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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Okay, my impressions:



Online is great

Some of the new tracks are pretty cool

Love the stunts

Love using the wheel

Ghost Valley 2



Too many babies

No Kamek

The Item Blocks take a fucking decade to re-appear

The Pow block is the worst/most annoying item from any video game ever

They picked the worst tracks from the N64 version, except one.

The AI is a real pain in the ass most of the time. RED SHELL BLUE SHELL LIGHTNING BOLT RED SHELL POW BLOCK RED SHELL...then you slip on a banana peel

The characters are always in a group and you can never get too far in front - one mistake and you're 12th.

Rainbow Road....sucks



I give it a 7.

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Guest Jordan

Did Mario Kart 64 have a restart race option? I can remember SMK and MK: SC having one.


But since DD it seems they've taken it out. Nothing is more frustrating than losing on the last corner of the last race and having to do the entire cup again just to get a stupid star rank :(

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Okay, my impressions:



Online is great

Some of the new tracks are pretty cool

Love the stunts

Love using the wheel

Ghost Valley 2



Too many babies

No Kamek

The Item Blocks take a fucking decade to re-appear

The Pow block is the worst/most annoying item from any video game ever

They picked the worst tracks from the N64 version, except one.

The AI is a real pain in the ass most of the time. RED SHELL BLUE SHELL LIGHTNING BOLT RED SHELL POW BLOCK RED SHELL...then you slip on a banana peel

The characters are always in a group and you can never get too far in front - one mistake and you're 12th.

Rainbow Road....sucks



I give it a 7.

Thats odd from one of your negatives...I always manage to get away from the group...

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i have to connfess, i hate the snes tracks. hate them. ghost vally 2 is mildly preferable but oh my go i hate them. getting a gold mushroom sucks, its near impossible to use it with out a total loss of controle. i can tollerate dk snowboard pass, the only outher track i dont like, due to the half pipe which id say was more of an honest mistake the a balls up in design. i do hate the cheap AI spamming weapons, but i should expect that in mario kart. obviouly i hate the pow, goes without saying that teasing you with the near un avoidable item is crule, that said, when i dodged one with a hop i felt mighty and awsome, specialy as it was online.


im very happy with the game, it was a good buy, and its faults are all minor compaired to its good points.

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Did Mario Kart 64 have a restart race option? I can remember SMK and MK: SC having one.


But since DD it seems they've taken it out. Nothing is more frustrating than losing on the last corner of the last race and having to do the entire cup again just to get a stupid star rank :(


Totally agree and yeah you had like 2-3 continues in the N64 version, cant remember if you did on the SNES.

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still no competitions? I'm eager to give them a go. Have the japanese had any competitions yet?


The competitions could be regional, or they could be global, meaning that it would be fairer to let the americans join in before they start rolling them out. Although in both cases it may be fairer to do this, i dunno.

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OK OK, this cheating AI on 150cc aint funny anymore, just 2 gold cups to get. Wish it would let you know in the first race that no matter how well you drive or how you battle against the cheating AI in the first races you are gonna get screwed over on the last lap of the last race anyway.

Otherwise, i love this game, as long as it is against human opponents lol.

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Ahh, just got my last gold on mirror mode this morning. Now I'm going to have a go at time trials before going back to get stars in the Grand Prix.


This is exactly where I am at (except I did the Time Trials last night) ..though getting the stars in 150cc and especially Mirror Mode seems almost an impossibility for me at the minute :hmm: I feel I will do 50cc and 100cc fine but the final unlockable character is going to be insanely hard to get due to the amount of luck involved.. I struggled to get gold in the Mirror Leaf Cup, taking me 4 attempts..

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I find recovering from a POW block quite satisfying when other players don't and you overtake them for the win!


File under "Gud."


This is something I've been trying to work out how to do! How exactly do you recover from them?

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If you're using the wheel (or remote), just before the third hit of the POW block shake the Wii Wheel, what this will do it you will still spin out but in the air so that you do not come to a complete standstill. Hope this helps.


I am not sure whether it is possible to fully escape a POW block (unless you are already high in the air such as from a ramp)

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if i ever meet anybody who had anything to do with this game i will flip a coin 3 times. If one of the results is heads i will spray ink in their faces. I will then forcible insert a green turtle shell in their behind. i will then in a high pitched scream yell "BYE BYE". I will then insert a red shell into their behind. i will then spinn them around 3 times an yell "BYE BYE".. then i will insert the last blue shell (i will make room). I will the flip a coin 3 times.. etc.

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