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Guest bluey

bua-hahahahahaa :grin:





my day's going very slowly ~ which i like. i'm relaxing, doing my laundry, watching the old series of lupin the 3rd and reviewing lessons for next week ^__^


side note: score 1 for the brits in japan!! my month-long campaign to get my guesthouse an electric kettle finally paid off! i played the environmental card and told my landlord that more energy is used from boiling water on the hob (and me pacing up and down waiting for my tea fix...) and he said he'd bring one next time he visits...

on a slightly less important note, i also asked for fire extinguishers and fire alarms. this place is made of paper and dry-wall and i know at least ONE of the people living here smokes in their room... :nono: it's a freakin death trap! O__O

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Wahey bluey! Though deathtrap...eep!


Day was great last night, went out with mum to the cinema to watch 21 (my dad's in belgium at the moment, and I love my mum most of the time anyway) and went pizza hut, was nice to have a break from people.


Finally got a text I'd been waiting all week for so that cheered me up muchly. Now just sat at college trying to get some work done but failing, I'm pretty sure I'll get stuff done, it's just right now I'm abit confused.

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Woo Bluey! But that sucks about the deatht trap thing. Don't they have to have those things by law?




I didn't go in to college for morning reg/first lesson. (I have a free). Got my mum to go out and get me as much cold medicines as possible. I felt one coming on last night (and I woke up with it half way through the night). It's just the wrong time to have one, I'm way to busy to be ill. All this stuff better work! *Takes a massive vitamin C tablet*

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Guest Jordan

My body clock is... awesome.


After one day of waking up at 7:45am for work, i'm now waking up just moments before my alarm again.


What did i do this morning? Browsed the internets, updated GT5P (which took forever...), grabbed a shower and got dressed for work.


Fun morning.

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Guest bluey

i'm not sure about the law in japan... but i for one would rather have fire detection/extinguishing and speedy-tea-producing equipment than not ^___^


bluey 01-00 japan


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I got a Vibe award at work for my consistent hard work/and stuff. Woot. (Mind you...some could say its overdue but ....I dont do more than just work super work so maybe not) and my friend that started at the same time as me and is the only one left got one too. Yipee.


That meeting thing took up an hour, and Im only working till 12 (cos Im working Saturday...ugh...which means I will miss a Dodgeball league thing I was gonna go to sports? Yes. Boo!) erm yeah so nearly finished. Massive woot.


Then Im going to my mates and we are gonna edit together the shindig videos.

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After a meh day yesterday I decided against my original plan (lounging in self-loathing) and to do productive things! Got a plan written up for the day to keep me on track. Played some No More Heroes, bugged registry about module selection and im about to go see careers about postgrad courses. Annoyingly my volunteer application form hasn't arrived but tomorrow hopefully.


Then im going to town later to come up with some form of superhero costume (:/), meet a friend for a drink and stuff. Then later I shall iron. Feeling positive about today which is always nice :)

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Day was alright yesterday, work was good until i got to parts that i don't get. And as my boss isn't in today, i still won't get until she returns.


Stormed out of the pub last night because people accused me of various things and kept on about it for over an hour.

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Good day today :D


Just had a driving lesson which i did everything perfect in :D He also said that i should put in for the Pratical test as i can drive well, i just need to polish off the maneuvers and stuff. So i'm happy :D


(Thats right, 3x:D)

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Guest Jordan

I've just done something that wasn't part of my job description. I just built an FTP server from parts, installed Windows 2K server on it and hosted an FTP server.


Internal tech support guy is sat at his desk... why was i told to do it? :(

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Internal tech support guy is sat at his desk... why was i told to do it? :(


Because your trustworthy and hard working employee who can be relied upon? Whatever, just put orange juice on his seat and make it look like he had an accident.

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on the way to the station I took a route I don't know too well, saw a friend and shouted at her and whistled and she was too far away to notice. Realised I looked silly so rapidly took the next left - luckily it was the precise turn I needed to take in order to get to station. got mah ticket for the weekend, bumped into pal outside uni and thankfully he was busy so I didn't have to try and explain that he wasn't wanted at the bbq later.


Realised I could pick up some results so I did -- 55 in a timed-essay we did in class that I didn't realise you could take notes into. Worst result everr... But 67% in my poetry essay which I thought I'd answered totally wrong. Turns out it was a "personal" and "unusual" interpretation of the question, thus earning me golden points. Awesome.


Grabbed 8 cans of scrumpy, 4 quarter-pounders, 6 chili and coriander sausages, 6 apple and something sausages, 12 buns and some jalapeno relish. BBQ on a grey early spring day! God, it's going to rain I can tell.


It's real easy to stretch out a day's event's, isn't it? Nice n' dull. Also my mate wanted me to get him some "Dodo Chesteze"... it's available over the counter but he was all "don't tell them it's for me! don't tell them you need it for any purpose OTHER than a chesty cough, ok?"... So when I got to the counter I was scanning all the bottles of pills and jars and shit behind the lady. I've got my "I look shifty! Don't mug me!" hoodie on, which probably didn't help. After a bit of scanning I noticed the lady was staring at me, and probably had been all this time. So I said to her "have you got any doodoo Chesteze? Doh doh chesteze? I dunno how to pronounce it--" and she snaps "None in stock," stabbing a hole in my back with her ill-conceived blaring gaze as I left the shop.


+1 for reading.

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Good day today :D


Just had a driving lesson which i did everything perfect in :D He also said that i should put in for the Pratical test as i can drive well, i just need to polish off the maneuvers and stuff. So i'm happy :D


(Thats right, 3x:D)


woo, I'm catching you now, I hav my thory booked for the 29th april :yay: finally, so hopefully I'll just make the end of may for my driving test :) .


Other news I was waiting for the bus and the guy looked right at me and whizzed right past, I was kicking and screaming for a good ten minutes, then got on a bus that I thought went half way home, but it went the weirdest route ever and scared the crap out of me! It's a mini bus one, so it's basically an oap bus but everyone's allowed on it, got me to my joining bus ten minutes early and it was really cheap, so that's another way home for steph!

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This is the best week ever. First kinky stuff and now this.


My mum just came home from court today with my sister. She's FINALLY been sent down. It's been four years coming, and today it finally happened. She got 3 and a half months in Durham prison. She was on a suspended sentence and did something else wrong so they just finally got fed up with it.


I literally couldn't be happier. It's come at the best time too, during my exams. No more arguments, no more house trashing and my parents will be able to have a conversation without arguing about her.


I hope this finally gets her to sort her life out. I couldn't care less what she does personally, but it would be nice if she'd get sorted out to make my parents happy at least.

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