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Tonight make me unstopable and I will charm, I will slice, I will dazzle, I will outshine all.


So day was average. Train was cancelled thus I had to cancel my hair appointment which was a bitch. But I popped into work to show my face as the regional manager was there. Then went and saw my mom. Came back and half watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang while drinking. Now getting ready to go out and im not sure who I want to sleep with

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Our tutor told us to purchase lots of decent and decently-priced alcohol for a gallery gig that was happening tonight. Then he abandoned us, so we went to the pub next door and played pool. I didn't go to the gallery in the end. Still going to the Blake night on Wednesday though. I think I'll go as mesmerist or god. Flour will be involved. Also I reckon I could right a pretty awesome/shite Road Rovers movie. Man, the ninties were were really, really gay. And I mean gay as in homosexual. Which made them awesome.

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Bad start to my day. I kept waking up last night, thinking it was time to get up when it wasn't. Then when I -did- have to get up I couldn't and so I woke up almost half an hour too late, feeling deadly tired. Had to skip my shower (though I did wash my hair) and rush to get ready. In the process I forgot to put my lunch in my bag, so I'm without food now. =(

*hopes she has money with her to buy something...*


And I now have four hours of model drawing ahead of me. Not easy when you're tired and they have you draw in weird ways with for example pencils attached to sticks and using your left hand or whatever.

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My day yesterday was meh. Morning was spent trying to do coursework but not getting much done because what I have to do is bloody impossible.

In the afternoon I probably had my best driving lesson so far. Did everything perfect apart from one crap parallel park.

The evening was spent having epic group convos on msn with my mates.

Today will be spent trying to do coursework. Urgh.

1 more day of hell to endure until I can see her.

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I have serious bags under my eyes this morning, i need to stop going to sleep at 11 30 and getting up at 7.


Eh, that sounds like lots of sleep to me though (you're close to 8 hours, which is supposed to be what you should sleep at night). I'm usually in bed at or an hour after midnight and get up between 6:30 and 7 (except for on busy days, then I sleep a lot less). I can survive with this but I would love some more sleep.


Anyway, this morning the firealarm went off right before class. Was more annoying than anything else.

And again we had to draw with pencils (or whatever medium) attached to long sticks in our model drawing class. Not fun. And the model kept falling asleep...


Three hours of Illustration ahead of me now. Should be okay I hope.

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Eh, that sounds like lots of sleep to me though (you're close to 8 hours, which is supposed to be what you should sleep at night). I'm usually in bed at or an hour after midnight and get up between 6:30 and 7 (except for on busy days, then I sleep a lot less). I can survive with this but I would love some more sleep.


That's what I thought... I've had around 6 hours sleep the last two nights.


Spent about 5 hours in the library checking out journals for my essay, and today I've got to go through these three books to finish up herding quotes, then I'll squeeze a plan out and... then start work on another short story. Let's hope it's all done in time. Spoke to a couple of other people on my course who haven't even started the essay yet, so I think i'm doing well.

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How the hell do you accidently buy something?


Trip into the store, fly across it infact. Accidently grabbing the game, your money flys out your pocket and lands on the counter as you stumble back out again?

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How the hell do you accidently buy something?


Trip into the store, fly across it infact. Accidently grabbing the game, your money flys out your pocket and lands on the counter as you stumble back out again?


Ill have you know they were stacked at the entrance....but yes the other events you described were fairly accurate.

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Eh, that sounds like lots of sleep to me though (you're close to 8 hours, which is supposed to be what you should sleep at night). I'm usually in bed at or an hour after midnight and get up between 6:30 and 7 (except for on busy days, then I sleep a lot less). I can survive with this but I would love some more sleep.


Anyway, this morning the firealarm went off right before class. Was more annoying than anything else.

And again we had to draw with pencils (or whatever medium) attached to long sticks in our model drawing class. Not fun. And the model kept falling asleep...


Three hours of Illustration ahead of me now. Should be okay I hope.


I reckon it's being woken up by the alarm all the time. I'm not getting the amount of sleep i woukd have if it was off (so not as much as my body wants).


That's my thesis...

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Yesterday was fucking awesome.


Still seeing a guy after a month, which is a minor miracle considering how busy we both have been, went round the christmas markets in Manchester, drank some mauld wine (however you spell the delicious nectar), ate some crepes and some chocolate covered fruit-yummy!!! Then went home, let the fella play Mario Galaxy then went to bed :D T'was a rather fun night.


Today-Japanese revision, much Hotel Chocolat chocolate eating, domestic stuff, and prep for this interview meeting thing i have tomorrow, which i hope goes well so i can get a summer placement doing bio research stuff ^_^

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Guest Stefkov

Today I got woken by loads of shouts aimed at my direction to remind people of things and stuff. Stupid really, I'll never remember.

I watched highlights of Liverpool thrashing Besiktas while I ate breakfasté.

Watched as my computer failed to conect to the internet. I was hoping it would sort out while I slept but it seems it was a Greater Manchester wide problem. Watched a few episodes of Air Gear. Played a bit of Guitar Hero. Went to the toilet then went to college. Had a laugh in Photography calling people rapists, a guy telling me of a song about Madeline McCann...however you spell it I don't care.

Then I came home and the fun started..

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Wow, Takeo you're still alive!




I faced the peruvian rapids, the saharan desert and a bunch of Japanese cannibals in my time away but i made it through ^_^


Now the only thing standing between me and Mario Galaxy play-age is a mountain of uni work and too little time . . . fuck, it sucks to be me!


(props to anyone who can identify the song i referenced in this post :p)

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Lol...I was about to apply at Bath...but then I realised that they don't actually do an Eng lit course :heh:.


What and where you applying for mate?


Civil engineering at Bristol, Surrey, Edinburgh and Loughborough (and Bath, but fuck 'em).



EDIT:Oh wank, fuck fuck fuck, that's not fair. :(


My Surrey interview is the same day as my physics retakes! Ahh!

Bugger. :blank:


I've rang the admissions tutor and requested a different date.

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