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Wow, the fun of this new bathroom being built just keeps on coming. It now turns out that the last box of tiles had 11 of a different shade in, with the correct colour on top. This wasnt noticed by the builders when they put them on the wall, or by us when we checked to see how the bathroom was doing many times. Its only now been noticed, days after the tiles were put up so now the dodgy tiles are coming down and B&Q are getting a bollocking.

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Good for you, gizmo :) Next date do something more active, like bowling or - even better - tell her you really need a new [item of clothing], and want her to help. She'll love dressing you up :P


I likes this second plan, we shall see.

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you can actually get your marks knocked by being anti-social.

Wow, that's pretty crazy, and much as it's extremely unpleasant to play loud music the whole time (I had fun last year living under a guy who played the same song at 3am every night), I'm not sure that's the appropriate punishment. Surely it's only the case at some universities?

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Yeah I've never heard of that before.


I prefer my method of looking like a mean skin head and knocking on her door.


The next time it happens I'm actually going to complain to the landlord and mention that she's hot-boxing her flat.

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Wow, that's pretty crazy, and much as it's extremely unpleasant to play loud music the whole time (I had fun last year living under a guy who played the same song at 3am every night), I'm not sure that's the appropriate punishment. Surely it's only the case at some universities?


Well I know if you go to the communities student in sheffield hallam hubs you can report a neighbour, few times of this happening you can get kicked out of uni.




Bit like the guy who peed on the memorial.

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Something which I have been pondering, in the Fresh Prince when you see Carlton dancing occasionally, he does this thing where he holds his belt up and bellows. I thought this was from a Michael Jackson video, as his dancing at the time is inspired by him. Is it from an MJ video?



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Missed my J/C appointment today due to the flipping DWP on behalf of the J/C calling me up at 9:55am and giving me a phone survey of the service i get being a Job Seeker. 35 minutes on the phone. Arghh.


On the plus side, this stinking artic weather moves back north this week bringing the weather we should have had back north. Apparantly got the last of the heavy snow coming tomorrow and into Wednesday moving north bringing behind the rain from Spain and the plus temperatures. Ok, still single figures but mid to high singles. Expect floods with the melting snow.


Looked further along Europe, Crete has been having 30+ degree weather.

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Or http://www.7dayshop.co.uk/


More portfolio stuff. Spliced with new TV. Got a text off a friend saying she may be able to get me another (cash in hand) wedding so I've had to set up another portfolio. Thankfully this one is easier. The website is all in place, just uploading images. Tiredpants though. Need to do some stuff other than life drawings for this first 'folio but nothing is coming to me. I have an idea that I'm storyboarding and doing character designs but its based on animals. Did some cat facial expressions earlier but it just seems "I LIEK CATS!" Hmph.


And for anyone wondering; award results will be some point later in the week. Weds-Fri?

Edited by Ashley
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Stayed up till 3 doing work I didn't even really have to do for today, but obviously good that I did. (it would only have been for tomorrow in any case)


First day back at college, went quickly, just did 2 life drawings, and talked to my tutor about my digital portfolio for ECA.


Got to start some real work in rejigging my Tracey Emin essay. Ugly bitch.

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Guest Captain Falcon


I can't drink after tonight until friday. So do I go and buy a couple of litres of cider? Or do I skip it for today, and wait 'til I run out of tobacco (tomorrow!) and invest in those instead -- exam soon so I may need the nicotine...


So I take it skipping both isn't an option? You don't have the live up to your reputation all the time you know.

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Wtf chairdriver! Lol, no. Being sober around drunk people is, contrary to popular belief, not an entirely novel concept to me. The only way it's stunning is to the conversation, which pratically grows tumbleweeds and pisses off.


MELODRAMA! Yeah, it's not that bad, but not particularly divulgant enough an experience to bother with.


I can only get alcohol easily for another 13 mins and my mind isn't made up enough so I'll just wait 'til tomorrow.

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first day at new job. bassicly, im going to take calls for people whos baggage has gone missing with BA. its going to last 2 weeks. i have two weeks of being shouted at ahead.


still, not all bad, theres a nice girl there, looks kinda like a female jay from the inbetweeners, but in a realy hot way.


my day was made furtherly shite by having to walk home in the ice, and finding out bayonetta had still not arrived. see, this is why we called you dicks for striking royal mail. if you actualy delivered my post on time, id happily pay a little more for stamps.

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Meh, house is yack, anyway, tv bolted to wall got stolen yesterday. Fun times. It could have been alot worse, given there were two people in the house.


Today I've got this massively empty feeling going on, my room feels massive, but it still has the same crap it usually does..


Was supposed to go out tonight but I can barely keep my eyes open, I imagine until the 20th life in sheffield is going to be boring, hardly any of my mates are back.. :(

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first day at new job. bassicly, im going to take calls for people whos baggage has gone missing with BA. its going to last 2 weeks. i have two weeks of being shouted at ahead.


still, not all bad, theres a nice girl there, looks kinda like a female jay from the inbetweeners, but in a realy hot way.


my day was made furtherly shite by having to walk home in the ice, and finding out bayonetta had still not arrived. see, this is why we called you dicks for striking royal mail. if you actualy delivered my post on time, id happily pay a little more for stamps.


Good luck with the job dude. Sounds like it'll be stressful, but look at it this way, you're already a tenth (or fourteenth) of the way through. :)


And Bayonetta didn't arrive for me either. Bit odd as we have had post, and Game supposedly sent it on Wednesday. Meh.


Also havn't received Family Guy SW2 from Play that was sent 30th. Bit annoying, as I don't have problems often with post.




Ugh I like Glee. Hate.

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