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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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Have you played any version of Resident Evil 4 before, Ike? If this is your first time, you're in for a hell of a treat :hehe:


Cos Capcom would rather release the lightgun Resi games then declare theres no market for Resident Evil on the Wii... ::shrug:


..and if every Wii owner was like you, there would be no market for Resident Evil on the system :heh:

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I don't disagree, this is one of my favourite games ever. But why hasn't there been a new Resident Evil game on the Wii worth talking about this much?


Because there isn't a new Resident Evil worth talking about this much in any console, period. Wasn't RE5 considered lackluster, too?

And regarding your previous comment, lack of new releases =/= lack of quality games. I mean, is a game good only as long as it is recent? Because all those threads certainly prove that the 2008/2009 games were good, but the dry spells are letting people catch up.

I understand that the Wii's games might not be for your taste, I'm just saying yours was a pretty flimsy argument.


ANYWAY, I still need to go through Professional Mode in this game (which should be a blast). Otherwise, I think I've done everything already (including acing Mercenaries with all characters).

Might even do a playthrough to own everything with the extra weapons, one day.

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How is what I said any different to what mcj_metroid said? And yet he gets thanks and I get some defensive retorts!


All I'm saying is, all the best Wii games came out over a year ago, there hasn't been enough high quality titles over the last year or two, and there aren't enough coming up in the next year.


Resident Evil 4 proves that you can make a brilliant 3rd-person action/shooter game using the Wii remote controls succinctly. So why are there no other examples of similar quality?


Also, I loved Resident Evil 5. It was a weak single player game, but fantastic over local or online co-op.

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Shorty, 2010 was arguably the Wii's best year!

Galaxy 2, Other M, DKCR, Sonic Colours, Goldeneye, Red Steel 2, Epic Mickey etc.. all exclusives.


But I agree there hasn't been enough quality 3rd party titles on Wii, and if they'd bothered, they could have proved some truely great stuff along the lines of Resi 4/Metroid Prime with sublime pointer controls and amazing graphics etc... the tech's all been sat there!

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Have you played any version of Resident Evil 4 before, Ike? If this is your first time, you're in for a hell of a treat :hehe:


Played the Cube version which I borrowed from a friend so it's been a long time since I played it,

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How is what I said any different to what mcj_metroid said? And yet he gets thanks and I get some defensive retorts!


All I'm saying is, all the best Wii games came out over a year ago, there hasn't been enough high quality titles over the last year or two, and there aren't enough coming up in the next year.


Resident Evil 4 proves that you can make a brilliant 3rd-person action/shooter game using the Wii remote controls succinctly. So why are there no other examples of similar quality?


Also, I loved Resident Evil 5. It was a weak single player game, but fantastic over local or online co-op.


I wouldn't go as far as to say no good games have been released over the last 2 years, but resident evil 4 is one of the best games of all time and holds up as such.


Everyone who played the game loved it and wanted more.... but.. no? It just seems like the genre the wii controls are the best at, the wii lacked because nintendo had no interest in making them.


Games like uncharted and Gears of war would have worked wonders on the wii, but yet barely any third party tried games like this. Scarface, ghostbusters and godfather were ok I suppose.. but it's a shame no REAL money was thrown behind a project for the Wii.

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How is what I said any different to what mcj_metroid said? And yet he gets thanks and I get some defensive retorts!


mcj made a good point. My retort was purely to your "threads in the main page" comment, which I thought was a very flimsy argument.


All I'm saying is, all the best Wii games came out over a year ago, there hasn't been enough high quality titles over the last year or two, and there aren't enough coming up in the next year.


I'll give you the point of "next year" since they really have little announced (and those announcements were done with as little fanfare as possible), but, as Retro_Link already said, last year was a pretty good year (and he didn't even mention Kirby's Epic Yarn or Tatsunoko vs. Capcom)


Resident Evil 4 proves that you can make a brilliant 3rd-person action/shooter game using the Wii remote controls succinctly. So why are there no other examples of similar quality?


Oh, I thought you were just referring to Resident Evil.


In that case, yeah, you're right. Most people didn't see the goldmine in RE4: Wii Edition. It was probably because they thought it was a gimmicky port, which is a shame.


Also, I loved Resident Evil 5. It was a weak single player game, but fantastic over local or online co-op.


I do confess I was just going by hearsay (though I was aware of the "only good in Co-op" thing)

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How is what I said any different to what mcj_metroid said? And yet he gets thanks and I get some defensive retorts!


All I'm saying is, all the best Wii games came out over a year ago, there hasn't been enough high quality titles over the last year or two, and there aren't enough coming up in the next year.


Resident Evil 4 proves that you can make a brilliant 3rd-person action/shooter game using the Wii remote controls succinctly. So why are there no other examples of similar quality?


Also, I loved Resident Evil 5. It was a weak single player game, but fantastic over local or online co-op.


Last year we saw:


Tatsunoko Vs Capcom

Red Steel 2

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Kirby (although we got it late)

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Metroid Other M


Call of Duty Black Ops

Monster Hunter 3

No More Heroes 2

Sin& Punishment 2

Epic Mickey

and others


It was a great year. I put in over 300 hours on Monster Hunter alone. If you don't like the Wii, fine, but to claim last year's software line up was sub par is just wrong!

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It's only my opinion here, apologies if I stated it as though it was fact. Thing is, I would only consider a couple of those games to be must-buy games.


Also TvK and Red Steel 2 were not out within the last year, and SMG2 and NMH2 only just fit in the bracket so I was thinking of them (admittedly wrongly) as more than a year old.


If we look at the top 10 Wii games of all time from critics - only two came out in the last year and they're both sequels, of which their predecessors are also in the top 10 (and beat them).


I am not trying to pick a fight or point fingers at the Wii, I just want more (of what I would consider) top-tier games for mine....

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It's only my opinion here, apologies if I stated it as though it was fact. Thing is, I would only consider a couple of those games to be must-buy games.


Also TvK and Red Steel 2 were not out within the last year, and SMG2 and NMH2 only just fit in the bracket so I was thinking of them (admittedly wrongly) as more than a year old.


If we look at the top 10 Wii games of all time from critics - only two came out in the last year and they're both sequels, of which their predecessors are also in the top 10 (and beat them).


I am not trying to pick a fight or point fingers at the Wii, I just want more (of what I would consider) top-tier games for mine....


TvsC was out at the end of January 2010, and Red Steel 2 was out end of March 2010!


Anyway... I have around 60 Wii games, most of which I really enjoy. I like pointer controls, and think they are definetely the way forward in FPS games. I personally can't stand the DS3 pad due to the awful position and lack of resistance on the analogue sticks. But each to their own!


Looking back at my Wii collection I'd find it very hard to do a top 10 of all time. But if I did I can think of three games at least from last year that would be in it!

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I don't like the Dual Shock 3 at all either but is this really the topic for this conversation..?


I brought this thread back because I was having a great time again with Resident Evil 4 and am progressing nicely through Separate Ways :smile:The Mercenaries with Krauser has also proved to be a great source of enjoyment in recent days :yay:


Surely there are more relevent threads to discuss the quality of recent software on the Wii.. if anything, there are too many discussions on the matter already :eek:

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The Mercenaries with Krauser has also proved to be a great source of enjoyment in recent


Krauser is so made of win, I'm surprised he doesn't have his own game yet.


Though Wesker has become my favourite character, more recently. The Axe Kick and the Wesker Punch are a thing of beauty, they never get old. Also, he has a Sniper Rifle and a Magnum. Too good.

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TvsC was out at the end of January 2010, and Red Steel 2 was out end of March 2010!


Anyway... I have around 60 Wii games, most of which I really enjoy. I like pointer controls, and think they are definetely the way forward in FPS games. I personally can't stand the DS3 pad due to the awful position and lack of resistance on the analogue sticks. But each to their own!

It's April 2011 now, and I hate the looseness of the DS3 analogue sticks too :heh:


I'ma leave it at that and agree to disagree if that's ok : peace:


Did anyone else love Hunk for Mercenaries? He's regarded as the weakest player but I found that his melee finisher complimented the SMG and connected easier than most (and was the coolest by far).

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It's April 2011 now, and I hate the looseness of the DS3 analogue sticks too :heh:


I'ma leave it at that and agree to disagree if that's ok : peace:


Did anyone else love Hunk for Mercenaries? He's regarded as the weakest player but I found that his melee finisher complimented the SMG and connected easier than most (and was the coolest by far).


I loved Hunk. Mainly also for the finisher, watching someone's head do a 180 was always a cool thing. Wesker was probably the best as his load out was incredible. But I really enjoyed playing as Hunk and Krauser as they changed up the play style. If I had a 3DS I'd defo be getting the new mercenaries title!

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Did anyone else love Hunk for Mercenaries? He's regarded as the weakest player but I found that his melee finisher complimented the SMG and connected easier than most (and was the coolest by far).


Hunk, weak? Hell no. He has limited options, but he's excellent at them. And that Neckbreak, damn!


I thought Leon was the weakest by far, honestly.

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  • 3 years later...

Resident Evil 4 Turns 10: Fran and Brian Run in Fear - IGN Plays




Can't believe this game is 10 years old. The years sure do fly by. One of if not the best games on the Gamecube and in my top 10 games of all time. It had it all and it was just so memorable. Metroid Prime, great game and all but I can't remember it in comparison to this game.

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It's gonna be fantastic when this game gets re-released as a Wii download! Not only will it benefit from the faster loading times, but it'll also be fully playable Off TV on the Gamepad because it originally supported the Classic Controller! :D


Hurry up and re-release it already Nintendo/Capcom! The best version of this game must be made even better!

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  • 6 years later...

Figured I would just bump this thread rather than create a new one.

It seems Capcom have been accused of stealing a stupid amount of artwork and then used it in Resident Evil 4.


The evidence is there for all to see and it’s pretty compelling. It’s crazy how much they look to have stolen. They couldn’t even create the logo for the game without nicking something. :D 

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One fascinating thing related to this is the Resident Evil 4 HD Project. The people behind it spent a load of time and effort tracking down the real world locations that were used in the game, travelled to them and took new photos of them to recreate the in-game textures for their mod. It's an incredible amount of effort for a mod.

Now it turns out that Capcom used a CD, it seems that the work going into these new textures far exceeds that of Capcom. And on top of that, Capcom's textures infringes copyrights while the fan work is actually completely legal and doesn't infringe anything.


I'm curious how this could potentially affect future re-releases, the artist's case may only potentially cover current releases, and Capcom may have to license them properly once the case is over (or possibly buy the textures from the modders and use those isntead).

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Man, this is quite something. And they've done this consistently throughout the years, always from the same artist? They really thought they'd get away with it, huh?

I figure this means they can't milk Resident Evil as easily as before. Not the titles with the stolen content, anyway. Some textures can be changed for rereleases... but not the logo!

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55 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Man, this is quite something. And they've done this consistently throughout the years, always from the same artist? They really thought they'd get away with it, huh?

I figure this means they can't milk Resident Evil as easily as before. Not the titles with the stolen content, anyway. Some textures can be changed for rereleases... but not the logo!

It's quite likely that someone got the CD at some point and added the files to a internal reference folder without checking the license - possibly thought that buying the CD was enough. Then other people used the files because they presumed they were authorised. 

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