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Everything posted by Will

  1. Its true, We've just had the release at work from Nintendo. Looking forward to this a lot!
  2. And yet they're still one of the top publishers on the machines. If cheap rubbish is what people are buying then unfortunately thats exactly what publishers are going to make.
  3. Well I think its fairly clear that Ben will get off the island at some point in the future but he's certainly not going to be one of the Oceanic 6. The whole thing of him being very secretive and having people coming after him means he's not going to put himself right in the public eye by tricking his way into that group. We already know he has contacts and ways off the island, theres no need for him to do it in that way. My money would be on Claire and Aaron to be the final two. Desmond has seen them get on the Helicopter in his visions and Charlie's death was all for those two in particular to make it out.
  4. I joined the facebook group. Not sure if I'll come to this as I have no idea what I'll be up to at that point in time. Certainly a good idea though.
  5. I actually think the Wii suffers from the exact opposite of what you propose. I have plenty of games that I can pick up a long time after they're completed - the usual suspects already mentioned - Ghost Squad, Wii Sports, Mario and Sonic etc. However, theres not many that just have a nice rounded story and once its done its done. Theres no narritive depth or story based games really, and these are what the Wii is missing, and needs in order to attract the hardcore crowd.
  6. There's VG Chartz but their numbers often vary quite wildly from whats actually happened.
  7. I'd imagine this was financial year as I believe that this research was done to tie in with that. Nintendo won't just have been pulled down by Wii Play, along with the quality stuff Nintendo do make, and publish for other people, a lot of crap, or at least things (Brain Training, DS mini game types) that don't review particuarly well.
  8. I think its just that you get the 2 days slightely cheaper than buying them separately. I don't think there's any extras with it but I could be mistaken.
  9. I'll be going along with a few mates I think. Should be good so long as there's some decent titles being displayed there. Worth supporting anyway imo as it would be nice to have a big games show become a yearly thing here anyway.
  10. Do you know they're actually pretty accurate. There are some discrepancies with this data and what I have but its small enough that I would put it down to the data being taken on different dates and maybe slightely different releases available. Comparing the amount of games they've put out to what other publishers have managed I think they've done rather well really. I certainly wouldn't see a reason to dismiss the data they've quoted. They're using metacritic average review scores.
  11. This is quite interesting and the kind of thing we've been looking at a lot lately. Its worth separating out the consoles and seeing the kind of quality publishers are putting out on each of the current generation of machines. I have all the metacritic scores stored at work and think I may have a good look into it this week. I'm sure some interesting results will come from it.
  12. At the moment I only speak English. I have GCSE's in French and Spanish but I can't remember a word of them. I'm currently doing a bit of self taught Japanese and will also start some courses through work in it when they start back up. Hopefully that will lead to a few interesting work opportunities at some point down the line.
  13. DCK do you know for a fact NoJ decide all release dates? I'd be very surprised f they do, its not like someone in Japan presses a big red button and along comes Wii Fit in Europe. There's a lot more that comes under the localisation banner than just languages. Games need to be classified, tested, a whole host of other things, its a very big job indeed. Release dates are a lot better than they used to be with often parallel development going on in order to reduce the delays as much as possible. The reasons for delays are undoubtedly not to do with these issues though. Different markets operate differently and companies need to release their products to get the best possible return in any given region. The waits are more down to economic factors than technical ones. The UK splitting off from Europe is never going to happen. Europe and US are run by different companies and why would Euro divisions want to give away their best market to the US? It just wouldn't make any sense. What I really don't get is if it bothers you that much just import from America yourself. Its easy, often cheaper than buying things here and you get your desired result. Theres really no need to be complaining at all - you have the choice of a global market if you choose to use it.
  14. All depends what your using it for. Slow moving stuff, say, something like Planet Earth where its a still camera looking at a mountain or something will look better at 1080i than 720p. Fast moving stuff like games, football etc will look better at 720p then 1080i. 1080p is the best of both worlds and so looks better than both.
  15. Because Women don't actually want equal rights, they think they do, but in actual fact they want better rights.
  16. I got a double no claims in my second year with my car, definately worthwhile searching out someone who does it. Whats the max no claims you can have? Is there a limit?
  17. Haha I wish! Although by now its probably not worth much more than that! Any idea what your renewal price will be? I'm glad I don't have to pay that much a month, its a good few nights out!
  18. I have no idea, I've just been working away on the age/no claims I suppose. Off the top of my head I have: 5 years since I passed my test 4 years no claims 0 tickets / convictions I'm not sure how that compares to others but I still think I pay too much!
  19. Yeah its a lot of money but I figure this is the only time before marriage, kids etc. that I'll get to do it. They quite often have driver training days thrown in with them which I'll definately take up... Everyone who bought one in December a few years ago got a free trip to America with their car for a few days proper racing training - now that would be nice. Crikey thats ridiculous! Any reason its so high? Write-off etc.? When I first got my car I specifically went for the Peugeot as I got a year free insurance to start me off, once that was under my belt I think I started paying about £800 which has slowly been working its way down since.
  20. At the moment I have a 54 plate 1.4 Peugeot 206 which costs me about £450 I think. Looking at buying a Lotus Elise in the next 12 months, at the moment its a case of getting enough deposit for all of the extras I want on it, the fact I live in central London seems to be pushing the insurance up one hell of a lot.
  21. Well I think I might do, its only going to be for weekend use as I get the Tube to work most days. I suppose if I did that I would need to make sure that every document relating to the car went back to my parents place though. Certainly going to have to look into doing that with figures like that. I actually think this is exactly the way they should do it. The way I would see it is everyone having a test every couple of years or so and then based on scores you achieve so your premium can be reduced/increased based on skill. In theory the best drivers should then be paying less than the worst. Logistics might be a bit messy mind (I assume its still just as hard to get a test as when I did it).
  22. Ah well thats cool, I'll have an extra years no claims up to 4 and touch wood I won't have to claim between now and then. The biggest problem seems to be my new address, back at my parents in the midlands quotes are coming in around £1,500, my new address puts it up to £2,500! Looks like age is the least of my worries.
  23. Tom, not quite on the subject of gender but thought it fit in here anyway. Whats the general reduction when you hit 25? I know theres meant to be a bit of a drop but never been too sure how much it is exactly. I'll get there this year and been looking at getting a new car now I actually have some money coming in. What kind of drop can i expect at that point?
  24. Because they're cheap. Don't really know why anyone touches them myself.
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