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Ahhh wot!? Stats? You gotta be frackin' kidding me!


At least mechanics doesn't LIE! Stats is a mathematical convenience, devised by man so that they can prove the unproveable. Mechanics is designed by nature, so it works!

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My day got epic after finding out my 2/3 working day old ISA has gone up £40. Woot.


What? How much have you got in there? I'd think about getting a morgage based on the interest alone! Christ...

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Ellmeister, have you tried ebay.


the Ti-83 should be enough for A-Level, all the TI-8*'s are built like tanks. SO buying 2nd hand isn't a problem.


My TI-89 has been dropped billions of times and not even the screen is cracked.

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Too much coffee and lots of hard work that has been put into my dissertation that needs to be handed in by 4pm tomorrow. I'm mostly done, going through referencing it all and making it make sense. . . hopefully it wont take till beyond 12am . . . wish me luck.

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It's the nominations for "Head boy" and "Head Girl" tomorrow. I've managed to get my best mate loads of nominations, so I hope he gets it. Loads of my mates are voting me too, even though I told them not too. I'd be terrible. As long as the know it all guy in our year doesn't get it, or any of the plastics then I'm happy.

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With your job I wouldn't want holidays :heh:


You say that but try playing FF:CC: My Life As a King solidly for a week, completing it four times, one time with utter completion and an SSS ranking on very hard, while sporadically having you saves erased because of the updated version of the game that needs to be checked doesn't recognise the saves! Added to the fact that the first two times my saves got wiped it was completely unnecessary, it was just the project manager not realising what he was doing and forcing me to start again from scratch destroying 3 days of play. :p


I love my job but I definitely need my breaks. :heh:

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I have a graphical but I bought it from WHSMITHS =[ Stupid mistake. Now I plan on ordering a better one, but don't have any idea where to get a cheap one since they all look so expensive and money is a bit tight at the moment =/


I prefer working out questions, because at least I know the answer to them usually :p STATS FTW! Mechanics = majorly rubbish.


My school got a load of unused ones that had been refurbished (the batteries had died so they had to be replaced). So I got a Casio one for £22.

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Guest Stefkov

Stayed late in college. Drew a few figures and coloured them in, this is the process of getting work done which should have been done earlier. Got home and it's same old same old.

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Well I watched a bunch of Steve-o "don't try this at home", and the third instalment is a trifle worrying. He's in rehab at the mo and it doesn't really surprise me. Crazy shizzles indeed. What else? Erm... Ate a pack of crisps? I dunno. Gonna go to the shop and get a bunch of booze and maybe play RE2 for a few hours. I want to kick back and watch a tv series, like x-files season 2, or sopranos season 2, or the last 10 minutes of the last 4 episodes of Sarah Connor that I've not seen, or even the last several eps of Dexter but NO my internet connection BLOWS, and I'm too lazy to run around looking for a rental shop. I should seriously open one. How hard could it be?


I do have the first three episodes of season 3 of x-files all ready to go... but that's just wrong.

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Didn't end the way I hoped. Presumably, because it was never going to, but I blame it on a third-party's presence.


Other than that fine. Finally had a conversation with housemates (well, two of them) rather than a passing "hi".

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I've been at work for the afternoon, then came home and have somehow killed 5 hours with a lack of productivity, though to be fair a couple of those were spent learning to dismantle a gamecube, in preparation for doing so in attempts of a mod job! Anyone out there ever done anything in the way of console modding, or know their paints, or even their electrics? Cos if you do, I'd quite like you to pop along to tapedeck's thread in the Gamecube board :P


I think I might actually go to sleep now, being up all night playing LoTR Risk on monday seems to be catching up with me.


I prefer working out questions, because at least I know the answer to them usually :p STATS FTW! Mechanics = majorly rubbish.


Haha, I was totally the opposite! Hated stats but breezed through mechanics(in a 100% sort of way :heh:), wish we'd done M2 instead of S2, probably woulda gotten an A overall :(

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Guest bluey


crap crap crap!!!!

i:m sat in a little internet cafe in shibuya after a paniced train jourey in the wrong direction to a school i:m supposed to be teaching at at 3pm... i didnt know i was supposed to be TEACHING today so i turned up at HQ with just a pen! a single PEN!


oh god!

im unprepeared and nervous as hell and this keyboard has a weird gummy protector thingy over the keypad so my typing is all over tha lplace! gwaaaah! :( i hope i can do this!! im going to try my best! i need some food!!! i gotta goooooo!!!


urgh: side note: it:s SO weird not having a smoking ban here... the couple next to me just lit up

.......*passive smokes* ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaah slightly calmer.... :indeed:



NOT! :cry: :cry: :red:

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I have not slept for 40 hours and Super Smash Bros. Brawl is beginning to leak into my vision. I have 32 hours until the final, final deadline for my overdue essay and I have no written a word of it. But I must sleep, for the love of christ I must sleep.


Also, in my sleep deprived haze I erased my beard from my face and now look around about 20 years younger... which would now make me some kind of dumpster baby. I must grow the beard back, or at least a remnant of it as quickly is as humanly plausible.


EDIT: Did I type that with one hand??

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