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Jepp. The touch Diamond.


640x480 resolution.

Great web browser


Being able to put uncompressed episodes of anime/series/movies on the phone, then watch them on the go or connect it to a ps3/360 to see them on a big screen tv is ace.


And when I wake up it connects to the net and gives me a update on what has happened (face book, gmail, maxconsole, N-europe)


and alot more :D

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Guest Stefkov
Harvest Moon goodness.

Good to see another HM fan. I love the series. I just watched some videos of these last night aswell so I'm all hyped. Do they have a release date?

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Good to see another HM fan. I love the series. I just watched some videos of these last night aswell so I'm all hyped. Do they have a release date?


Both games are supposedly being released August 26th. From what I have read here and there, the DS release is final. The guide will be released on the 15th.

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Damages - Season 1

11 GBP


I have already seen it on TV, but the price is too good and the bonus material sounds interesting.


Hmm have been meaning to check this show for a while...






£1 each! A bargain discount book store was closing down so they reduced everything to £1. Having many books came in useful when I was stuck at the train station for an hour and a half yesterday.






Been on my amazon wish list for quite a while, RRP at £25 managed to get it for £10. Looks good (in a nerdy way). Plus should come in useful for my disseration.

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