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Did houseworkey stuff and researchey stuff which I had planned to, so its nice to do that. My friends are going out and im not in the mood but I may as I asked a friend round but hes busy. May just only go out for a few hours and not drink...who knows eh? Just staying in the house by myself makes me fear the pyscho.


Urgh. I need to find something or someone to do tonight.


And I need to stop insulting my friends. I mean nothing by it, its just im good with scathing insults. But I think its a few certain people are taking it seriously.

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hm so I did. Must have been tired as I forgot entirely.


well, it's awesome. To explain and answer Gaggle: She's a paranoid, vindictive mess with all sorts of disorders about herself and others that have lead her to cut off anyone who would be kind enough to help her (my entire family, for example) and deride them as scum. She seems to hate just about everything, including food and herself to the point of hospitalisation. She's basically trapped my brother alone without friends for as long as she can. He's had enough and thank fuck he's finally getting out.


Jesus.. He's definitely had a lucky escape so.

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Got my Computing Assignement all done including all the advanced stuff today after altering alot of my program so hopefully I can get that to go towards as 18/19/20% of my final grade. I honestly never expected to finish it.


Now I have 4 days off to do what I want and off on Mondays, which for me, is a huge pain Uni wise.

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HEre we go:


Tonight: Xbox Live and Brawl

Tomorrow: Xbox Live and Brawl. Possibly visit Camberley. Then work from 5:00-9:00.

Saturday: Work from 8:00-5:00.

Sunday: Chillax to the max.

Monday: Work from 10:00-2:30.


Then? 4 days of college, followed by two weeks off. Sw33t.

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Guest bluey


woke up at 5.30am (it's now 6am)


...yay for jetlag! it's not too bad though, i got a good solid 5 and a half hours sleep.. no caffeine today, tire myself out, early night and i'll be sorted :grin:


....still very much coming to terms with the fact that i live in tokyo....

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Hooray for iron!


Ashley: Stop bemoaning things. If you insult people, you can stop doing it yourself. You don't need to brag about it on a forum. "Oh, but i'm so fucked up aren't I! I'm an emotionless robot!"


Im not moaning about it. Was more of a self-reflective pondering. It was a part of my day, thus I feel it is justifiable. (and I was saying I should stop doing it anyway and nor was I bragging, the best way to brag about insulting would be to insult someone)


And I know im not fucked up, im just...young, going through what young people go through. I am, in large part, a happy-go-lucky kinda person. I let things wash over and potter on. What I post, and what everyone posts, is merely a small segment of theirselves. Sorry if I come across as self-deprecating, but I think you've grossly misintepreted me.


Aaaanyway. Curled up on the sofa making notes on Death Note and hoping the neighbour is getting pissed off that the fan in the bathroom is rattling due to the wind, as his room is apparently adjacent. I mean its not our fault, but the guy is hardly mister understanding. Oh and I've managed to arrange a drink up on Saturday with some people I haven't seen in ages, and going round a friends on Tuesday who I haven't seen since my birthday which should be nice. They're the only thing I miss about my hometown.

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Guest Jordan

I'm whoring up podcasts and video podcasts for my trip... but realising a small screen (like the one on my Zune 8) really ain't good for video. God damn, why didn't i spend £50 more and get an 80?! T_T

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Guest Stefkov
....still very much coming to terms with the fact that i live in tokyo....

I like those feelings of realisation. Waking up in a foreign country and just thinking wow I'm in Turkey.

But that's only staying 2 weeks. Staying for months sounds like it'll be a blast. Will you get any days off to go around Japan at all or will it be all teaching and whatnot.


Tonight I went to a friends and played Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. Tiring work that 100m dash. Forearms started to throb.

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Aaaanyway. Curled up on the sofa making notes on Death Note and hoping the neighbour is getting pissed off that the fan in the bathroom is rattling due to the wind, as his room is apparently adjacent. I mean its not our fault, but the guy is hardly mister understanding. Oh and I've managed to arrange a drink up on Saturday with some people I haven't seen in ages, and going round a friends on Tuesday who I haven't seen since my birthday which should be nice. They're the only thing I miss about my hometown.


Is that the same neighbour who is an ex-boxer and attempted to kill you a few days ago?

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I woke up. Downloaded the latest Lost ep. Was mildly disappointed with it. Went to check out theory sites and forums.

Nothing else planned for today so I''m telling myself I'm going to do something creative but in actuality it's likely I'll just spend my day F5ing a select few sites.

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I broke up yesterday for my easter break and went out for lunch! :D


Then in the evening i went out again with my family to celebrate my Mums irthday and i had a delicious Chicken Kebab. :grin:


I'm annoyed as i only just woke up really and it is the latest i have slept in and i feel like i have wasted half my day!

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Oh my god. My night was the absolute shit. London has a great atmosphere about it when partying. Ahhh it was amazing. So many fucking lulztastic things happened.


Hilights ;


My mate pushing my other mate over, then him in pain, and us all getting on the floor with him attempting to take a photo then a dog being on the screen of my phone.


The mate that got pushed over falling into a ditch! Next to where my other mate was pissing.


Unfortunately one of my other mates got punched! Ugh! We weren't there at the time.


So. Awesome.

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Yesterday was a year since one of my best mates died. I went down the pub with my friends and drank for like 9 hours then had a curry at 11. Suprisingly I wasn't too wasted. Yes I was drunk but a good drunk. Was a good day. Unreal a year has passed already.


Today I have just been lazing around. Gonna go play poker at 3. :D

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