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Changing programs because of recent events


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I wondered why it was changed. I just assumed it was a mess up on their part, didn't realise it was actually intentional. It's stupid Cliffhanger is ALWAYS on, I watched it anyway but that's not the point I was waiting for Die Hard.

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I was happily waiting for Die Hard to come on, when i discovered to my horror that my local itv channel had dropped the awesome film from the sheduling only to replace it with 2 or three crappy housing programs or some such rubbish equivalent!


Try living in Wales, it's like being trapped in a horses rectum.

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I turned on the tv to watch Die Hard 2, and to my amazement, I spotted a random character in broad day-light, with snow. I thought to myself, hmm, I don't remember this part. I struggled with my brain to try and remember this point, but it didn't happen.


Then, out of nowhere, Stallone turned up. Now I definitely didn't remember THAT in Die Hard 2.


Then, it dawned on me. It had been replaced by Cliffhanger.


This is a true story, ladies and gentlemen.

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Hahahah, I did exactly the same as Flink! Only, I didn't realise it was cliffhanger because I'd never seen cliffhanger before. I didn't know they'd changed the programming because of recent events, what a fucking joke. I'm sposed to be going up london tonight for my mate's early birthday celebration, but some of his friends are being shit and not coming because of all this bomb shit in london. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO OFF! Not to mention we went up london for his birthday friday after the original 7/7(which is his birthday) and managed to come back in one piece, and that was much more devastating.


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