's still too early really.

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Tonight has been awesome.


N64 mixed with Chinese and alcohol. Then alcohol mixed with the forest. Then being followed by some (even more) drunks, then my (sober) mates headlights turning themselves off. (I suspect he just didn't know how to use his headlights, he's only had his car a week, and has never drove at night before)

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Guest bluey
Tonight has been awesome.


N64 mixed with Chinese and alcohol. Then alcohol mixed with the forest. Then being followed by some (even more) drunks, then my (sober) mates headlights turning themselves off. (I suspect he just didn't know how to use his headlights, he's only had his car a week, and has never drove at night before)






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