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haha :P I'm not a grammar nazi - more of a volunteer. One of the 'Baby Hitlers', or something. I just want to raise awareness of miscommunication, and spread the love of understanding... ;)


Police away at my posts,feel free :)


311 words! 2,200 to go! Essay plan AWESOMENESS!


EDIT: SADNESS... JSTOR (online resource choc-a-bloc with journal articles) is simply not loading anymore. Whee free break!

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haha :P I'm not a grammar nazi - more of a volunteer. One of the 'Baby Hitlers', or something. I just want to raise awareness of miscommunication, and spread the love of understanding... ;)


Police away at my posts,feel free :)


311 words! 2,200 to go! Essay plan AWESOMENESS!


EDIT: SADNESS... JSTOR (online resource choc-a-bloc with journal articles) is simply not loading anymore. Whee free break!



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(Well spoken) Dyson made a thread with teh naughties? Hmmm...something just isn't right. Someone put you upto this and Im going to find out who.


I went to a "party" yesterday. The burgers were awesome...the screaming children playing Ben10, and "Stand in front of the TV when YBF and TV Burp are on" not so much.

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Guest Stefkov
You missed out my dear Stefkov. :p


haha :P I'm not a grammar nazi - more of a volunteer. One of the 'Baby Hitlers', or something. I just want to raise awareness of miscommunication, and spread the love of understanding... ;)



My day turned bad after finding out some of the scores from the weekend.

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After working on/staring at my school assignments all day (till 00:30), I decided to say "fuck you school!" and just stopped working on it. Won't make any decent progress on it anyway. Just means I'll have to listen to the teachers whine at me tomorrow (hate presentations in front of the whole class, where the other students even get to comment on your work >.<; ).


So before bed, I'm going to watch another X-files episode. Seems a bloody one (I think).


Yah I'd basically seen like 3 episodes ever before I watched season one and now I most definitely want to watch it ALL. I think I've seen the movie already, though. Friend's said she can get season 2 for me soon (as she gave them to her mum for a present and now she's borrowing them from her :P) but once that's done... well I have no idea what I'm going to do. Might actually have to RENT them!!

If you lived anywhere nearby me, I'd let you watch all of mine, since I got all seasons here, waiting to be watched. Or you know, watch them together and stuff, always fun. But alas, you don't live nearby so you probably should rent them. =P


Ah what I wouldn't give for some friends who would want to play games with me and watch my silly shows...

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If you're on about what I wrote. I had like a few hours sleep last night and I've just had small amounts of sleep the past few days. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn.


Gone with the wind joke at your end of your post. :p

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After working on/staring at my school assignments all day (till 00:30), I decided to say "fuck you school!" and just stopped working on it. Won't make any decent progress on it anyway. Just means I'll have to listen to the teachers whine at me tomorrow (hate presentations in front of the whole class, where the other students even get to comment on your work >.<; ).


So before bed, I'm going to watch another X-files episode. Seems a bloody one (I think).



If you lived anywhere nearby me, I'd let you watch all of mine, since I got all seasons here, waiting to be watched. Or you know, watch them together and stuff, always fun. But alas, you don't live nearby so you probably should rent them. =P


Ah what I wouldn't give for some friends who would want to play games with me and watch my silly shows...


Well it's nearly midnight and I'm just about... a fifth of the way through my essay. It's due in... 17 hours so I can't really call it a night :P


The amount of times I've just dreamed of the world being rearranged so everyone on here lived in teh same city block. That would be beyond awesome.


And hey - it currently takes me about 4 weeks to download a full season of something, so if at some point I can scrape the money together to go to Holland then I will take you up on that *thumbs up*


Gone in the wind joke at your end of your post. :p


Gone With The Wind.


See that's not grammar, that's the work of the Understanding Police. Working title, seeing as it's not a very self-explanatory one.


1,984 words to GO! C'mon this essay is totally going to be doubleplus good...

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2,350 words! I rock. Only taken me like 14 hours straight. Been doing like 10 min essay sessions followed by up to 2-hour breaks playing chess and go on facebook... Man this is the dumbest things i've ever done. Been making sure I don't finish too quick, otherwise I'll fall asleep and miss the deadline. Somehow I'm gonna go get pissed afterwards. Probably three pints and I'll be out like a baby. God bless america.

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Well done Jay, you're almost there!


The amount of times I've just dreamed of the world being rearranged so everyone on here lived in teh same city block. That would be beyond awesome.


And hey - it currently takes me about 4 weeks to download a full season of something, so if at some point I can scrape the money together to go to Holland then I will take you up on that *thumbs up*


Us all living on the same city block would be cool... I think. There'd be an awful lot of guys then though, and way too few girls!


And eh, I don't live in Holland? X3

Unless you plan to go to Holland and then drop by here on the way there or something...



Anyway, school = fail!

3 more months until it's over. @___@;

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Well done Jay, you're almost there!




Us all living on the same city block would be cool... I think. There'd be an awful lot of guys then though, and way too few girls!


And eh, I don't live in Holland? X3

Unless you plan to go to Holland and then drop by here on the way there or something...



Anyway, school = fail!

3 more months until it's over. @___@;

yeah sorry, belgianesishion. Whaaat? I've been awake for far too many hours. If I succeed in becoming magnificently well-off enough to afford a holiday I plan on touring a bit of europe all on my lonesome for a few weeks next summer. If not next summer, then the summer after. I might indeed be seeing if anyone here would allow me to crash on their sofa for a few days (couchsurfing XD), thus only needing to afford transport and food :)


Fo shiz. I wannado.


As for the city-block thing; it's ok we can castrate the weird ones. *looks around suspiciously*

congrats on the essay Jay :) i only managed 600 words of mine yesterday :( not got to be in till the 16th though, im just trying to get it done before my birthday on the 12th :)


Thanks dude :) 600 words and it's not due in for a week? Dewd. Bad. I've just sent a shame-cloud to keep an eye on you for a few days because that's just not hardcore.


HALF NIENEN! I think I've had 9 cans of coke. I did have an epic tower but it fell over on me -- I did it nice and silently though. Felt like I was slow-mo godzilla in Tin Town.


Yeah so I've been wasting the last hour just generally surfing photos on facebook leaving comments on odd pictuurs here and there. I've also nattered to myself a wee bit. Hoping I didn't do it in the middle of my essay too, but I don't care enough to check.


Running out of things to say. Today is going to be awesome. I can feel it in my teeth. Under all this fur. Note to self: Brush.

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lols. decided to not be in the flat this morning as the flat is having an inspection (meh)..not just OUR flat though - all the block of flats for students is gettin inspected. ours is spotless..except for my flatmates stuff...


.. so im on the internet at this ungodly hour! i should be in my bed dreaming about shoes and mario kart and a nice hot shower



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5 weeks, 5 glorious weeks and then I never have to step foot on this campus again.


Oh noes grammar police, I'd get shot with all this missuse of your and you're. Days slow this morning but I get my maccies so that'll do.


misuse day's lolololol sorry.

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