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Everything posted by Will

  1. A port wouldn't necesarily be easy and cheap. The only DC updates thus far have been very short not too involved games. Shenmue is still a massive game and would take a considerable amount of time to port across to the Wii. While everyone seems to love Shenmue on the internet its just not that popular with the mass market. As far as I can see it would be a hell of a lot of work for very little profit (if any). I would be very confident making a pretty high bet we're not seeing anything from that series anytime soon. On topic - JSR is certainly one I'd like to see, not sure there's a market for it as it hasn't sold well in the past. Another one with the problem of being loved on the internet but practically unknown in real life.
  2. We can definitely rule out a Shenmue Port/Pack/Remake/Sequel for the foreseeable future. Much as I'd love it to happen - It isn't going to.
  3. In response to Tapedeck's last post: We're already seeing the decline of the PC as a main gaming platform. Casual players, women, young children, girls etc. who have used PC's to play things like The Sims and verious online flash games are now playing on DS's and to an extent the Wii recently. Hardcore FPS players are finding equal and often better experiences on home consoles. So yes, in a sense the PC is losing out to consoles. More and more people are buying laptops, great for work and the odd email but just not up to the task of playing the latest games, again this pushes more people to rely on consoles for their gaming fix. Consoles will probably develop further still but I'd say its unlikely they will replace the PC for the staple uses of a PC. Its just not practical for more people. A games console is used with the TV in place of watching a DVD or usual TV. A PC is often used at the same time as someone else is using a home TV, transfering what it does into the living room just won't work for the vast majority of people. I'd agree with all of Jordan's points, and those are exactly the reasons the PC won't lose its core uses to the home consoles.
  4. He can definitely win the title, he's managed to for half the season, no reason that won't continue. He's not going to win it by all out speed but if the others keep messing up there's no reason he won't be in with a shot come the last race of the season. It's exactly that, generally teams need a works engine deal to be anywhere near competitive. Williams have been especially indicitive of this, taking championships when they've had the deals, dropping off when they've lost them. Frank Williams (It could have been Patrick Head, I'm not 100% sure) has even said, quite recently, that splitting from BMW was the worst choice they've ever made.
  5. Meet him, at least then you know one way or the other rather than being undecided about the whole thing. If it all works out then you've got a relationship with your Dad which is great, if it doesn't... well you managed this long without him. I wouldn't have thought your Mum would mind, although you say she can be difficult at the end of the day she will want whats best / right for you.
  6. It's an interesting subject, and I saw a chart just a few days ago which would have been perfect if I could find it. Basically I think if you earn less than the cost of decent living then happiness goes up a great deal as you earn more money. Once you have enough to live comfortably extra money doesn't particularly make a massive difference although more always allows you greater freedoms. I do think there's too much emphasis on having as much money as possible, but lets face it, in our society you pretty much have to have some to get by. Personally I earn enough to pay all my rent and bills and do pretty much whatever I want within my day to day life. I'd like to earn 10k or so more just to open up a few things I'd like to be able to do but can't quite on my current income. After that I think I'd be quite content, more would always be good but I think after that point its a bonus rather than something I'd work myself into the ground for.
  7. They're not trying to. I really don't see what people problem with this is. Ubi are just making a brand to put all their casual Wii games under. Nothing wrong with that so far as I can tell. None of these games are aimed at people on here and you aren't going to be forced to buy them so why make such a big deal out of it?
  8. Don't worry about the name, that change is not happening.
  9. I have to say I'm surprised you can't do this, its something I'd never bothered to check out. With the new apps coming surely someone will be able to implement this?
  10. That won't be the case for Hamilton. It's not the first 10 cars on the grid that have to keep their fuel after qualifying, it's the 10 cars eligible to take part in Q3. To be fair he's one of the fastest starters and will probably make up most of his drop straight off the startline.
  11. My current one has bluetooth. They sell a bluetooth headset especially for it, I doubt they've taken it out of the phone.
  12. The name hasn't been changed, not really too sure why that guide is listed under a different name.
  13. Its proper GPS that is assisted by 3G - in theory making it better. If it can't get a hold of GPS satelites then it can do a quick check of location using 3G, wifi or normal towers to give a quick yet less accurate location while it waits for GPS to be back in range. Also I think it can use 3G to find out which satelites are where in order to get connected quicker or not bother trying if it knows nothing is in range. All in all pretty good really. For £100 I'll be upgrading my current iPhone without a doubt.
  14. It's definitely a good thing that this is being developed properly for the Wii and I hope this trend continues. For a game like F1 though I wouldn't consider the Wii version myself, the overall experience would be much better on PS3 or 360. Glad those without those console are looking like they'll get a damn good game too though.
  15. You guys do realise this isn't a required purchase right? If you don't like the game no-one is forcing you to buy it. Publishers only make what the userbase is buying so vote with your wallets. No doubt this will actually sell rather well and we can probably expect a sequel and more "*Something* Party" games in the future.
  16. Where are those from?
  17. There's been hints on a new Shenmue since the release of the last game - it still hasn't materialised. Nothing of any substance has ever come out of SEGA apart from them saying over and over that its not in production. If there was anything credible behind these rumours then it might be possible, as it is I'd say its pretty safe to bet on it not coming out.
  18. Companies don't release games to give the fans a chance of a sequael, they do it to make money. New Shenmues are very unlikey to make any money and so they won't be released. I'd love remakes of 1 and 2 on the Wii and I'd be over the moon if a 3rd one came out. The sad fact is it just is not going to happen.
  19. If the first two were coming out, this is exactly how a desicion on the 3rd would be made.
  20. The sales are OK if the game had been a regular release. Considering the cost of the thing they're horrendous. It didn't have the effect of pulling in new users to the machine and obviously didn't go over too well as the sequel sold even worse. For this game to be considered for a remake it would have to have sold a hell of a lot more, or at least there'd need to be some proof that there's now an expanded market for this type of thing. Unfortunately it just doesn't hit any criteria it need to for a rerelease / sequel.
  21. Well we have to start with a small number of Dreamcast owners. Of which a small number played Shenmue. Of these members a few went and became hardcore fans on the internet and spread the good word. I'm sure there are a godo few fans around but nowhere near enough to make a new Shenmue game a big seller. The people posting on forums, blogs and visiting gaming websites make up a very small amount of the total market.
  22. I don't see how anyone could say the fanbase is massive, what exactly are you basing this claim on?
  23. Lots of SEGA workers love NiGHTS, it didn't exactly make a brilliant selling game. Shenmue really is of little relevence to the company and there's no need at all for it to be kept alive. I have no idea what relevence that blog has to adding weight to the theory but even that says its very unlikely. Well of course some rumours turn out to be true, mostly they have a bit of truth behind them. So far as I can tell absolutely nothing reliable backs up this one. I agree with this, Shenmue is an old franchise, and while well loved by its fans was a massive flop in terms of sales. The fanbase just isn't there for this game. It didn't sell well in the past and if released now it still won't sell well.
  24. Much as I'd love it to happen it won't. This rumour has come from the fact there's been a few recent ports and remakes and concluded that Shenmue is on the way. Not very solid ground for a re-release and not the best choice of game to get out there.
  25. Its not going to happen.
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