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Today's purchases:


1080 Avalanche, Billy Hatcher, PN03, Geist and Metroid Prime for the princely sum of £22.99 (Metroid Prime was at the unbelievable price of only £2.99. Guess I can complete it now without worrying about my memory card corrupting). Thought I saw Wind Waker in amongst all of the GC games but when I managed to get a hold of the golden box, it was just Sonic Adventure 2 Battle where Gamestation had taken the sleeve off of it's original box and put it on the golden one. Lots of copies of Super Mario Sunshine for £12.99 but there was nothing else on the 2 for £20 deal that I wanted.

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Finally found a TV that i'm happy with :D Two years of saving and searching have lead me to this;




Panasonic TH-42PZ81


I bought it yesterday and set it up last night. 42" of full-HD glory! Games look stunning, HD-DVDs look crisper than i have EVER seen and Freesat is pretty awesome (an free, unlike those Sky scumbags :p). I'm well chuffed, i've got nothing to complain about with it. The pictures it produces are the best i've ever seen!

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Where the hell you get it at that price?


*Grumbles at paying £23 for it*


Although worth every penny ^_^


Asda. I went in there to find my mother (who was shopping) and saw that, Chuck and Pushing Daisies for the same price. PD is cheaper and has more on the American version, and I figured my housemate said she wants to see GG and has already seen Chuck.


Anyway also on sendit, thehut and all those for a bit less (just under £13 I think)

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Just back from my week in liverpool, which to be fair is a great city with lots of awesome cool shops. Grand centeral just wanted all my money, but due to lack of funds all i could afford was this little number.




Most of my money went to Netto which is the best shop in the history of the world


4 pack of calsberg export = £1.99 result lol.

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