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How was my day? Went ok, arguments over politics in politics and a teacher that sits in his little world going off on any old tangent and apologises for giving a class member a bad grade


"i'm sorry i had to give you an X- but you haven't done the work and yeh, i'm sorry i had to do it"

"no no, it's fine, i didn't do the work so the X- is justified"

"I'm still sorry"


Also its got a lot better because i noticed where the cat is in the no more heroes banner and i laughed, too much.

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Stinging, burning, whatever.

Still, managed to stick out the whole 90 minutes and washed it all off, came out pretty well, still a little orange in places, but I'll be dying it red tomorrow so that doesn't really matter.


B blonde bleach always stings/itches/burns like a bastard. It removes all evidence of natural colour in your hair so has to be pretty strong.



Was my mum's last day in the office today. She took a marker and wrote "Rose was here xxx" in huge writing on the office wall. The boss is going to throw a mental fit :yay:

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How was my day? Went ok, arguments over politics in politics and a teacher that sits in his little world going off on any old tangent and apologises for giving a class member a bad grade


"i'm sorry i had to give you an X- but you haven't done the work and yeh, i'm sorry i had to do it"

"no no, it's fine, i didn't do the work so the X- is justified"

"I'm still sorry"


Also its got a lot better because i noticed where the cat is in the no more heroes banner and i laughed, too much.


Haha I didn't notice that. Whoever made it deserves much praise.

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We had action day today, which basically means we do special activities as opposed to the usual timetable.







We had sport, target setting and study skills. All extremely boring. Still, now I have five days off in a row. And my half term doesn't begin until a few weeks.


Fucking yes.

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B blonde bleach always stings/itches/burns like a bastard. It removes all evidence of natural colour in your hair so has to be pretty strong.


Maybe I should have left it on a bit longer, it's still quite yellow now the hairs dry. Still got 3 sachets of bleach and 1 bottle of peroxide left anyway, so I can always do it again sometime.

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Just found out my brother is leaving his fucking psycho of a Girlfriend and coming on holiday with us to Hong Kong in a few weeks.


Fucking Yes.

What kind of psycho? Steam cooked house pets, midnight penis amputation or pouring hydrcloric acid on percieved emotional rivals?

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What a waste of fucking time.


Just got back from my 'Mature' English GCSE, spent all of the two hours apart from ten minutes, either sitting in the canteen whilke other people rehearsed their drama, or watching the others perform. The ten minutes of usefullness was doing the 'group interaction', which I got an E on !_!

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My day has been great! :) Didn't do much (any) work and got to watch Apocalypse Now in English!:D


Also Cross country wasn't too bad though i felt very faint afterwards!


I came 150 out 176! Woo i beat 26 people. :yay: That was enough exercise for the year! :heh:


Then this evening was the schools spring concert which was good!


I break up tomorrow for 3 Weeks so YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!

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My day has been great! :) Didn't do much (any) work and got to watch Apocalypse Now in English!:D


Also Cross country wasn't too bad though i felt very faint afterwards!


I came 150 out 176! Woo i beat 26 people. :yay: That was enough exercise for the year! :heh:


Then this evening was the schools spring concert which was good!


I break up tomorrow for 3 Weeks so YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!


Haha, awesome! I cam eighth on my last 6th form one. Yay!


I broke up too, but only for 2 weeks! Nooo!




Can't wait for tomorrow, going to york with some mates for a good old laugh and to go in search of an awesome t-shirt. Then a meal at the cantoneise (sp?) restraunt at eight with a big group. Should be brilliant!:yay:

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Guest Stefkov

What's with everyone breaking up today for their Easter holidays. I've still got another day. I say day I mean hour and 50 minutes but still.

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What's with everyone breaking up today for their Easter holidays. I've still got another day. I say day I mean hour and 50 minutes but still.


Maundy thursday. Some people get it off, some people get half day, some people have to go work/uni/college/school still.

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What's with everyone breaking up today for their Easter holidays. I've still got another day. I say day I mean hour and 50 minutes but still.


I don't even get Friday off; 6 hours of lectures then still (till 5:30). So don't complain. =P


I was silly and said I would go into work on Easter Monday. Oh well, extra money is always good, means I can buy more CDs/games.

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I broke up ages ago (this is my second week) but thats uni for you eh?


Day was alright. Got woken up at 9.15 by postman with Freeloader (yay) and four books I ordered. Lay in bed for a while. Have spent about 7 hours playing Smash Brothers and now feel like ive wasted my day a bit.


Got myself all sorted though. Sat-Weds morn at parents. Sat and Monday night going out. Spending all day on Monday in Nero writing an assignment. Tuesday im going to try and see my friends. Sunday is going to be a bit of a bore though, trapped in the house with my family. Then Weds-Sunday is a magical mystery tour!

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I'm well tired. Went to the central library today, it was awesome, just sat there attempting to look sophisticated with my cup of hot chocolate and copy of...Dubliners.


Excited that my mates are coming back to Manc from uni for easter, which should result in no small amount of pwnage.

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Guest Jordan

I don't get any easter, at all. No really. I have to work all bank holidays, i just get them as days later in the year. Kinda sucks that i'm the only one in though...


Also, i'm highly addicted to Brawl. Played like... 5 hours in a day.

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I "break up" today! WHOOO! Easter rocks!


Im going to London today *partying* with loads of HBOS employees. All the big cheeses from London and shit. Should be super sweet. Then tomorrow Im going out for lunch and probably cinema with my best mateys, then Saturday and Claire and mines 3 year anniversary, we're going to London on the MILLENIUM WHEEL and shopping, then Sunday Im seeing my sis, going for a meal, then Monday possibly cinema/nothing.

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Guest Jordan

For me:

Friday = work

Saturday = do fuck all, play smash bros

Sunday = go swimming

Monday = work


Joy oh joy.


Thankfully, this time next week at 5pm i'll be on holiday for 16 days. I can't fucking wait...

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