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What do you fear?


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oo.. this is gonna be fun... be prepared...


death, heights, the sea, flying, spiders, small spaces, being in the house by myself, being alone for the rest of my life, doing something i will regret, having a de-mobilitating disease, having my mental health slide, clowns, nuts, getting mugged, walking home alone, the dark, spooky noises and most of all, my biggest fear is getting hurt somewhere deserted and no one being able to find you

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I was having a conversation with my friend today about this, and it turns out one of her biggest fears is being in the shower, and the water turns into blood.

Translated lyrics from the Higurashi OP: "Raindrops turn into blood and roll down my cheek." :heh:


As for being scared... I dunno. There probably is something, but right now I can't think of much I'm actively frightened by...

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I'm pretty scared of moths, mainly the big ones that make loads of noise when they hit against the walls and the light. But that pales in comparison to my fear of pigeons, they actually terrify me. I've been known to cross the street to avoid them. They always seem to burst into flight just as I'm near them and that never fails to sending me sprinting down the street panicking like crazy. It doesn't help that I have to walk through streets full of them on my way to college every day :(

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