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Help Girl Problems!!


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Right, i had a thread ages ago about this girl but anyway the situation has now changed.



We have a prom in late june, but i have arranged a big party/campout for people instead of the prom. Were basically going to go camp somewhere in out local woods and get drunk/high



She's been talkin to me alot more than usual recently and over a convo on msn she started talkin about how "experienced" she was and asked how expericence i was. I was honest and said i have absolutley none whatsoever.


Shes been trying to think of a plan to get me laid! (i didn't ask her to do this) and then she comes out with, well u could always go with me at the party, i knwo u've liked me for ages.



I was shocked, said i dont think that wuld happen/ur just jokin and yet she was adament she wasn't. I also spoke to her in person and she mentioned, i know she wasnlt lying, cos' well i can tell when she is.



What the hell do i do? i Have liked her for almost a year and a half now. I think shes amazing. But i just dont think doing that at a party for the hellof it is the right thing to do...is it? (btw i'm almost 16 now)



ANY siggestions would be helpful. PLZ

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No offense but...


i'm 15.8 years old




I guess that extra bit all matters at your age. I think the best question is what do you want from it? You can do sexual things without jumping to actual sex if that's your main worry. If you're happy to just let things lie at that then go for it, get some experience. If you don't want full sex then don't but go explore your sexual side.


If however you're looking for something more from this girl (ie some kind of relationship) then steer way clear. She sounds like the type that will mess you around badly.


Just see how things go and go with whatever feels best at the time. Don't overthink this and whatever you do DON'T worry about it. A lot of girls at that age can be all talk anyway because they like to seem more 'mature' and they think being experienced makes them seem older. There's a high chance she's not as experienced as she makes out.


Just have fun and don't do anything you don't feel comfortable doing.

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What I've learned is trying to figure out my problems for myself and see what comes from them. I'm sorry, but after these repeated threads... Think of the following: if she ever finds out you have been telling the whole world she wants to get you laid, she ain't going to be happy and there won't be that much 'downtime' anymore.


Decide where you lose the msot. Will your friends abandon you if you do'nt join them on a night of getting ludicrously high and ridicously drunk?

Will the girl hate you if you don't go to the prom?

If you friends are real friends, they wo'nt mind that much, if that girl is anything of a girl, she will keep that in mind the next time. Go for the girl, that means. Any chance to be with the girl you love is probably a good chance to take.



Now stop doing these threads before she starts searching the web for your name and nickname and she stumbles upon the forums of n-europe and eventually this subject.


EDIT: Ow, your age. Ah well - just keep this in mind if you grow up, lady.

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2 things spring to mind. 1) She's kinda boasting about her experience and I don't know about u matey but I wouldnt want to become another notch on the bedpost if u get me


2) Her asking if u wanna sleep with her maybe her itrying to ask you out (badly). Or a test... she could be checking that you dont just wanna fuck her brains out.



Personally, I'd just say to her that yeah you like her a lot but you dont wanna hang out with her that night just for the prospect of sleeping with her. Just say that if it happens it does but you dont wanna go in with the expectation cos they might mess up the night.

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The tread title doesn't really agree with the thread. The title specifically states you have a problem, yet I've read it several times and can't really figure out what your problem is. Theres a girl that want to have sex with you, whats the problem?


He likes her more than just a quick fumble at a party.

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Look people get so hung up on the "first time". The way i see it is you have a great oppertunity here. if it doesnt turn into anything more so be it. but when you do finally find that someone special you will know your way around, and trust me that is worth something.


in 5 years time you will kick yourself for not taking the oppertunity.


my advice


1) use protection. dont want to be paying for a kid for the next 18 years.

2) Do some preperation, never go out with a loaded weapon. (theres something about mary)

3) enjoy it dont rush it, have fun. Sex is not meant to be serious it is about both (some times more) parties enjoying it.

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He likes her more than just a quick fumble at a party.


Thats what i'm saying. I don't think shes trying to mess me around, were great friends, i've liked her for ages now, more than anyone before. Thats why i'm just so stuck. I dont wanna get to the party, get drunk, wake up in the morning and then have us both regret what happened. Bu then again i really do like her so...argh my brain is overloading with thoughts lol



the person that said "so your gonna get drunk and shag her behind some bushes."


I do have some self control when i'm drunk, were not going to get that wasted, just basically celerbrate the end off GCSE's and stress.




Buy thanks for the help guys, but i really am stuck, I know most guys my age would be like "yay a chance for a shag" but i dont think i'm like that, which in a way i hate.



Any more suggestions would be awesome

(and i promise this is the last thread about this girl or any other one for that matter, i'll try and keep my problems to myself.)

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Thought of that already lol. But I want tot drink because i just wanna let go and have a bit fun..but i can handle my drink (usually) so I should be Ok on that front. But ica n just see my self getting typsy, lossing all inhabitions and just going for it...which i dont really know how i'd feel after it happened. I dont wanna loose her as a mate, but then again it could turn into something more serious.



I dont think theres ever gonna be a right answer is there?

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