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Halo 3 is awsum


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Is there some kind of default option I can switch off where really crap don't constantly joining my team forcing me to get almost half the kills every game??


You can change the settings so you get matched with people closer to your level. But really the only way to do it is keep on playing and move up the ranks or go in with friends so there aren't any spaces in your team.

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I'm ranked 11 and I got dumped in a 3v3 with 2 people on 3.......


I'm probably going to get annoyed either way thinking about it. If I'm on a good team I'll get annoyed I didn't do the best and if I'm on a rubbish team I'll be annoyed I had to do most of the work!! There's no pleasing some people! :heh:


Edit: Just had an awesome match. This has to be the pick of the death animations! I call it the neck breaker!! :D



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  • 2 weeks later...
It's bloody annoying, isn't it? Rankings don't care if your team-mates quit out, if your team loses your team loses.


Just one of many I reasons I hate ranks, levels, gamer points and just about any other perceived numerical system to define a player's "skill" that's ever been added to any competitive game of any kind on any system, anywhere, ever.

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So far I have to say the Halo 3 campaign is better then I thought it would be, better then Halo 2 at any rate. Not that that would be a hard thing mind. There's a couple of nice set pieces which helps mix things up, but the whole thing still feels a bit constricted and skittish compared to the epic simplicity of the original. Cortana's really starting to piss me off too. In fact there's a lot of story, seemingly in a bid to emulate Half Life 2, but neither the script or the voice acting is good enough to justify itself. Also, why can't the earth forces be as intelligent as the Covenant? Being completely and utterly inebriated while at the wheel seems to have become mandatory military procedure in the 26th century.

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Also, why can't the earth forces be as intelligent as the Covenant? Being completely and utterly inebriated while at the wheel seems to have become mandatory military procedure in the 26th century.


I know, its a joke. At one point they all just stand around doing sod all except watch you take on a scarab one on one.

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im playing through this on legendary... slowly.. as im getting killed a lot. and somtimes i give up. Like in crows nest with that room filled with brutes.. startede the level over and this time around brought a turret from one of the other rooms.. and voila.. Yesterday i started on the Highway level and after a couple of tries brought down the first barrier.. inside the tunnel I left my warthog to do some snooping around.. bad idea.. I was suddently run over by the other warthog.. first i was furious.. but then I had to laugh.. I could see how they would have to "filter the news".. They probably wouldnt tell that Master Chief was run over and killed by some stupid grunt.. but something along the lines.. "Master chief was ambushed today by 10000 Brutes.. he managed to kill 9999 of them but was stabbed in the back by the last cowardly brute".. ahhh

And I like to use the turret a lot ind the back of the warthog.. but then some stupid grunt have to jump in and starte driving it around and getting us both killed or stuck somewhere... ha ha ha ha.. they could include som kind of wheel lock so that this wouldnt happen

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Dear god, I simply loathe this level where you're crawling around inside the Flood/Gravemind/Covenant Ship thing. Everything looks the same so you have no idea where you're going, and the wall hangers keep blowing me away from a distance while I'm too busy defending myself against the ground troops. There doesn't seem to be any sort of difficulty curve. The previous couple of levels I could have done in my sleep (unhelpful allies not withstanding), while the first three levels or so kicked my ass up and down the room until my cheeks had polished the floor to a mirror shine.

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been playing co-op legendary with Shorty last night. We did about two thirds of it, finding the first couple of levels easier than we did on heroic - I guess we just rock :P


Yeah, the cortana level does suck. When on heroic with shorty, I just ran though all the time - shorty died a bit, but when I got far enough he just warped to where I was. Definitely the worst level in teh game.

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argh.. im stuck.. on day 3 at that place in Tsavo Highway where you have to take out a "few" brutes and a Wraith.. on legendary.. its of course fun trying new approaches, and I already have a new plan I have to try out when i get home, but boy... it sure is tough

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Phew, finally finished (on heroic, anyway) None of the story made a lot of sense, there's no stable difficulty curve, AI seems a bit drunk and the final boss battle was farcical at best. On the plus side there are some nice set pieces and some entertaining levels, the vehicle combat is still engaging and the whole thing is technically and visually very well polished. Still, I get the impression that the campaign feels somewhat half finished, with humanity's last stand never really materialising as advertised. What happened to all the invading Covenant on Earth anyway?

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Finished on Legendary

SO what was that

:D looked like a planet, or a disk or something, with twinkly sci-fi lights, like the arc or the back of Halo. MENACING. I want Halo IV!


Also I want to get my gold membership back for some online-age and achievements.


Quick Q) Do you get the achievement for destroying a vehicle with 'equipment' by using a trip mine?

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