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My Sister Has Just Been Found Dead.


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Guest Stefkov

Bloody hell, sorry to hear that. I wont pretend to know what you're going through, but take it easy and I hope you and your family gets through his.

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I'm sorry to hear that man. My only advice is life goes on, don't think I'm telling you to just brush her aside, but if it's on your mind to much it will affect you in a negative way. Again I'm sorry, I hope you and your family get thorugh ok.

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Oh dear...I'm so sorry.


What's even sadder is that for now you've got focus on keeping your mums spirits a bit higher, whilst trying not to be too sad about it infront of her. She's going to need someone to keep her strong.


I'm not even going to pretend that i know how it feels to lose someone because the truth is I don't. Hell i'm lucky because i get to see everyone i care about at school everyday. I guess sometimes it really is unfair...


I'm really sorry. Always hear if you need a chat mate. Infact, everyone on this board is :)

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Sorry to hear about your loss, man.


Only advice I can give is to just stay strong for your family's sake. It'll seem impossible, but it's just something that you need to do. Don't be afraid to let out your emotions as well, as bottling them up will just force you to crumble from the inside.


Take care, man.

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Guys, what has happened is really, really terrible. Can we just try to be a little more sympathetic and more careful with the words that we choose to use? I think this is a really sensitive and delicate issue, so just try to be careful with your words.

Oh, I didn't realise what I said could be construed in any bad way... I genuinely am sorry for Owario, and just wanted to inform others about bi-polar people.

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