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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Worryingly, I’m not that hyped for this either, purely because I don’t really like the direction Nintendo are taking it in. :shakehead My idea of Mario Kart Wii heaven would be… the gameplay fundamentals of the SNES version, (obviously plus certain newer features) extra number of players / online aspect. Perhaps some customization elements too, like the emblem editor from the DS game.


Oh yes, that's exactly what I would like it to be.

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Worryingly, I’m not that hyped for this either, purely because I don’t really like the direction Nintendo are taking it in. :shakehead My idea of Mario Kart Wii heaven would be… the gameplay fundamentals of the SNES version, (obviously plus certain newer features) extra number of players / online aspect. Perhaps some customization elements too, like the emblem editor from the DS game.


Basically I’d want an online, hi-res version of SMK. :grin:


It’s not that I’m against the idea of bikes / stunts / new characters ect… more that I don’t really want that stuff in MK, if Nintendo were to do all of that in a new game though, well great! But I just wish MK Wii would retain more of a classic feel.


Don’t reckon the extras we’ve seen so far will help make the game more accessible for novice gamers either. I mean, controlling bikes with a steering wheel, doesn’t seem very intuitive does it? :heh: And stunts will merely be an extra complication for new players too.

Makes me think that a more traditional form of the franchise would have been better regarding the whole casual audience thing as well. ::shrug:

I completely agree!


I'm not excited about this game at all!

Bikes No, Stunts No, Gimmicky Karts No, Graphical Style Not really a fan...


Mario Kart really should go back to a much more classic style.


I'm betting Mii's are driverable characters in this though, which should be fun.

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Worryingly, I’m not that hyped for this either, purely because I don’t really like the direction Nintendo are taking it in. My idea of Mario Kart Wii heaven would be… the gameplay fundamentals of the SNES version, (obviously plus certain newer features) extra number of players / online aspect. Perhaps some customization elements too, like the emblem editor from the DS game.


Basically I’d want an online, hi-res version of SMK.


It’s not that I’m against the idea of bikes / stunts / new characters ect… more that I don’t really want that stuff in MK, if Nintendo were to do all of that in a new game though, well great! But I just wish MK Wii would retain more of a classic feel.


I couldn't agree more.

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Why don't you play it before you say whether it feels classic or not?
Err... because there's no need.

Everything we've heard / seen of the game so far has revealed that is not the direction Nintendo are taking this in.


Nice to see a few people agreeing with me though. :smile:

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Well it depends on your definition of "classic". If classic is completely limiting the game and not adding any new features whatsoever over the last incarnation then sure, it's not. Other than bikes and stunts this looks the same as DS for the most part, which not many people disliked at all.


The only real reason I don't like the look of it is that it's a visual travesty which seems to come from the fact they're pushing 12+ players online.


EDIT: Okay "travesty" is a bit much but it's just a shame it's not really got much over Double Dash visuals wise as in a series that changes so little between each incantation as Mario Kart, you generally want at least a little more visual polish.

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What I'm afraid of most is the course design actually. I highly rank SMK, MK64 and MK:SC because they all had challenging and memorable racetracks with some evil traps and a quite realistic approach.

Now especially DD and this as well seem to me a bit like they bought as much candy as they could get their hands on and stuffed them into the game.

Instead the courses aren't so challenging and frankly I find all the bright colours and smiling things off-putting.

Give me Royale Raceway, Wario Stadium or Toad's Turnpike anytime. (Ok they're all from MK64 but I lately played that so I have the racetracks in my mind).

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I want things to go back to the days when Mario Kart had a pick up and play appeal that any gamer could get hold of, but also hidden depths that kept the experienced gamer coming back time and again to polish up their skills.


The beauty of the first Mario Kart was the simple exterior which made it instantly accessible hid a much deeper experience under the surface. It didn't need bikes or stunts.

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All games need to progress in one way or another, and by adding bikes and stunts to the game, it is given more variety, it is given individuality among its predecessors, if you want Super Mario Kart then go play Super Mario Kart.


No one is forcing you to use the motorbikes and the stunts seem as though they'll be one-button-presses when certain conditions are met; like launching your vehicle into the air, it's hardly radical changes. Though we have no idea what the reward system is yet for performing stunts so it could maybe fuck the gameplay up in one sense.


Although Mario Kart hasn't had balanced gameplay since the SNES original. Ever since the blue shell was invented and shit players are given weapon advantages, and now with everyone moaning about snaking Mario Kart's multiplayer is evidently very broken.


Still this doesn't mean it can't be fun.

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Is anyone apart from me not really hyped at all for this? Especially with Brawl just around the corner. Looking at screenshots just reminds me of how much I disliked Double Dash. Even the online aspect isn't really exciting me - Mario Kart DS online was enough for me, and I know Nintendo won't exactly be pushing the boat out with this online.


Unless they make it as feature-rich as Brawl, I really can't see myself getting that excited about it.


*raises hand*


I don't seem to care about this at all.


A mix of DKR, CTR, MKDS & MK64 would make for the ultimate Karter.


Fixed :D DKR ftw!

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I've always thought DKR was a bit over-rated. Tried it, in multiplayer, and it didn't do anything for me. Not even so much as a semi.
DKR Single Player & Multiplayer races >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MK 64


MK 64 Arena Battles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DKR

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I want things to go back to the days when Mario Kart had a pick up and play appeal that any gamer could get hold of, but also hidden depths that kept the experienced gamer coming back time and again to polish up their skills.


The beauty of the first Mario Kart was the simple exterior which made it instantly accessible hid a much deeper experience under the surface. It didn't need bikes or stunts.


And why do you think that pick up and play charm is gone? So far every MK is like that, there's reason to think this will be different, just because you can spin in the air and ride bikes means nothing. If the game didn't change and keep stale, people would whine anyway. Once the game is out I'm sure you'll all forget this. We barely know anything about the game.

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And why do you think that pick up and play charm is gone? So far every MK is like that, there's reason to think this will be different, just because you can spin in the air and ride bikes means nothing. If the game didn't change and keep stale, people would whine anyway. Once the game is out I'm sure you'll all forget this. We barely know anything about the game.


I don't. I thik the pick up and play charm has always been there with the Mario Kart series. I actually feel it's lost the huge levels of hidden depth it had in the SNES version. To sum up the SNES game: "minutes to grasp, years to master". I was instantly in love with the SNES version, I got to grips with it straight away. But I was still playing it years later, and the the time I put in saw me getting better and better. I actually played it the other weekend at my mate's place (he's a SNES collector).


However with new additions the pick up and play aspect is still there, but the depth has gone. I can get beat on Mario Kart DD by a relative newbie due to a Blue Shell, a Lightning and a few Red Shells. Mario Kart became somthing of an item lottery and the items balanced it out too much.


Does anyone remember lapping all the racers in Super Mario Kart? That was because at first you struggled to beat them and then got better and better and eventually thrashed them. In DD and 64 no matter how much you played even the single player was a bit of a lottery due to the cheating computer opponents.


Don't get me wrong, I still love 64 and DD, but they ain't SMK - and it's telling when the original still tops the sequels 3 generations on.


To sum up, I don;t want gimicks, I don't want bikes or stunts. I want what Mario Galaxy is to Mario but in a kart! I want gameplay and depth for those who put in the time, but a pick up and play appeal for eveyone else. Basically I want SMK on the Wii. Back to the old skool!

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