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Music, Games and Memories


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This is going to be either a bit hit or miss, but I'll give it a shot anyway.


Basically, do any of you attach music to certain games or memories. For example, Rock 'n' Roll Star by Oasis reminds me of my first run through of Majora's Mask, as I had that song on in the background whilst playing along to that game. Whenever I listen to that song, it reminds me of the fun days of the N64.


Also, City of Delusion by Muse reminds me of The Gerudo's Fortress in Ocarina of Time. The acoustic guitars, baby!

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Hmm i'm going to mention some bands but I doubt many of you know who they are. Rammstein reminds me of playing Halo on co-op mode with my mate as it was on in the background. I also get reminded of Soulfly when I play Smash bros because it was on in one of the best multiplayer matches i've had.

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hell yeah! i always listen to andrea bocelli when i'm playing diablo 2. it's been quite some time though. obviously the music in diablo 2 sucks ass. there is no specific reason for the andrea thing, guess i just picked him out the first time and stuck with it...


as for the rest, most games i play(ed) offer decent music and if the game is actually good the music becomes inseparable, so why listing to anything else? and even then, it is often impossible to turn off music on a game without turning of the sound effects. so you either play mute with music of your own choosing, or you play at volume and you get a mixed bag of shit.

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Don't listen to music whilst playing games, I find it annoying as it distracts from the game music/voice overs etc... and therefor the atmosphere.

Would much rather listen to the games music as I feel you get more absorbed in the game.


i dont listen regular music mush only game music for me thank you


What they said!

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Hmm, I really associate the games music with it and my memories of them get all knit together like that. I only tend to listen to music if I'm levelling up in something but even still, that doesnt replace the memory of the games actual music, if you know what I mean. Even in Excite Truck, although I used music from an SD Card, I never really have heard one of the songs since then and thought of Excite Truck.


Strangely though, and I was only after saying in the Paper Mario discussion, that I strongly associate the song Screenager by Muse to the desert level of that game. The clippidy-cloppidiness of the song just takes me back to that for some reason.

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Some of the songs on my SD card remind me of Excite Truck.




A very old Gorillaz album which I used to listen to alot reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia books.


Recovery by Funeral For A Friend reminds me of playing GvG's in Guild Wars, used to listen to it before the gates opened to pump me up a bit and get a bit of frenzyhealsigging going (people who played Guild Wars at least semi-competitively will get that :hehe: ) My guildies weren't that happy about it though, because I couldn't hear them on ventrillo:p

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The Shamen's En-Tact album reminds me of Super Mario World. Enigmas first album (MCXCAd whatever) reminds me of Super Castlevania 4. I never listened to the music while playing the games I just picture the levels when ever I hear certain songs. My mind is a pea soup of strangeness.

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Oh i know what you mean, and i know there are some, when i play certain games a song will pop in my head that i listened to while playing that game..

Can't think of any though =/


Oh no, Counter Strike Source reminds me of Panic! At the disco thanks to Ramar last summer.

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Great topic! My two are


Sexx Laws by beck. Just remember going round the wario course in N64 with that on repeat. Was great kart music... it has been transferred to the SD card for excite truck nowadays.


Also, leisure suit larry and every track on everything must go my the manics. Alt+tab into "cd player" back in the glory intel 486 days (i think)

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Guest Stefkov

When I was playing Animal Crossing on the cube I was into Razorlight.

Whenever I hear Golden Touch I always want to play some Animal Crossing.

When I used to play Guild Wars I had hellogoodbye playing, so I always remember this one bit on a bridge listening to touchdown turn around and call n return.

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When ever I think of playing Quake I remember listening to Alisha Attic whilst playing (Music in the first Quake was pretty much non existant, from what I remember). This always put me in a happy go lucky killing kind of mood :yay:

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I only associate music with games really because I sometimes like to daydream about what the film version would be like if I got a big Hollywood budget to make one.


The most common association would be Red Hot Herman remix of Dagula with the Starfox franchise. Fox & co are stranded on Lylat after a sudden invasion by a mysterious alien force destroys their operation. Key scenes include a bar shoot out, a crashing space liner, an Armada battle and Krystal diving from the top a crumbiling skyscraper and through several ceiling windows to save Fox.

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