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Your Score: Mostly Gay

You scored -35 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)


You are mainly homosexual, but you have a few heterosexual qualities. You much prefer the same sex, but you have a mild interest in the opposite sex. While you would jump at the opportunity to screw someone of the same sex, you might be up for experimenting with members of the opposite sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the opposite sex and whether or not you like those encounters.



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Your Score: Gay Preference

You scored -25 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)


You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.



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Your Score: Gay Preference

You scored -25 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)


You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.




Triforce, I thought you'd be a little more to the gay side than that, (no offence etc meant by that :) ) - or is it about right?


Mine was suprisingly accurate, unlike most of the crappy sexuality tests you get on the tinterweb.

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Triforce, I thought you'd be a little more to the gay side than that, (no offence etc meant by that :) ) - or is it about right?


Mine was suprisingly accurate, unlike most of the crappy sexuality tests you get on the tinterweb.





It's not the fact that I think female "parts" are disgusting or whatever, it's just I couldn't take it seriously if we were doing anything, it would just feel wrong...


Whereas if I came into that situation with a guy, I would feel completely differant about it.

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It's not the fact that I think female "parts" are disgusting or whatever, it's just I couldn't take it seriously if we were doing anything, it would just feel wrong...


Whereas if I came into that situation with a guy, I would feel completely differant about it.





So, does that mean you are attracted to girls then? Not in the sense of saying "oh, she's hot" as in you can just tell she is, but in the sense of it maybe ending up leading somewhere?

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You scored -38 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)


You are mainly homosexual, but you have a few heterosexual qualities. You much prefer the same sex, but you have a mild interest in the opposite sex. While you would jump at the opportunity to screw someone of the same sex, you might be up for experimenting with members of the opposite sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the opposite sex and whether or not you like those encounters.

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So, does that mean you are attracted to girls then? Not in the sense of saying "oh, she's hot" as in you can just tell she is, but in the sense of it maybe ending up leading somewhere?


Hey that's mine *steals back*





Well..I don't really know tbh =/


Sometimes I feel more than friendship with one of my close (girl) mates, but it's more of a longing to be with her than to have sex with her.

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Your Score: Mostly Straight

You scored 34 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)




You are mainly heterosexual, but you have a few homosexual qualities. You much prefer the opposite sex, but you have a mild interest in the same sex. If you disapprove of homosexuality, it is likely that you act overly straight to deny your slight gay tendencies. If you are comfortable with your sexuality, you might be up for experimenting with members of the same sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the same sex and whether or not you like those encounters.


- - - - - - - -


I have never had a homosexual experience...except when a dude tried to kiss me, because he was convinced I was gay and coming onto him. I don't think I treated him any different to anyone else, I was just being my normal friendly self.


He quit work the next day, I felt so guilty.

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You scored 36 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)




You are mainly heterosexual, but you have a few homosexual qualities. You much prefer the opposite sex, but you have a mild interest in the same sex. If you disapprove of homosexuality, it is likely that you act overly straight to deny your slight gay tendencies. If you are comfortable with your sexuality, you might be up for experimenting with members of the same sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the same sex and whether or not you like those encounters.




Wouldn't consider myself as having homosexual tendencies at all to be perfectly honest. Gimme a woman. Any woman!

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"For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite gender, but either gender would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting."





Sounds about right, I guess. Apart from the inexperienced thing.

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The test is bullshit:

"You scored 39 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)"



"You are mainly heterosexual, but you have a few homosexual qualities. You much prefer the opposite sex, but you have a mild interest in the same sex. If you disapprove of homosexuality, it is likely that you act overly straight to deny your slight gay tendencies. If you are comfortable with your sexuality, you might be up for experimenting with members of the same sex if given the opportunity. If you are sexually inexperienced, you could shift on the spectrum at a later time depending on whether you have sexual encounters with the same sex and whether or not you like those encounters."


I seriously, have no interest in men whatsoever, fuck what this crap says.

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I'm interested, did coming out for everyone who's gay completely change your life? My friend came out a few years ago (he was 17 at the time) and he says it's changed his life. Before he came out he was seriously depressed, lonely, and didn't think he could be himself. Now he's probably the most confident, happy person I know.


Has anyone else had a similar experience.




Oh and on the topic a few pages back, I'm of the opinion that brainwashing people to get along is a good thing. I'd rather everyone belived that homosexuality was okay, even if without a poster campaign they wouldn't, than people were hurt, insulted, outcast, and bullied.


Put it this way, we're probably hugely influenced by a lot of imposed opinions that give this country stability. Imagine if racism was still socially acceptable, then lots of people of other races would be very unhappy right now. To overblow my point a bit, look at the ethnic conflicts in Ruwanda and Yugoslavia, these probably wouldn't have happened if the people had years of poster campaigns and brainwashing to get along!


I'd rather have my opinion controlled by someone else than have another human being have any sort of burden in their life.








Oh and another question, mainly to the homosexuals, but anyone else's opinion is welcome-


Do you belive being gay is a product of nature or nurture?


Is there a certain thing in your brain which hetros don't have, or is it a product of your environment?



I seem to remember science prooving it to be natural, but science can make mistakes...

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I'm interested, did coming out for everyone who's gay completely change your life? My friend came out a few years ago (he was 17 at the time) and he says it's changed his life. Before he came out he was seriously depressed, lonely, and didn't think he could be himself. Now he's probably the most confident, happy person I know.


Has anyone else had a similar experience.


Coming out literally felt like a weight of my shoulders. I felt like I didn't have any worries anymore, because before all I ever though about was how everyone would take it.


Then exams and stuff came, now I'm stressed all the time. :p


Oh and another question, mainly to the homosexuals, but anyone else's opinion is welcome-


Do you belive being gay is a product of nature or nurture?


Is there a certain thing in your brain which hetros don't have, or is it a product of your environment?



I seem to remember science prooving it to be natural, but science can make mistakes...


I've never made a choice to be gay, I sort of always knew I was.


You could argue that my homosexuality is a product of nuture, considering I have 4 sisters.


I instinctively feel it's nature though like it's a part of the structure of my brain. I know nothing about biology, so that's probably complete bullshit, but hopefully you get what I mean.

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The test is bullshit:

"You scored 39 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)"





I seriously, have no interest in men whatsoever, fuck what this crap says.

sounds to me like you're scared of being called gay or whatever.

The average male is acertain percentage gay(was it like 30%)


the test is a little bullshit although even i can admit i have "some"interest in girls albeit not a lot.


By 3 points. :p


It doesn't make sense though. I act fairly straight. You would never guess it if you met me unless i dropped hints or wanted you to know.

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