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Everything posted by Will

  1. I subscribe to EDGE then I'll occasionally buy Games TM, Autosport and Evo. I read through MCV at work but it never has anything interesting in it.
  2. That is mega annoying to the max! My rent at the moment is £1530 a month split with my flatmate, we'd need a good deal more than that to get anywhere near buying. Fat chance of them ever helping me out, not fair at all! The best bit of the budget was Cameron's response to it - brilliant stuff, I think with him leading they're going to have a good chance of finally getting in come next election. The budget doesn't affect me too much though, the £300 or so I'm better off due to the new tax brackets will be eaten up by the increases in other areas.
  3. Has it actually got any better since Schumacher retired though? As far as I can tell last year it was interesting to watch the leaderboard at the end of each race but the actual races were utterly boring. I still don't get why people rave about it so much, off track stuff was good, but the actual sport, the racing (if you can call it that) was shit. I really hope the technological steps backwards will shake things up a bit this year, its long overdue that the sport took place on the track rather than the pitlane/newspapers.
  4. Plasma is certainly better for TV, much nicer picture, more natural warmer and closer to CRT in terms of quality. Gaming its a bit of a grey area to be honest, source is usually better so the crapness of LCD won't show through as much. Also I think a lot is down to as there's a much lower risk of burn in its considered a much safer option than using a plasma what with HUD's, title screena and static images showing up all over the show. Although its closer with games I'd still say Plasma will give a better picture, you just have to take a bit more care with it.
  5. To be fair does anyone buy a TV purely for gaming? I doubt it. Plasma is still superior to LCD in terms of outright picture quality - and that includes gaming.
  6. How new is your TV exactly? If its brand new you should be running it in on dim settings and not putting static menus on the screen at all. You can hardly call it Sony's fault, they only offered an option - your the one that chose to use it.
  7. Has anyone had their tickets yet? I'm still waiting for the one I ordered via the site for a mate as well as my pass through work. Not sure if I'm just unlucky or they're taking ages in doing it.
  8. He's just clever, well, within the sense of the game. He's done nothing thats against the rules, I don't know how you could even entertain the notion that he's an asshole. At the end of the day he played a much better game than the other guy and came out of it with more money. Good on him if you ask me.
  9. I actually think it looks very nice indeed from those videos. I really can't see anything wrong with it at all, its not like Mario Kart has ever been about hardcore gamers, its all about the casual racing that anyone can take part in. Seems like a perfect fit to me. Really can't wait for it.
  10. I don't think your going to find anything official. The US PlayStation support site says it should only be used with a 110V supply. They're only doing it to cover their backs and discourage importing but I doubt they will contradict it anywhere else. Only place your likely to get official confirmation is by opening up the PS3 and seeing if the transformer has the details written on it.
  11. With sales like M&S is getting at the moment I don't think its going to be forgotten about for a long time.
  12. Am I right in thinking you've turned it on already? If you have then that should be proof enough for the people. Putting 230V into something that can only take 110V would fry instantly, its not a case of a ticking time bomb, the thing would have blown the minute you turned it on.
  13. Does it not say in the manual? Well it won't quite be a pass through, if you just have the PS3 you'll have a system of: Power socket (230V) -> PS3 Power Supply (230V converted to usable) If you add in the Step Down you've got Power socket (230V) -> Step Down (230V down to 110V) -> PS3 Power Supply (110V converted to usable) So your effectively reducing the power twice which is probably much less efficient, means there's two heat dumps and just adds to the list of things that can blow. To be honest its probably never going to be a problem but in my experience step downs are generally small, get incredibly hot and its always been my biggest fear of problems. I would never use one unless absolutely necessary and with the PS3 its not at all.
  14. So what was the reason? Is it all working now?
  15. S.C.G, A step down converter is likely to be much lower quality than the one in the PS3 and hence much more likely to combust than the PS3. By adding an extra bit your only adding to the list of things that can go wrong rather than making it safer. Still, people who don't know about this kind of stuff like to make you do silly things. flameboy, its just the level of upscaling the machine will be doing. I'm not 100% sure as I don't have a PS3 to look at the options. Basically you want it as high as your TV can accept for widescreen DVD's but normal for 4:3 stuff as it will stretch the image otherwise.
  16. The last statement doesn't say anything about not doing hardcore games on the Wii though, just that it will only be hardcore games on the PS3 and 360. All kinds of stuff includes more than just party games. If people start buying hardcore games then SEGA will be more than happy to make them. You mean something like the official Olympics game SEGA are currently making? Its a shame its not coming to the Wii but I actually think its not really needed when the console has Mario and Sonic.
  17. Yeah the PS3 has a universal power supply so it just works out what your putting into it and converts it to the right DC voltage for the machine to run. Its not like the older machines where the power needed to be taken down before going in. It'll work just fine, what are the people in your house going to do to check the voltage though?
  18. They're weird, when I got my dual shock before christmas yes asia was cheaper so I never looked at Play Asia for it, didn't realise they wouldn't send it. They do send some Sony stuff here though, I've had 2 packages from them this week and one on the way that is Sony bits. They seem to have selective non-sending which is strange.
  19. Yes Asia - £35 Play Asia - £30.50 Both places are very reliable and I've used them both a lot never having a problem. Postage isn't too bad, when I got mine before Christmas I had it in my hands for under £30.
  20. The GDC comments would not have been to blame for him leaving, they were either a "Well I'm being kicked out I may as well say it" or a "I know I'm leaving next week have a bit of this". You don't take the desicion to leave a position like that without a bit of thought and the guy's clued up enough to know exactly what he was doing saying that rather than it being a slip of the tongue that lost him his job. I'd say he would of walked rather than being kicked out though, for all the stick he sometimes gets he did damn good stuff for the Playstation machines. Word round here early this morning were of a big money move to Atari but I haven't heard anything since, certainly an interesting one this.
  21. I've never found that overall a worse player will beat a good one, it levels out an overall the best player will come out on top. If your really that good and a blue shell is coming your way then all you need to do is slow down and make sure the blast takes out your close rivals when it comes. Quite a good weapon I think.
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