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Some homosexuals are intelligent - most are more interested in when Madonna's next song is being released.


Mhm, which is why im sick of gay men. Theres only one I like to see on a regular basis. The rest are...well, such a cliche.

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Mhm, which is why im sick of gay men. Theres only one I like to see on a regular basis. The rest are...well, such a cliche.


I wouldn't have much experience considering I'm only at college, and the two gay guys in my year are exactly like that, but most gay guys aren't like that...right? *Prays*

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Mhm, which is why im sick of gay men. Theres only one I like to see on a regular basis. The rest are...well, such a cliche.


I think I'm such a strange person. I love to watch football (Utd) and play it. I also love to hang around with the lads but I am gay, I've always assumed gays to be as the stereotype suggests. Then again I care too much about how I look and bad hair annoys the shit out of me. Why can't people learn never to use gel, always wax people!


Oh a side note, the stereotypical "might as well be a women" gay annoy the be-jesus out of me. "Screaming Queens" I call them. Men should be MEN!

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See I don't like football (I tend to end up playing it during the summer but I'm awful. We have Sunday sports afternoons; basketball, football, American football etc) but I'd say (and people have agreed with me), if you didn't know who I slept with it would be hard to tell. I think the effiminity requires a lot more effort than I have. I'm quite mellow. Same reason I can't deal with the gay men and their incestious drama. My friend keeps saying "I slept with..." and im like "and I care...?"

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I think I'm such a strange person. I love to watch football (Utd) and play it. I also love to hang around with the lads but I am gay, I've always assumed gays to be as the stereotype suggests. Then again I care too much about how I look and bad hair annoys the shit out of me. Why can't people learn never to use gel, always wax people!


Oh a side note, the stereotypical "might as well be a women" gay annoy the be-jesus out of me. "Screaming Queens" I call them. Men should be MEN!


Overly camp men = fail. It annoys the hell out of me. I see no reason why they should act that way, I mean they're men, not women. It just makes a streotype that people then end up believing to be true for every single person who likes the same sex, which is incredibly annoying.


I just think, you shouldn't paticularly be able to tell if someone is gay/bi or whatever by the way they act. It just means people are going to define you by your sexuality, instead of who you really are.

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I agree completely, I really don't get the whole over-effiminate thing. I'm gay, which means I'm attracted to men, not men who act like women.


From the gays I've met they act a whole lot better than the majority of ''straights'' I've met >_>


Except one, he really drove me up the wall, acting all camp and irratating. Yes I know you're gay, please shut your face.

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Irony is one of life's best cookies.


Life is like a box of chocolates.


(I always didnt like this...."You never know what you're gonna get" exept you get a little menu telling you which ones which, so you almost always know what you're gonna get apart from occasionally when you're expecting soft caramel and you get turkish delight because they look so similar)

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Life is like a box of chocolates.


(I always didnt like this...."You never know what you're gonna get" exept you get a little menu telling you which ones which, so you almost always know what you're gonna get apart from occasionally when you're expecting soft caramel and you get turkish delight because they look so similar)


good story

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Does anyone else have a really inconsistent sex drive? I go through periods of about a month where i'm not feeling the vibe at all and for obvious reasons it makes me feel a little, hmmm, non-sensual. I'm usually a very physical contact friendly kind of person but there are times when I'm really just not bothered at all.

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I have that all the time. =P

Seriously, my sex drive is pretty much non-existent (except on maybe a very very rare occasion, but I rarely feel like I want it).

Plus I rarely look at guys either. Don't know why but I never fancy anyone or think they look hot or whatever. And I never have crushes or fall in love with someone I see (only person I ever fell in love with I hadn't even seen).




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Guest bluey

i think i may have left my sex drive in england :hmm:

my housemate's gone very nearly clinically insane with all the quote/unquote hot japanese guys that she's been bringing home (i've been making damn sure to lock MY door at night O__o) but i really, REALLY couldnt care less... maybe it's all the work i've been doing, all the things i've been worrying about, all the flu i've been having..or all the jamba i have been not having... ^___^ but yes, i concur: "meh..."

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I have that all the time. =P

Seriously, my sex drive is pretty much non-existent (except on maybe a very very rare occasion, but I rarely feel like I want it).

Plus I rarely look at guys either. Don't know why but I never fancy anyone or think they look hot or whatever. And I never have crushes or fall in love with someone I see (only person I ever fell in love with I hadn't even seen).





So you're an asexual?

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Yup, yup and more yup.


I went about 6months where I just couldn't be bothered with sex at all, it was very strange. I wasn't even bothered about looking at guys (I do this alot when walking around manchester) well usually.


You're a manc? Aww, i miss Manchester. Do you go to Jillies? :p

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You're a manc? Aww, i miss Manchester. Do you go to Jillies? :p


Yes I'm a manc by birth I live in cheshire though :heh: Nah don't go jillies, I don't go anywhere in manchester but shopping.


I miss manchester, I need go back to holier than thou at somepoint.

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So you're an asexual?


I think so. Don't know how you can be sure about that though. D:



Because I might not really fancy anyone, but I can think of people (both girls and boys) as cute or good looking. I just never fantasize about anything or whatever.


Cute guy for example:


Bad photo but he's cute in the show Rome. =3


Plus Mulder and Scully are both pretty great looking too.

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