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Super Smash Bros Brawl Controls: Your Ideas


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I think, instead of taunting with the d pad, it should be used to jump. With the GC controlles, X/Y was used to hop, as it was extremely difficult to do it with the control stick, and hopping is pretty important in SSBM, it probably would be important in SSBB too.


Don't know where taunt would go though =/

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they will not use the gc controller ffs.

they dont make it anymore.

hardly anywhere stocks it.


if they will use the classic controller which i doubt they will HAVE to give it away free.

they cant make you buy a new controller just to play the game.

if you think about this its obvious that the classic controller and the gc controller just arent happening.

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[quote name=Teppo Holmqvist;312345

In general' date=' whole situation is pretty much testament for Internet stupidity, and how easy it is to stir shit. Honestly, does someone really believe that Nintendo would require you to use additional controller device** for their top-selling flagship title? Little common sense goes long way.


* Here is IGN's version: http://wii.ign.com/articles/737/737632p1.html


** that isn't even manufactured anymore..


Exactly. And the only way it will require the VC pad is if it comes bundled with the game, which would be fine with me since i dont have one


Also, this is a 2D fighter, the likes of which existed way before the invention of the GC pad.

They could easily map out the controls to the Wii controllers if they spent 2 hours thinking about it

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All functions can be mapped to the Nunchuck setup quite easily:


Stick: moving

A : standard attack

B : special attack

Pad : Jump

C : Grab

Z : Shield

Taunt : 1 or 2

Pause: + or -


That way the Wiimote can be used for smashing and items, if necessary. If normal gameplay is better then they should use traditional gameplay though. That doesn't make a bad game though.

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I think, instead of taunting with the d pad, it should be used to jump. With the GC controlles, X/Y was used to hop, as it was extremely difficult to do it with the control stick, and hopping is pretty important in SSBM, it probably would be important in SSBB too.


Don't know where taunt would go though =/


I always found jumping with the analogue stick much easier as you could press the other buttons on the controller at the same time, whereas if you pressed X to jump it was harder to press A or B to attack.

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Smash Bros on Gamecube used the following to my memory...


Up on the Stick/X/Y to jump

The other directions on the stick for movement

A for melee attacks

B for special attacks

Z for Grab

R/L for Shield

D-Pad for Taunts

C-Stick for easy Smash Moves


Wii can easily replicate that...


Up on the Stick to Jump

Other Directions for Movement

A for Melee

B for Special

Z for Grab

C for Shield

D-Pad for Taunts


All it loses are the easy Smash Moves which frankly are cheap anyway but could be replicated with a waggle of the Wii Remote if felt necessary. It means that you don't need to splash out on Gamecube controllers/Classic controllers if you don't have them and frankly it'd work just as well. Just because the Wii remote has all these fancy abilities doesn't mean it needs to be used for that. It has all the same buttons and functions of a regular controller too.



I think your setup sounds quite easy to use, and I wouldn't mind the setup to be like that.


Anyway, I dunno why it would be a waste if they didn't implement Wii controls. It's better to have good, solid controls that work rather than something that doesnt work.


If Nintendo feels that Wii controls can work with this game, and then I'm for that. But, if they feel that it just doesn't work, or is too implicated to perform, then I can agree with that, too.


The Wiimote, imo, it supposed to make gaming more intuitive. If it doesn't do that here, why just hack on some controls for the sake of it? To justify a purchase? No way.

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Using the wiimote like a nes controller, with as few buttons as possible and as little 'wii waggling' as possible, would be my choice. The series doesn't have to have the same moves every single time, and it doesn't need to be more complex every time. The whole point of the wii is how simple it all is!

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and your proof is where?


My proof? It's just like the Metal Slug anthology, all the 'new' wiimote controls were cack. Basically it's a game that works best with traditional controls, is that such a terrible thing?


The wiimote is not a one size fits all control method, nothing ever is. Like gamepads, they're ace but give me a mouse any day when I'm playing C&C

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My proof? It's just like the Metal Slug anthology, all the 'new' wiimote controls were cack. Basically it's a game that works best with traditional controls, is that such a terrible thing?


The wiimote is not a one size fits all control method, nothing ever is. Like gamepads, they're ace but give me a mouse any day when I'm playing C&C

what im saying is there is no way the gc controll will be required.

classic controller maybe

but it will have to be supplied free.


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The best way to map gamecube controls to the nunchuk + remote would be:


D Stick (move/jump) -> Stick on nunchuk

L/R (shield) -> Z on nunchuk

Z (grab) -> C on nunchuk

A -> A

B -> B

X/Y (jump) -> D-pad

Taunt -> 1 or 2


This would have some disadvantages to the gamecube pad:


-Lack of c-stick. Not too big of a deal, but useful all the same, like the ability to use a f-air whilst moving backwards.

-D-pad could be awkward to jump (or short hop) with.

-B could be awkward to use (since it's underneath).

-Lack of having a "really big but weak" shield.


In conclusion, they should just give you the option to either use the nunchuk, classic controller or gamecube pad, so no-one complains. It could also provide an opitunity for 8 player.

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Eh... SSBB will be using the GC controller.


A lot can happen over a period of time. When did they say it would use the GC controller? Bluddy ages ago! That's when.


And, that was only when they said they were having trouble getting ideas of how to implement the wiimote and chukchuk. Who's to say that they aren't feeling a little more...enlightened by now?

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Eh... SSBB will be using the GC controller because Sakurai said that the reason was because he did not want to "alienate those familiar with the pad.


so your saying.

it WILL use the gc pad.

a pad which they dont make anymore, isnt stocked in most retailers ect.

there MAY be an option to use it but dude, get real.

there is no way they will make you use it.

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So, now you've all (well, most) now used the Wii Remote with new games, plus "traditional" ones like Zelda, how do you think the controls will work for Smash Bros Brawl, or do you think they should just use the Classic/GameCube controller?


I think they should do something similar to Zelda, and simply find a way to "map" the GC controls onto the Wii Remote, but add simple motion controls too (but entirely optional in this case).


My control idea:



C - Block/Dodge

Z - Grab

Up (Stuck) - Jump

Flick Up (Nunchuck) - Jump

Left/Right (Stick) - move

Down (Stick) - Duck



A - Attack/Item

B - Special Attack

+ - Pause (into the camera mode thing)

- - Pause Menu

D-pad - Taunt

Waggle - Attack/Item (like how Link's sword in TP works)




(p.s. I've made this separate to the "official" one so there isn't much "speculation spam" or whatever you want to call it in that thread)


I didn't read beyond the first few posts of this topic, I got put off by all the dicks who decided they needed to go telling us what can and cannot be used, rather than suggesting uses for the wiimote or saying what they think it should be, which I feel was the original intent of the topic.

Having said that, I do agree that what works currently(SSBM) is good, and doesn't need changing. I do like your ideas though, I think a flick of either the nunchuck or the wiimote should be used for jumping. Everything else sounds real good to me too, except whilst B is used for specials, the D-Pad(like the analog stick currently) is used to variate the specials.

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It's officicial that it works with the GC pad, what's the problem? It's also official that they're working on controls with the Wii controllers. Seriously, I don't see what's the fuss about.


It's also "official" that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a GameCube-only game and will "certainly not" utilise the Wii controller in any way at all.


And the thing is this: The Zelda statement actually WAS an official announcement, when Twilight Princess was to be released on the same day as the Wii, not just a statement hinting that it may be useful to hang onto GameCube controllers (he mustn't of been thinking correctly when he said that - if someone had GameCube controllers, surely most of the people wouldn't get rid of ALL their games, and would need to keep them anyway).


With the success of Zelda's controls (the sword-waggle - which wasn't even in the game until recently - adds a LOT to the feeling of the game), I'm sure the SSBB can think of plenty of ways of using the Wii Remote/Nunchuck without "alienating" those used to a GameCube controller.

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