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N-Europe meet up.


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Yeah, Belgiums a good call lol. Realistically though, anywhere in the UK would do nicely. It all comes down to money however and what the post University funds look like.


A weekend at Portrush anyone?


Even, anyone wanna visit me next week or the week after? Ive a fortnight off. :yay: The weathers pickin up here like so dont be put off.

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It would be good if some of you guys could meet up. I have met a fair few people off here in the past and it's a good laugh. Even had Jav stay at my house :)


I would be up for a meetup but only if it's in London, cos im too lazy to travel anywhere else.

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I can honestly say that the prospect of meeting you guys terrifies me. Some of you scare the bejesus out of me.


Caris, not included. He's a sissy AND from Newcastle.


I will crush you.


I aint thought about this much, but the rough idea i had was to meet somewhere on the Friday night, chill out on that night get to know each other. On the Saturday have a walk around the City have a laugh mabey buy some stuff, night time not sure and on the Sunday go for a meal or something.

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I can honestly say that the prospect of meeting you guys terrifies me. Some of you scare the bejesus out of me.


Caris, not included. He's a sissy AND from Newcastle.




I'd like to meet Bard though, just so I can blast his face off with The Human League all day.

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I'd like to meet Bard though, just so I can make passionate love to him for a good hour and a half.


Yes yes. I can make it down to Hull, considering that I'm there most weekends anyway :heh:


Hotel/Bed and Breakfast is what i was thinking.


Would anyone actully do this or not? Cuase i sure as hell would.


Hell fuckin yeah man, come down to Manchester and we'll have a fucking awesome day out. I'm up for anything else aswell though, sounds hella fun. I'll bring some booze ;)

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