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Your earliest gaming memory..

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I can barely even mind!


I began on a host of Commodore 64 games, those old cassettes... how times have changed... games I can remember include Ghostbusters, Total Recall and some game with animals... Animal Olympics?? I may have made that up, but there was definitely ice skating on a frozen river in it...


From there it went to something like... a Jaguar or a Spectrum where I played stuff like Thundercats... and from there I had a brief stint with some NES games before the Snes came along with Street Fighter II, F-Zero and Mario World.


I eventually owned a Commodore of my own and a Snes that I still have.


Amongst all that there was a ton of those wee handheld things you get such as Game and Watch, but alot of others besides. I cant remember exactly if I got into GameBoy before or after I was getting to grips with the Snes, but I do know that for a while Tetris was my favourite game ever! Bless.



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Playing Dizzy and some columns style atari game on my 5600. Remembering how awesome the games were.


Then the megadirve, that's where I have vivid memories of my early gaming to be honest. Namely, the Sonic games, which got me in to gaming.

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Either Mario on the Original Gameboy or Super Mario All stars on the SNES


Oh man, Mario Land 1 on the Gameboy was amazing. The music was just so perfect, possibly the most memorable soundtrack ever.

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First gaming memory takes me back to when i first played Tetris back in 89. Got the game and Gameboy for Christmas i think. Played it for a while and got hooked on it for about a week or two before my Dad started to play it. It was a great game then and still is a great game now.

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Level 1 of Eledees.


Yeah, I have a terrible memory. :indeed:


Playing Dizzy...




Double dragon on erm (has a guess) Sega?


Ooo, that could have been almost any gaming system - Commodore 64, Speccy, NES, XBOX Live Arcade...!

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me it must of been something on the Comadore Vic 20 (2 Generations before the C64, with it's 5k of memory, lol) when I was about 5. No idea what game it could of been, but it was either bullett, doodlybug some free game that came with it that was a bit like pac-man. First game I hassled my folks to buy was called King Tut, from FineFare(The super market we used to go to).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being envious of my mum for breaking 1 million points on Sonic 1 for the Master System. Sad thing is, she doesn't play anything more than Countdown now, despite having a PS2 of her own (which she's had for about 5 years and has used twice)...

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