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Nope. You're the only person in Europe who can wait. Everywhere else has it -_-


I too am waiting! I have exams to get out of the way, and I'm still enjoying Melee. Anyway, I've barely got any money, and I have a year of Live to buy still!

And alcohol for parties over easter...

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I too am waiting! I have exams to get out of the way, and I'm still enjoying Melee. Anyway, I've barely got any money, and I have a year of Live to buy still!

And alcohol for parties over easter...


Gah yeah i got lots of uni work and exam prep to do. And i can't find my god-damn SSBM CD!! GAH!


Some tea-leaf has stolened it . . .

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Guest bluey


I've never owned a shirt before thats not been for college, so I have no idea if this will look good. I need a different colour tie for it though, what colour would look best?


any colour that doesnt make my eyes feel like they're looking at one of those motion sickness test pages @____@ definitely need a plain coloured tie with that!!! otherwise it's a nice shirt! :grin:


this weekend i bought a little file for my school paperwork (am i the only person here who can say i'm going to school, but to be a teacher rather than a student?? :heh: ) a LAN cable ~ i think... thanks to jamba for the techie advice! ^_^ some bubble bath to take to my friend in japan (apparently you cant get bubbly bubble bath over there - DOOM!!!) and some REALLY expensive water for the train-ride back home to gloomytown.


soo... lots of things and stuff...


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I've never owned a shirt before thats not been for college, so I have no idea if this will look good. I need a different colour tie for it though, what colour would look best?


White would go quite well. Silver may, needs to be tried. And if you're feeling particularly vibrant red would work well too.

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Match it with a red belt too, plenty of places do them (well, River Island and Topman do and im sure other places probably do...).


Anyway...im going to try and salvage some of my masculinity. I believe I left it in the other room.

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Match it with a red belt too, plenty of places do them (well, River Island and Topman do and im sure other places probably do...).


Anyway...im going to try and salvage some of my masculinity. I believe I left it in the other room.


Red belt? *searches room* I have one! Woo, thanks for the help Ashley, it's really appreciated. Hopefully I shall look smart/casual enough for thursday now. :D

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the falchion, a fine blade. and my newest weapon in my growing collection.


anouther fully functional item, the carbon steel blade is very sharp (my fingers can testify from experience :() having a leather sheath with belt loop means it gets worn around the house, and i almost accidently wore it to the chippie last week.


at £65 it was dear, and i was pissed off when it dropped to £45 a few days later. ideal, id have gotten this later, but the ban on samurai swords comes in next month and this bizzarly classifys.


its one thing to pass a pointless law, but to make it affect items it shouldent is just stupid. parlament can go to hell for all i care, the banning of samurai swords was unnecicary and just passed to make them look busy.


back to the blade, its longer then it appears, and satisfyingly heavy. easy to get a good cut or thrust going.

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Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (PS3) - £35 from ShopTo.



Bungle, Zippy and George team up with their doppelgängers from a parallel universe and hit the Las Vegas strip for the second time, with hilarious results!


Well, not really. It's actually a game about shooting people that aren't American in the face. Like most games, then.


Seems it's more of an 'expandalone' than a true sequel, but seeing as I sold on my 360 copy of the original I thought I'd buy this for some sneaky online face-shooting action.

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Have you used any of them yet? They seem quite versatile, good for threats, cutting meat, opening bananas from afar.


they are actualy great for building upper body strength, just swinging a sword round for a few mins a day has gotten me looking like a man.


plus, im better prepaired for when medival france invades.

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