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Serious Thread: Scottish (and hey, why not Welsh!) Independence.


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Time for a serious thread. We haven't had on in a while, and they are a bit more stimulating to the brain!


Here I was today listening to Jeremy Vine in the car today. It got me thinking two things: 1) He's pretty good, I should tune into him more. 2) Should Scotland be allowed dependance?


The latter thought consumed more of my time. Wales has recently scrapped prescription charges to which my un-educated countrymen commented on how "Its unfair that Wales takes all of England's money" - which is false. Now, Wales doesnt take much of England's money at all - infact the money they get to spend at the Welsh Parliament (I think) is pretty in proportion.


And then they rabbited on about independence..


The SNP want to get Scotland out of the Union and totally independant. I agree with this. Why? Well, according yo my medical economics lectures, (the ones I stay awake in) the Scottish NHS gets 125% of every pound the Scottish Goverment take in tax - whereas English NHS get 75% of every pound that Westminister takes. Fair? No.


Therefore, I say let Scotland be independant - we'll have a better NHS! Less of a GDP - but hey, industry in Scotland isn't exactly booming!


So what are your thoughts? Freeeeeedoooom! or not? Sorry if this is too taxing for the brain at this late hour :heh:

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In my opinion, Scotland will become independent within the next 20 years, because the English and Welsh, not the Scots, demand it.

The reason? Simple: Scotland uses the most money per-head on health care, social work, and similar, due to having more smokers and unemployed people/people without much in the way of prospects. The rest of the UK is paying for that, so they want Scotland to become independent and stop being a leech.


I'm not saying the Scots don't want it and wont demand it, though...


Therefore, I say let Scotland be independant - we'll have a better NHS!


This can also be achieved by making pretty much everyone in NHS management redundant and employing about a third the amount of people employed in that sector as there currently is.

The problem is that the management employs more management staff. When they realise they need to make job cuts to the NHS staff for financial reasons, they don't fire people in management who are like them, they fire nurses instead. Nice.


Also, we could save around £12 billion (probably more now) by having some people with slightly more than 35 IQ points create the NHS patient information network.

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I think that anyone Scottish person who wants independents is a complete idiot. We benefit so much from it, money, connections, trade etc. Economically we need this link.


From an English perspective though, you should throw us dirty Scots out.

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Guest Jordan

How long have we been a "united" Kingdom? I mean... why split now of all times when if anything we need to be unified rather than seperated.

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How long have we been a "united" Kingdom? I mean... why split now of all times when if anything we need to be unified rather than seperated.



Damn straight, whatever happened to this world getting smaller? It's dressed-up xenophobia, ancient grudges interfering with the UK's chances of becoming a more tolerant, outward looking place.

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I've always seen Wales and Scotland as countries in their own right, so hmm.


But, this thread seems more orientated towards Scottish independence. You can't really "force" another country to be independent, can you? "oi, we're sick of yo leechin', bugger off."


Scotland should want it, but if they're enjoying the position they're currently in, why in hell would they want to become independent? So, maybe it then should be forced?

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Well, I don't know too much about this, so I could be talking shit here, but if Scotland were to get independence, it's going to be reletively poor, so it's going to have to leech alot of money off the EU, meaning the government are going to have to give more money to the EU, or EU expendature is going to become more diverse to cater for Scotland. Considering most of the us arn't fans of the EU now, Scotland becoming independant is really going to piss off the new UK.


So to answer the topic question, probably not.

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What a deluded vision of the world, no country is better alone. No wonder you Brits give so much trouble to EU fellow members, you can't even decide if you're a nation.


How the hell do we give other EU members trouble? In fact, a lot of the poorer members give us trouble (in a way), as we get loads of immigrants. To be fare, most of them give a lot back to the country and do jobs better than the natives. Polish plumbers and builders are a perfect example of this.

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How the hell do we give other EU members trouble? In fact, a lot of the poorer members give us trouble (in a way), as we get loads of immigrants. To be fare, most of them give a lot back to the country and do jobs better than the natives. Polish plumbers and builders are a perfect example of this.


By being the most Eurosceptic country. Thankfully your government understands the importance of being part of the EU. As for the immigrants, supposedly UK natives had a better education and conditions and should be able to get a job (I know this isn't exactly true), I also doubt that your immigrant problems comes from within the EU.

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why did this whole argument even start in the first place?


whats wrong with being part of great britain? Do the scottish think there's something wrong with us?



i have only been to one place in scotland, glasgow, as soon as i arrived there i turned round and went home, it was a dump. (though this was about 5 years ago now so its probably improved lol)





(please dont take offence any scottish people, its 2am and i cant sleep lol)

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