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SSX Blur


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We know it's not going to be the greatest game of all time. But, do you go into every game you play thinking that? If you do that, you're always going to be setup for a huge disappointment.
No but I expect them to always improve, not go downhill. SSX3 remains one of my favourite games - I want something that will match that :( The way SSX Blur was coming along, I thought "this will be the first Wii game I will buy since launch" (I only have Zelda and Wii Play for the second remote, nothing else has grabbed my attention).


But another "half-decent" SSX game is going to be no different to SSX On Tour, which I found frustrating and quickly got bored with. There's no need to add a third SSX title to my library when the average review says its worse than both of the ones I own now.


I'm starting to wonder if a Wii game is even on the way that will score enough, or that I will care enough about for me to buy. Where are the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 ratings that the N64 had within the first few months? I just don't have enough money to buy "quite good" sequels.

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Where are the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 ratings that the N64 had within the first few months?


Times were quite different. During first years of gaming site, it was sooo much easier to get scores that were over 9. Just look some older titles / platforms on Gamerankings and you notice how silly scoring was.

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No but I expect them to always improve, not go downhill. SSX3 remains one of my favourite games - I want something that will match that :( The way SSX Blur was coming along, I thought "this will be the first Wii game I will buy since launch" (I only have Zelda and Wii Play for the second remote, nothing else has grabbed my attention).


Definitely. There's always going to be dips in franchises and stuff, but you generally expect there to be something new or various improvements in the game to warrant your purchase. I've only really played Tricky, and that was years ago, so I haven't got much to compare it to.



But another "half-decent" SSX game is going to be no different to SSX On Tour, which I found frustrating and quickly got bored with. There's no need to add a third SSX title to my library when the average review says its worse than both of the ones I own now.


I think reviews have been a bit up and down on this. At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether you end up buying it or not. It'll be a different experience for you than it is for me, as I haven't played on tour. It's a gamble really.


I'm starting to wonder if a Wii game is even on the way that will score enough, or that I will care enough about for me to buy. Where are the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 ratings that the N64 had within the first few months? I just don't have enough money to buy "quite good" sequels.


In my honest opinion, I think reviews are much, much harsher than they have ever been before. You'll be hardpressed to find scores like that on any system.

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...Where are the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 ratings that the N64 had within the first few months? I just don't have enough money to buy "quite good" sequels.


Don't forget that N64 brought about decent 3D gaming for the first time! This was sure to mark up a lot of review scores, right?!


The gamerankings scores for this game are still very respectable, just a couple sites that bring it down, the majority of others rate it bewteen 7 & 9 (not inclusive!).



...but I still understand your point totally!

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I seriously, seriously loved Tricky. Me and my friend were just...sickeningly good at it. Id go as far as to say its one of the video games Ive been best at ever. We used to have EPIC matches...that came down to doing a few back flips on the run to the end of the course.

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It annoys me that reviews affect how excited I am towards a game.


Yeah! God, I've been feeling and thinking that for sooo long but I've never put it into words and made it obvious to myself.


I find that I can still enjoy playing it - thoroughly even - but I guess it's the overall... LICENSE TO LOVE that disappears.


However many people that play a game like this there's always gonna be plenty more who didn't. As long as that is true, the average score a game is getting will determine how "allowed" we are to proclaim it as something really cool.


Full Auto for instance. I honestly loved that game. It had bland presentation for sure, and the framerate was a bit awkward, but personally I thought it was fantastic to the point of deserving a score in the 8's region. Now when I state that I loved that game that somehow diminishes my credibility.


I suppose therefore I'm less excited by low or average scores, because it has little actual effect on whether I think the game is good or not.

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Just read the GoNintendo end of day thoughts, and he talked about how the game plays, ubertricks, etc.


I read the whole thing, word for word, and I could instantly relate to it. Not just with the Wii, but the problems when pulling off moves in any game. No Mercy on the N64 for example, it took me a while before I could figure out that to do a strong grapple you had to HOLD the button instead of pushing it.


With SSX blur, the dude was having problems performing ubertricks. In the end, he managed to nail it, and he said it felt rewarding. I think this could also be related to my experience of ExciteTruck, when performing airspins. I just couldn't seem to do it, and then it just 'clicked' and I could do it.


Shorty, I recommend you take a read, dude.



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I haven't played an SSX games since Tricky but I need some new Wii games so this and Sonic should do fine and IGN gave it a good score, in my opinion the most reliable games site. Sorry if it has been asked already but when is the UK release.

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Guest Jordan

SSX Tricky had more style than 99% of games i've ever played. It had fantastic tracks, great characters, amazing music... then SSX3/On Tour came out and i felt constantly disappointed.


I am not buying Blur unless its cheap.

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I have never played any SSX games before but im interested in this one and if what Flinky says is true..


With SSX blur, the dude was having problems performing ubertricks. In the end, he managed to nail it, and he said it felt rewarding. I think this could also be related to my experience of ExciteTruck, when performing airspins. I just couldn't seem to do it, and then it just 'clicked' and I could do it.


..then I will pick it up as I felt the same way when playing Excite Truck.

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I'd like to get this game just to try out the controls as i'm very intrigued by them, but i think i'll hold off till 1080 comes out (yes i'm aware it's not been even announced yet but you know it will be)

I really hope so; and I hope it'll have a decent amount of tracks n 4P without missing bits....PLEASE NINTENDO!!!:D

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I really hope so; and I hope it'll have a decent amount of tracks n 4P without missing bits....PLEASE NINTENDO!!!:D

Confirmed are 12 tracks (with several options to go through them) and I think it was 2 player maximum.


Great controls videos by the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very surprised to see this 4 pages in considering its coming out friday, looks amazing and has been getting great reviews. Thought the gameplay pre-orderers would be chatting about their order status.


Can't wait to get this game (Ive preordered from gameplay ;) ), but I'm so busy til sunday :( Anyone else getting it?

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For those of you that are picking this up on the High Street tomorrow , it may be worth checking your local Woolies* , as according to their website (and they do tend to honour those prices in-store) they are going to be doing this and Tiger Woods for £29.99 each which will be cheaper than the usual suspects.


As for me , I cannot decide - loved the first couple of games in the series but On Tour was a big steaming pile of turd that single handedly ruined the series for me.



* Woolies possibly the cheapest for games , never ever thought I would say that.

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Thought the gameplay pre-orderers would be chatting about their order status.


Can't wait to get this game (Ive preordered from gameplay ;) )

So they've not sent it out then?


Did anyone get this (or any new release for that matter) today from Gameplay? Or have they really changed for the worse. :sad:

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Recently, since the GAME buyout, all my games from Gameplay have packed AND been despatched on the Thursday, technically allowing games to arrive with customers on the Friday of release.


There's a neat little trick with Gameplay, if you're interested. You only pay P&P once each order, so if you're planning to buy several games, put them all through as one order and any postage will be charged only once (so if you have 10 games on order, a £4.99 Guaranteed Next Day charge is paid once, meaning that it'll cost you £0.49 per game).


Checked my account and its being picked today.

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So they've not sent it out then?


Did anyone get this (or any new release for that matter) today from Gameplay? Or have they really changed for the worse. :sad:


Mines dispatching today! So...i'm beginning to think they've changed how they do things now and we will no-longer recieve games on Thursdays. :(


I have many, many preorders left with them...and to be honest, i think even though they are now dispatching games on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays i'm going to stick with them...


I mean i've purchased this for £29.99 from Gameplay, which is better then £39.99. If it means waiting another 24 hours to keep saving amounts like that, i'll just have to grin and bare it, there also a very good store.


It's a shame we may no-longer get the games on a Thursday though. One of Gameplays positives, i reckon many will leave them now....

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