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In regards to my ex coming round last night...


I didn't try anything, just acted flirty etc. She didn't try anything either. Tbh I think she's just being friendly but its hard to tell because its exactly the same as what we were like this time last year when we go together!

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In regards to my ex coming round last night...


I didn't try anything, just acted flirty etc. She didn't try anything either. Tbh I think she's just being friendly but its hard to tell because its exactly the same as what we were like this time last year when we go together!


So you were friendly & flirty towards each other without the final product when you were together last year?


I'm kidding



moving on though, yeah as mentioned above let it slide man. you cant keep hanging out with your ex and pinning your hopes on something happening between you.


a blatent oppertunity could arise and smack you in the face regarding a new relationship and you could be to hung up thinking about a possibility of getting back with your ex to notice..


you dont want that to happen!

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moving on though, yeah as mentioned above let it slide man. you cant keep hanging out with your ex and pinning your hopes on something happening between you.


a blatent oppertunity could arise and smack you in the face regarding a new relationship and you could be to hung up thinking about a possibility of getting back with your ex to notice..


you dont want that to happen!



I'm not like that at all actually, I did move on and have actually come back to her again 5 months later on. I'm really not pinning all my hopes on her either, it's just that I still do like her and would like something to happen. However, if a stunning bird girl I really liked came up and obviously wanted something then that would be great and I certainly wouldn't be too hung up on the ex to notice it. In fact, I do have a stunning bird, who I do actually like, on the line. The only downside is she lives 9 hours and £100 away from me! Met her on holiday but still in contact...

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RE: Getting away after sex, in a no strings attached situation I find it differs. The first time I did it I wanted to get away asap...so I did. At 7 or 8 in the morning, just fled quickly after making my excuses. The second person was slightly harder as I was actually visiting the girl at her halls and was staying there for the weekend, and now that I think about it I was happy to chill in bed with her. The next day everything turned to shit though..hm.


Now that I'm with my girlfriend I find that afterwards I either want to sleep or snuggle (-50 man points), so I think the level of compassion for each other affects how you feel after doing the deed.

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RE: Getting away after sex, in a no strings attached situation I find it differs. The first time I did it I wanted to get away asap...so I did. At 7 or 8 in the morning, just fled quickly after making my excuses. The second person was slightly harder as I was actually visiting the girl at her halls and was staying there for the weekend, and now that I think about it I was happy to chill in bed with her. The next day everything turned to shit though..hm.


Now that I'm with my girlfriend I find that afterwards I either want to sleep or snuggle (-50 man points), so I think the level of compassion for each other affects how you feel after doing the deed.


Omg best moments ever.

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I'm not like that at all actually, I did move on and have actually come back to her again 5 months later on. I'm really not pinning all my hopes on her either, it's just that I still do like her and would like something to happen. However, if a stunning bird girl I really liked came up and obviously wanted something then that would be great and I certainly wouldn't be too hung up on the ex to notice it. In fact, I do have a stunning bird, who I do actually like, on the line. The only downside is she lives 9 hours and £100 away from me! Met her on holiday but still in contact...


Ah, okay. so without sounding harsh then is your ex girlfriend sort of like... Plan B? like the backup.


i know that sounds harsh and dont take it the wrong way. Bus as you mention there is another girl on the line, who you like, but you've given reasons as to why it could be difficult being with her, so going back out with the ex is like the alternative to it?


i dont know, sorry if im prying to much, i'll stop :p


one thing for sure though, long distance relationships are hard, and you need to have alot of trust for them.


One of my ex's lived in London, and i live in Bristol. would only see her on weekends, either i'd go there or she'd come to Bristol. But cause we were both 18, we'd go out in week nights to town. you know like Student nights and such. and the amount of times there's been pictures go up on Facebook / Myspace of either her with a group of people and i've been suspicious or a picture of me with a group of people and her being suspicious. it's just not what a relationship should be about.


if you go for it then fair play to you mate, she must mean a lot to you. but given past experiences it's something i'd stay away from, plus the fact i'm in a relationship with the best girl ever now ;)




Now that I'm with my girlfriend I find that afterwards I either want to sleep or snuggle (-50 man points), so I think the level of compassion for each other affects how you feel after doing the deed.


I love a post sex snuggle :)

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Ah, okay. so without sounding harsh then is your ex girlfriend sort of like... Plan B? like the backup.


i know that sounds harsh and dont take it the wrong way. Bus as you mention there is another girl on the line, who you like, but you've given reasons as to why it could be difficult being with her, so going back out with the ex is like the alternative to it?


i dont know, sorry if im prying to much, i'll stop :p


Nah she's not a plan B / backup at all. I like them both but I know it's unrealistic to think anything will happen with the girl from down South. When I'm down there for the meet up at the end of the month I'm possibly be going to meet up with her but after that the chances are, unless we get on really really well, nothing will happen.

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I love post sex sleep.


I fall asleep very very fast. All my past exes have said, merely because they say are always awake and hear me. So one time after sex, it was late and I was tired and apparently I fell asleep whilst my ex went to the toilet and came back. She wasn't too happy as she wanted the mandatory snuggle she felt she deserved :p

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In regards to my ex coming round last night...


I didn't try anything, just acted flirty etc. She didn't try anything either. Tbh I think she's just being friendly but its hard to tell because its exactly the same as what we were like this time last year when we go together!

Send her a suggestive text.

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Has flinky told his parents about you then? I mean are they like those proper strict muslims or are they, as I assume, quite laid back about it?


I think his parents know about me (well Jim does come over here quite often heh), but not sure how much they know. I've never met them and am actually not allowed in the house (reason I haven't been there yet). Apart from that I have no idea how strict they are, but it's not really stopping us or scaring me or whatever heh.


Aye, my Dad is one of these crazy strict ones. My Mum is old, but not crazy. She's a bit too old fashioned. So, I don't really talk to them much about relationship stuff, mainly because they're actually my grandparents so are a whole lot older. They're a bit outdated, if I'm honest. But then, so are the majority of Muslim parents/grandparents.


Basically, do what I did and move awaaaaay. Move away, get sex/hugs on tap, and live a life as a King.

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Aye, my Dad is one of these crazy strict ones. My Mum is old, but not crazy. She's a bit too old fashioned. So, I don't really talk to them much about relationship stuff, mainly because they're actually my grandparents so are a whole lot older. They're a bit outdated, if I'm honest. But then, so are the majority of Muslim parents/grandparents.


Basically, do what I did and move awaaaaay. Move away, get sex/hugs on tap, and live a life as a King.


Except your tap is dry for months in between. =P

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No, this Dug, of UP fame.




Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead." Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.

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No, this Dug, of UP fame.




Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead." Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.


oh i see.


not seen up so straight over my head on that one.

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RE: Getting away after sex, in a no strings attached situation I find it differs. The first time I did it I wanted to get away asap...so I did. At 7 or 8 in the morning, just fled quickly after making my excuses.


One of my friends, when in this situation, used the (sadly, genuine) reason of, "sorry, I have to go go-karting." :heh:

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