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Today I purchased this:




Recommended by the quacks as I keep picking up colds/flu because the horrible people on the trains have no manners and do not use their hands when sneezing and coughing.. Plus the air con at work doesn't help with all the germs circulating around.


This stuff is meant to help build up my immune system and to be taken along with vitamin C tablets. I take 1 tablet a day for 2 weeks and then nothing for 2 weeks and repeat process till all tablets gone. Then buy more if required.


Worth a go as im fed up of feeling like shit all the time!


Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echinacea

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Saitek Eclipse Keyboard:




Logitech G5:




Was gonna get the MX518, but this is far better and the same price. The blue one was a tenner more :(


New monitor stand:




My screen's stand isn't adjustable, so it's currently sitting on a big blue block. This should sort that problem out nicely :D


And a new book:




The computer stuff should have been here by now, i ordered it on Thursday with next day delivery. Got told "estimated delivery date: 11th January" and it still hasn't made it to me. Not happy.

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i think i need your purchase, i'm off work today. I hate taking a sickday, only my second for 3 years.


Thats pretty good going. However I have only had 4 sick days in 5 years!


People at work have a go at me as I still go in when im kinda ill but if I stay in bed I feel worse and I just hate taking days off sick. Strange really as when at school and college I did it all the time.


Anyway back on topic.


Today I purchased some porridge and NME.

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Thats pretty good going. However I have only had 4 sick days in 5 years!


1 in 4 years.


Today I purchased a pub lunch, was nice. And then a big bottle of tango on the way home for tomorrow as me and a friend are going to watch Juno, and normally it would be wine but thats a bit much at 11am.

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Pffft! I couldnt do that shit.


Everyone deserves about one sick day I year I reckon. I skyved off last year when my friend was going back to uni, so I skyved the day (Said I had a migrane) and went to the cinema and played Heroclix. It was cool. :bouncy:


I had three sick days last year. Its a waste not claiming at least 1 or 2 :P


Something like 6 single incidents of sick days in one year will get me fired =(

(and when you've got a legit illness that is very easy to do)


I've seen myself coming into work completely not able to walk (mostly crippling arthritic flare ups) and having to stay cause of the stupid rules =(

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Pffft! I couldnt do that shit.


Everyone deserves about one sick day I year I reckon. I skyved off last year when my friend was going back to uni, so I skyved the day (Said I had a migrane) and went to the cinema and played Heroclix. It was cool. :bouncy:


I wanted a few days off last week...or two weeks ago. I forgot...anyway. Yeah I was ill and felt lousy but had to go because I was in charge and it wouldn't have been possible to get cover.


Its like yesterday night I felt really sick and was preparing myself to go in today and put myself as sick but stay in the stockroom throwing up and get someone else in because I would have had to have been there. But I got better.

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The best part? That gun.... that´s papercraft that he made himself.

I wish i had the patience to do stuff like that


Oh yeah! :)


Sorry about that Vicar. :D Your pictures contained too much win that i could not handle them all! :o


Awesome Gun thingy. :awesome:


I bought some lucozade




an energy drink for men! MENERGY... :heh:

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I had three sick days last year. Its a waste not claiming at least 1 or 2 :P


Something like 6 single incidents of sick days in one year will get me fired =(

(and when you've got a legit illness that is very easy to do)


I've seen myself coming into work completely not able to walk (mostly crippling arthritic flare ups) and having to stay cause of the stupid rules =(


Are you sure that's legal? I'm sure you're allowed a certain amount of sick days each year by law...



Can I be sacked for taking sick leave?

This may be unfair dismissal if your employer has not treated you reasonably (see the section on Dismissal in Ending a job, in the menu on the right).


If you call in sick often for minor things like colds and headaches your dismissal is unlikely to be treated as unfair.



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Are you sure that's legal? I'm sure you're allowed a certain amount of sick days each year by law...







Yep Pretty sure, its counting as 6 "incidents" of which can be up to three days. But i rarely take any more than a day to recover with anything. Also different circumstances for long term sick.


Its a pretty complex system... You get stage 1 after 3 occasions and it moves up a stage from every other incidence after this. once you get to stage 4/5 you get dismissal.


I work for the NHS and i'm sure plenty of nurses would be off sick catchin' all these bugs that have been going around lately :/

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howmuch for the keyboard?

looks slik


£21. It arrived today, the keyboard is taking a bit of getting used to because it's so different from my old one but so far i really like it.


The monitor stand is the thing that truly amazes me! It's really, really well built and will move in basically any way apart from pan. It'll even shift my monitor in to portrait mode! Well worth £25!



No mouse though because City Link are incompetent. Somehow they managed to deliver the keyboard and monitor stand and yet, for the second day in a row, they made an "unsuccesfull delivery attempt" with the mouse. Either the driver forgot to give me it or it was in another van that got lost.

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