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Stupid Things That Make You Angry


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You can get glasses with just plain glass instead of lenses you know.


I was vaguely aware of that (had forgotten) but most of the people who I have heard say it, mean that they want prescribed glasses for their impaired (but not really) vision.

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Woah woah kiddo I was only joking. That's another thing that makes me angry: people trying to get me to have sex with my imaginary step-sister. Sick bastards.


Why is it sick? Theres no blood relation so it isn't incest. I see no problem with it but I'm pretty liberal.

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Why is it sick? Theres no blood relation so it isn't incest. I see no problem with it but I'm pretty liberal.


Yeh, thats true so its not "sick" or anything, but isn't it against the law, or even maybe just frowned upon by people because they just assume you're related.

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Go forth and Shabba'ise.


I was out taking a piss in a stream (river?) under a bridge after a few drinks and somebody had written Shabba on the wall. Reminded me of you. Just thought you'd like to know I was thinking of you with my man meat out :heh:

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Yeh, thats true so its not "sick" or anything, but isn't it against the law, or even maybe just frowned upon by people because they just assume you're related.


Who cares what people think? If your step sister is attractive and she shows interest in you (which I assume she does since she gets in your bed in her undies), why not let nature take its course?

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Woah woah kiddo I was only joking. That's another thing that makes me angry: people trying to get me to have sex with my imaginary step-sister. Sick bastards.

People trying to get you? It's not as if I'm forcing her to jump into your bed, imaginary or not. The fact you made it up in the first place... ;)

Why is it sick? Theres no blood relation so it isn't incest. I see no problem with it but I'm pretty liberal.

I feel that.

Yeh, thats true so its not "sick" or anything, but isn't it against the law, or even maybe just frowned upon by people because they just assume you're related.

It's a dodgy way of thinking I agree, you could flip reverse it by saying that your girlfriends mum suddenly got with your dad, so they get the dodgy looks.

I was out taking a piss in a stream (river?) under a bridge after a few drinks and somebody had written Shabba on the wall. Reminded me of you. Just thought you'd like to know I was thinking of you with my man meat out :heh:

That pleases me more than any orgasm every could.

Who cares what people think? If your step sister is attractive and she shows interest in you (which I assume she does since she gets in your bed in her undies), why not let nature take its course?

I feel this too. Fight the power!

Sloth is living proof that Incest Rocks!



You go slam your sister and be proud of the result.


Assuming you have one, if not, find a female cousin. This is based on the assumption that you are, indeed a bloke.

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I'm not quite sure how I managed to stay away from this thread for so long. Expect a lot of input from me in the near future, there's gonna be a flood.. My girlie will tell you just how little it takes to set me off :heh: It's never unjustified though : peace:


I'm pretty tired right now, so I'll probably be going to bed now (I've been up watching The Green Mile on FilmFour +1, but I'll make a start on my list. It is likely to get rather lengthy..


- Guys who are overly (and unnecessarily) friendly to your girlfriend even when they know you're together.


- A bloke my girlfriend used to be (and still is, I guess) friends with is now getting married but for some reason still felt he had to tell her that he had liked her. What the hell was he trying to achieve with that? I haven't spoken to him since.


- In relation to the last one there, since that happened I have spotted so many people on TV/Computer that look like or remind me of him and it drives me insane.


- People who think they are better than you are.


- People who hear music months before it comes out and then when it does come out they brag about how they liked it ages ago 'before they were famous' and how that makes them so great. How on earth was I supposed to hear the music any earlier?


- Other drivers. They leave me furious with not indicating, being inconsiderate, being unaware they are causing any problems.


- When you have been waiting to see/hear something on TV all day and when it comes on someone opens the living room door and starts talking about something. And then if you try to say 'shush a minute, I'm trying to listen to this' they get annoyed and start complaining meaning you still can't hear!


- Getting a song in your head that you despise.


- Customers expecting you to know everything just because you're standing behind a till.


- Customers being thick, highlighted by the following examples:


"How much is your Britney Spears perfume?" (Price is clearly marked just behind me)


"Is that Joop there?"


"Just there"


"There" *points*


"Beside the Sarah Jessica Parker"

"Umm.. oh right.. there.. yes."

"How much is it?"


If I don't know where the Joop is, why on earth should I know where the other perfume is? It's insane. Can't they just say "Third Shelf Down"? If they can see where it is, and the price is clearly marked below it, why even ask in the first place?


- When the person you are working with has just gone on their break, the next customer spends 10 minutes hoking in their purse for all their change but end up about 3p short. "I'll have to just give you this £20". Um.. thanks.. the queue of customers who have gathered thanks to you are most impressed.


- I hate that I take so much care of my possessions and then your friend comes round and doesn't take the same care with your stuff.


- If you're watching something with someone and something 'humorous' happens on the TV and the other person starts laughing, turns to you and says "Do you not find that funny?"


- I get angry when I'm showing someone how to play a game I got and tell them what they're supposed to do (what buttons to press, when to press them etc.) ..then they try it and say "I did what you said and it didnt work!" Then when you say they musn't have done it right- "No, I did! This game is crap". If you did what I said, it would work, damn it.


- I hate when you go to do something when you're in a rush, try to do it as quickly as possible but something happens that makes it take so much longer than it ever would have taken.


- If you're eating or cooking, for example, and you ask someone if they would like some and they reply "No thanks, I don't like it". That's not the annoying part. The annoying part is when you ask them if they have ever tried it and they say "No". Fools.


(OK, this one doesn't make me angry, but I thought I would mention it anyway - When you ask someone "What day are you going into the town?" and they look at their watch.. "Thursday". What a magical watch you have.)


There are so many more litle things, I'm sure of it. But I better get to bed, have stuff to do tomorrow :heh:

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I'm sorry, but that's what it's all about, the balls and sticks are just a distraction.


I've had a little think 'bout that, and come to la conclusion that it's fine to stop and let your dog sniff stuff, but don't look like a muppet just standing there waiting for it to finish the sniff.

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Wimbledon being shown on BBC 1 and 2 simultaneously, even when it's raining so they aren't showing anything worthwhile (and even if they were showing a current game instead of a replay 'worthwhile' would be very debatable), just 5 hours of crappy talk and some replays of old games.

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George W Bush - he's stupid, and he makes me angry!


People who can't justify their actions or opinions. (I'm looking at you, Gamecube haters!)


Creationists and Young Earth Theorists.


Either the previous or the current Pope.


People who park in front of my house's gate.


My school's sub-assistant deputy-head (or whatever he is officially), who is, thank god, leaving at the end of this school year!


People who don't say thank you, or even smile at me, when I hold a door open for them. How hard is it to do that!


Last, but by no means least (probably most in fact), people who take credit away from doctors and nurses by claiming they/their family member/their friend was healed "because people prayed for them."

I'm sorry, but this is total fucking bullshit. It's part of the reason I despise the previous pope: he said that his life was saved because "our lady of (somewhere)'s hand guided the bullet to miss his heart". Oh course, the surgeons who worked for 6 hours non-stop had nothing to do with it what so fucking ever, did they? In fact, why didn't she just guide the bullet to miss the pope completely?

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Last, but by no means least (probably most in fact), people who take credit away from doctors and nurses by claiming they/their family member/their friend was healed "because people prayed for them."

I'm sorry, but this is total fucking bullshit. It's part of the reason I despise the previous pope: he said that his life was saved because "our lady of (somewhere)'s hand guided the bullet to miss his heart". Oh course, the surgeons who worked for 6 hours non-stop had nothing to do with it what so fucking ever, did they? In fact, why didn't she just guide the bullet to miss the pope completely?


Are you denying the presence of God, or are you just calling him a useless fucker?

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My Step sister showed up and my house, most likely to ask Step Daddy for some money. I deliberately started playing Counterstrike for the duration of her visit.


She came into my room grinning like a Cheshire Cat, I assume she was proud of pulling. She might've been slightly drunk though.


Would anyone like to see a picture of this lad she considers "fit"? He seems a bit gormless to me.


Yes, yes i would, also, show us pictures of her, we'll she if she's a SSILF.

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Are you denying the presence of God, or are you just calling him a useless fucker?




It's more to do with the fact that the people are saying that the doctors and nurses involved had nothing to do with the person's recovery: it was all god's plan/work.

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Yes, yes i would, also, show us pictures of her, we'll she if she's a SSILF.


Haha, I was going to post more or less the exact same reply. :)


Stupid things that make you angry: Bad people, especially when life turns out fucking rosy for them. Whilst decent folk suffer.

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