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about the whole girls being attracted to wankers thing isnt strictly true. i have tried ebing a wanker at girls and it just yeilded the same results as always. they walk away.



also, last night i actualy had a quantum of success. a friend of a friend who ive met a few times before thinks im "amazine" at dream interpritation, which is odd as ive told her i dont really belive in it. she invited me out to a pub after the gig i was at but i couldent go. oh well, she said she would e-mail me more dreams so lets see if this bears fruit.



also, ive been nominated to try out a peep show inspired chatup line on saterday night

"so are we going to fuck, or just live with the sexual tension untill we both die of cancer"

it cant go worse then my stig chat up line.

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also, ive been nominated to try out a peep show inspired chatup line on saterday night

"so are we going to fuck, or just live with the sexual tension untill we both die of cancer"

it cant go worse then my stig chat up line.


...make sure you wear a cup. :nono:

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Ok, it's no longer funny how much I like this guy.


He's just got such a lovely character. He's one of the few people I've ever met who seem to have a genuine interest in what you say. He's really kind aswell. On saturday I was out with him (but the way things turned out we ended up going to different clubs), and I was freezing in just a t-shirt and shirt. We were waiting for a taxi, and he took off his jacket and gave it to me to wear.


And then when I was IDed and didn't get into the bar/pub we went to for pre-drinks he and another girl from my work stayed outside with me to keep me company.


And he's very attractive aswell - a bit short though.


It almost seems to good to be true - he's invited me back to his flat again after work tomorrow.


But it's confusing because I don't see why he's so friendly with me. I'm 5 years younger than him. It just makes no sense. And he's sortof acting like he's interested in me, like inviting just me over to his flat - but then I've never questioned his heterosexuality. He's in the middle of a messy break-up/fling/lovely relationship with this girl.


Maybe he's bisexual? Bicurious?


But then why hasn't he been more explicit about it? We're good enough friends that if he were interested in guys he'd mention it.



I know it seems really weird, but I don't understand why he likes me.


I understand why I like him.

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who knows how he feels, maybe he likes you, maybe he just thinks you make a good friend.


ask your self whats important to you, his love, or his friendship? if you dont care to much for his friendship, make a move. hanging around with some one and being there friend just based on sexual interest isnt good.

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is he an only child by any chance? could be a brotherhood thing. He might just be friendly!


I know that feeling though- when you have an attraction to somone it's hard to see how they might not feel something back and makes you think up weird shit!

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I thought he meant likes as in attracted to. Which is understandable seeing as he's straight.


But I thought the point was that Chair doesn't think he "likes" him, being straight.


I'm just confused/don't even know this person..

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I know its horrible to look for stereotypical traits, but if he hasn't shown any signs of homosexuality then it's probably safe to say that he isn't and just likes you alot as a friend and maybe sees you like a brother as Dan said.


Don't go getting yourself hurt. Sometimes you have to play the odds, and the odds say he's straight. If not, well, its up to him to make that known to you. In that situation, the one 'in the closet' has to take the first step, as hard as it is. Its too risky for the homosexual person to do it as it can ruin the friendship and cause unknown weirdness if they are unable to laugh it off.

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To me he just sounds like a really nice guy who might be going through a hard time with the break-up and is looking for some friendship and support. There doesn't have to be some sort of sexual aim behind being friendly.


Yeah - I suppose it's just wishful thinking.


Either way, I love him regardless of whether it's reciprocated or not.

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Eurgh. School prom last night. Was ok, nothing more or less than I expected. Afterwards I told the girl how I felt about her, but she turned me down. So now I'm knackered from last night and just feeling really empty and shit. Gotta find some energy later to go and play football, fuck knows how I will do that. Another party next week, who knows what will happen there. Kinda feel like getting completely wrecked tonight if I can find some sort of excuse.

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Yeah, bear in mind I say I love things far too often for my own good, and then struggle when I can't find a more passionate word than adore.


Silly english language.


"adore loadz"


Just over-hearing a conversation from some colleagues and am hearing a sentence that I HATE. Ridiculously ridiculous statement to make.



"I do trust him, but I don't trust her."


"I do trust her, but I don't trust him."

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Argh! Why does love tease me with what I want? So disappointed. Was finally going to ask out the girl I like from my English tutorial class and had the perfect situation to do it: it was only myself and her there. So I was ready to ask her after we had finished up. But it didn't happen. The tutorial basically boiled down to asking what, if anything, we would be doing over the Easter break and in the lead up to the exam in May and my heart sank when she said she was going back home this weekend, with home being Poland. :( So basically there was no point in asking her out this weekend seeing as she'll be going home and will be home for several weeks.


So disappointed as she's the first girl I've really liked in ages. But it doesn't mean I don't have a chance, just that that chance is now going to be belated. I'm doubting I'll meet anyone else between now and May that'll make me change my mind about this girl so I'll have to wait it out. If only she lived in the UK but we can't help who we fall for.

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I maintained eye contact with Calum for about 30 seconds without saying anything tonight. It was like a scene from a film, nothing else around me mattered. I love him, and he knows I love him. And its lovely.


And I got so very drunk. He just so warm, both metaphorically and literally.



And he wrote CR :heart: JH on my pencilcase (I was doing reivison at work, and had it with me). And I felt like I was 12 years old again.



And I also met the most beautiful guy today at work. I sold him a medium salty popcaorn and a small sprite and probably some other shite I forgey.


Literally a beautiful person. He was about 20, and wasn't beautiful in the conventional sense. It felt like he was lovely personal to me - I asked Jacqui who was working with me if she liked him, and she thoyght he looke dbland. He made my day at work loveky.

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