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Well the Superbowl is typically watched by around 90-100 million viewers (give or take a few million each year) and there are apparently just a tad over 300 million Americans. So 1/3 of the American population watch it. So...decipher what you want from that.

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The Dear Deidre ones are amazing [most of them] Just to hear some of the rubbish they come out with. One letter today was about some bloke who dumped his girlfriend because she was too good at blow jobs who went on to say that his current girlfriend wasn't good enough.


best bit of advice ive ever seen deidre give


"you shoulden't have sex with your sister"

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The Dear Deidre ones are amazing [most of them] Just to hear some of the rubbish they come out with. One letter today was about some bloke who dumped his girlfriend because she was too good at blow jobs who went on to say that his current girlfriend wasn't good enough.


How can somebody be too good at blow jobs? Maybe if the suction is so powerful that it uproots your manhood. Maybe then. But, still, hardly a worthwhile reason to dump someone. If anything, you keep hold of thaat person.


The photo-casebooks are classic. Much like the Hot People Thread, it features males and females randomly in their underwear.

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How can somebody be too good at blow jobs? Maybe if the suction is so powerful that it uproots your manhood. Maybe then. But, still, hardly a worthwhile reason to dump someone. If anything, you keep hold of thaat person.
I'd imagine if it was so good that it was all over too quickly?... but the mind boggles!
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How can somebody be too good at blow jobs?

I'll copy it out:



I split with my last girlfriend because she gave oral sex like a professional - it was chilling - but my new girl hasn't a clue and I'm feeling frustrated. My ex and I are both 20. The first time she gave me oral I thought "Wow!" She seemed almost too experienced.


She'd perform on me anywhere, at any time. It was fun at first but if I'd ask her to make love she'd refuse.


I know she has control issues because she has a horrible dad. She enjoyed the fact that she drove me wild but her professionalism took away any intimacy from the act. I'm now with someone new but where my ex was rough, she's too gentle and it just doesn't turn me on.



There you have it. If someone's good at head, they have daddy issues.

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I could imagine her not wanting to make actual love being a problem as well.


Yeah, that's the main thing. I mean, the letter you typed up Eevil gives a much better picture of the situation. She'd refuse to have sex, but would happily give oral anywhere? That's definitely a bit odd.

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You're putting a penis in your mouth, a place that everyone sees


Not if you're Wilson!




Anyway, mine was only a sarcy comment as there is that silly belief that giving oral is fine as an early teen, its only vaginally penetrative sex that makes you a whore.

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Interestingly, also rejected by CBS for the SuperBowl:


(its a website domain purchasing site)


Although it is a rubbish advert it's an interesting choice to reject. Depending on your take on the advert of course.


(I'm not trying to accuse CBS of being homophobic, afterall one of their biggest stars is NPH, but it's interesting what kind of demographic they're shaping out for the game, or, what kind of demographic they're not aiming towards).

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That was my point a page back. If they did some amazingly shot inequality opus that looked like Guillermo Del Toro had jizzed it out of an epic-cannon with tassles, then I'd be somewhat more annoyed that it was rejected. Those two 30 second tripe-fests are quite frankly insulting.

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But both adverts you've linked have been shite; a quality independent from whatever they are trying to sell.


Superbowl is famous for visually stunning adverts, not shite adverts that I could have directed better myself.


Yes well fair enough. I'm sure there probably is mediocre crap amongst the greatness. I just found it curious is all :p I was slightly bored and severely confused.


*wanders off*


(although you could then argue; why are they not trying? Is it their intention to get rejected to gain a sense of...notoriety?)

Edited by Ashley
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Fresh seems to be having a very interesting time at the moment, sexually and otherwise. Met a new guy and we had our first "date" a couple of days ago. It sounds kind of strange but it was just going for a swim. I've never been a fan of the formal dinner date so this was perfect and also gives you the chance to check for horrific burns/scars. Fortunately neither of both.


Never really done the whole date thing, for me it's normally just a case of meeting someone in a club or bar while extremely drunk so this is a nice change.


We've been texting nonstop since and meeting again this weekend which is all very exciting however what is possibly the most exciting is the fact he is one of the fuzz. Oh, I do love a man in uniform.... *sigh*

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