Happenstance Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Still got this really annoying chesty cough, has gotten worse today. Other than that ive been watching Farscape again all day and hoping that Uncharted 2 would be dispatched......it wasnt
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 (edited) Shitballs. If only there were some sort of long haired attractive dudemeister to take his place. You know, someone who would travel half way across the country, watch someone shit in a layby and sleep bolt upright in the most impractical car possible in order to go to various other theme parks. Oh well, guess your trip is fucked. Have fun. But I don't know any sort of long hair attractive dudemeisters. If you can make it you're moar than welcome. Well today was....well it was Monday, but I suppose it didn't go too badly. Started the character design for my Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Online Comic. Whats the black guys name? He's muscley (ridiculously) and hench in my version. Gotta add some personality into it. Been trying to persuade Mollymon to come to see Zombieland tomorrow with me, on account of would rather not watch it on my own. Anyone who seen it help me persuade her? (by telling her its good!) Edited October 12, 2009 by ReZourceman
Roostophe Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Calm down dear, it's just a comment... Ross don't worry, I'm sure Jay was referring to the differences between the two standard kits that you get with the games and tbf I'd probably agree - apart from the pedal because that slides around on the floor - but yeah the ION kit is in a league of its own I'm sure and so it should be for the amount it costs I'd love to own one, maybe one day... And so was what I said. I should never be taken seriously at 3:43am. :wink: Ooh, and don't call me that out here. This isn't the Super-Ultra Hidden Forum for Special Members, aka the Staff Forum. Things aren't as personal out here around these loser black-name members. ... Yeah mate, you really need to, y'know, realise it's only a game Never. Trying to break into the top 100 drum highscores for Hello Goodbye on Beatles RB isn't something to take lightly. I know I can do better than 20th in the world on Yellow Submarine guitar. I know I can.
S.C.G Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 And so was what I said. I should never be taken seriously at 3:43am. :wink: Ooh, and don't call me that out here. This isn't the Super-Ultra Hidden Forum for Special Members, aka the Staff Forum. Things aren't as personal out here around these loser black-name members. Duly noted...
Ganepark32 Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Glad I don't have a gun otherwise my brains would be getting scrapped off of one of the lecture halls at my Uni. My psychology lecture was that bad. The lecturer was so unsure of what she was supposed to be teaching that she just waffled on for an hour and side stepping questions because she couldn't answer them. Got her again tomorrow so think I may take my portable DVD player or laptop and just sit and watch something. Think I'll open some beers and try and erase that memory from today's happenings. Other than that, yeh it's been a mediocre day with the highlight being talking to some random old person waiting at the bus stop in the morning. Kind of glad next week has been declared a reading week so I don't have any lectures or tutorials, although I have to go in next monday afternoon for a practical but still, it'll be nice to get a break for a week or so.
Goafer Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 But I don't know any sort of long hair attractive dudemeisters. If you can make it you're moar than welcome. OK, I'll admit. I'm more bodacious than attractive. I'm kidding anyway. I can't afford it. I need to find a replacement Scirocco (car) and awesomeise it.
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 OK, I'll admit. I'm more bodacious than attractive. I'm kidding anyway. I can't afford it. I need to find a replacement Scirocco (car) and awesomeise it. I found something on ebay about half an hour ago and was like "Oh....my....sweet....lord." My car will be getting potentially MEGA awesomer soon. We'll see. I'm not telling anyone what it is until I've done it though.
Happenstance Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 I found something on ebay about half an hour ago and was like "Oh....my....sweet....lord." My car will be getting potentially MEGA awesomer soon. We'll see. I'm not telling anyone what it is until I've done it though. I was wondering what that facebook status update was about.
jayseven Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Slaggis; Hope you feel less down soon. TV marathons are a nice way to avoid reality, and I for one used to basically strap myself in for the day/night and hope that by the time I'd run out of distractions, I would feel different, if not better. Oftentimes that would be the case, or another distraction (social or otherwise) would take its place. Your trip will be good fun! I think the interesting thing will be how you feel when your train rolls back into Sheffield after it's all over. -- As for my day -- apparently I missed a meeting with my presentation group at 2pm today... though I'm pretty certain I said I couldn't do today but could do tuesday. I am efficiently broadcasting myself as the idiot I seem to be, so really I need to do some hard-core reading and prep-work on wednesday to shock them back into respecting me. Newbs started at work, paying me mad respect for being all awesome. Or something. Well anyway, some of the middle-management are giving me testier things to do (tidy aisles... lol) that at least shows they trust me to not fuck up. They've also promised to train me on tills tomorrow, which ought to mean I'll keep the job. The manager also said she was impressed with something I said to her last week -- I noticed some of those army men-in-a-tub things that are in Toy Story, and said to her that the films are being re-released and it would be smart to get them on the shop floor. Initiative, innit? Also some bloke from the job centre came in while I was working to see me. They want to give me more money. He asked me how I got to work, and how much it was. I said "oh, between £1.40 and £2.80. It varies depending on the d--" "Let's just make it £3, eh?" "... Right. Sure! Er, th--" "And we can give you money for your lunches, too. Shall we say another £3 for that too?" "B--" "Ok, that's great. You'll get £60 into your account by thursday. Ta-ra!" ... Madness. Yeah ok so that's a pair of boring pargraphs... I am such a fuck-up, tbh. Managed to lose my letter from hospital about hearing aid. Also a kinda-crazy girl I know (to those in-the-know; Lil' Jen) just told me she loves me, and she's such a flirt I don't/can't take her seriously... but she's such a nut that I can't be sure. Best to just avoid that, methinks. Also I need a haircut. Anyone still reading who has any ideas? No? Darn. so...half 9 and in the library already. I Don't even have any classes till 12. Frak. Still, day is always improved by Hot Girl being in all my groups. Oh yus. I trademarked Hot Girl. Get your own term!
Shorty Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 today I had the most Mondayish Monday ever. Nearly fell asleep around midday. Spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out why my html wasn't working before realising I'd just missed out a hash symbol somewhere. Also I'm now driving home at sunset, which means soon I'll be driving home in the dark v_v I trademarked Hot Girl. Get your own term! Dude we trademarked Hot Girl at Uni remember? Your new Hot Girl is Hot Girl Deux.
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Wait...the job centre give you money for having a job now?! I need to be hitting that.
jayseven Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Ye speeks troofs. Hot Girl At Uni, Hot Girl At Work, and Dan's Moderately Attractive Tree Stump At Uni, then? In fact, I think I'll have to de-grade (oooh yeaaah) Hot Girl to just This Girl At Work, considering I have pledged my faith to her, but she has refused allegiance in return. Wait...the job centre give you money for having a job now?! I need to be hitting that. First two weeks of job was a 'work trial' that the 'centre got for me. I was essentially working for £3ish an hour that the 'centre paid me via the dole money.
Strider Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 [Moan] Shit day. As some of you may know i moved from UEA to Lincoln Uni after feeling that UEA wasn't the place for me. Well i've now realised that it wasn't the Uni that was the problem, but the course. Currently I'm doing computer science and in all honesty it is the most boring subject i've ever studied. Biology is/was my strong point at A level and i really wish i had followed this subject up at Uni. The problem is Lincoln doesn't do a Biology degree i want to do. I talked to a Uni adviser today who pretty much said that I lowered my expectations by transferring from UEA to Lincoln. He advised dropping out and reapplying next year, gaining experience throughout the year and finding out what i actually want to do. To be honest I'd prefer not to wait a year until i can start again, but i can't see any other option other than sticking it out on a course i don't like, which would be a huge waste of money and time. Basically i feel crap knowing that it's my own fault and i have to wait a year to start again. [/Moan]
Eddage Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 First day of college today... jesus fucking christ I have no idea what I'm doing! It's bad enough that I'm two weeks behind but I don't really have a clue about C++ and Visual Basic anyway (I did some stuff at AS about 6 years ago, but failed AS computing anyway ). I'm just gonna find some idiots guide or summit and try and teach myself to hopefully catch up! I reckon I'll be okay on the web design part of the course since I haven't actually missed any coding, just basic design rules, etc. Hopefully tomorrows classes will be a bit more... understandable. Also handed in my notice today at work, so for the next month (I've only been there 6 months and have to work a months notice, what happened to good ol' two weeks) I have to leave for college at 8:30 then straight to work, then get home at 8:30, then try to teach myself all this crap and catch up, as well as actually doing the work we're being set now... Fun times!
Wesley Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 How much is it to just go to the dentist with the NHS? I have a dentist appointment tomorrow for the first time on my own. I hate parting with cash.
Ashley Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Spoke to my sibling for the first time in just shy of two years...about the PS3 obviously. Also my mother's partner finally got back to me about sorting out her an extra day off so I could take her to Disneyland but now all the prices have gone up. Fuuuuuuuuck. Solved the mystery of what BR on my hand meant. Blu-Ray.
My Buttons are Magic! Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 completly fooked with uni! have to hand in a project proposal for thursday for my photography class. but i dont know what i want to photograph and when you do decide what you want to photograph you have to tie it in with some theory! if i could get some ideas off people that would be great cause im having a slight panic attack!
S.C.G Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 but i dont know what i want to photograph How about... ducks? *waits for people to mis-read as something rude* >.>
My Buttons are Magic! Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 How about... ducks? haha very funny :p... has to be something serious and theoretical -
S.C.G Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 haha very funny :p... has to be something serious and theoretical - Abstract structures?
S.C.G Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 say what? What? ... no but seriously... stuff like this...
Guest Stefkov Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 We can no longer be friends. Perhaps you can take solace in knowing that I hated my second module which actually made me doubt this course? ... To be honest I'd prefer not to wait a year until i can start again, but i can't see any other option other than sticking it out on a course i don't like, which would be a huge waste of money and time. Basically i feel crap knowing that it's my own fault and i have to wait a year to start again. [/Moan] Brother. We share the same feelings. Come. Hold me. Together we can get through this. Did you do 1 year and now this is your second year? Cos that's the same thing with me, except I changed course and not Uni.
Pookiablo Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 completly fooked with uni! have to hand in a project proposal for thursday for my photography class. but i dont know what i want to photograph and when you do decide what you want to photograph you have to tie it in with some theory! if i could get some ideas off people that would be great cause im having a slight panic attack! I was gonna suggest taking photographs of my good self (for I am divine...or not) but imagine that that probably wouldn't get you a very good mark...
Molly Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 Been trying to persuade Mollymon to come and see Zombieland with me tomorrow, on account of her infectious personality and timeless beauty. Fixed.
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