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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Haps my friend, haps.
  2. The worst thing for me is that I am expecting 10,000 GBP in cash to help me buy a house here. 6 months ago it was 150,000 RMB, now it's barely 100,000 RMB. The chinese government need to devalue the Yuan or else their exports are going to seriously suffer.
  3. Actually, I've always considered the fourth film to be something of a tearjerker. As in "It's so bad, I just want to cry myself to sleep and have nightmares." It's like they opened Ridley Scott and James Cameron's graves before they're even dead and urinated on the earth. Still, if ever there were two good films to damn the interference of the movie industry with, then you need look no further.
  4. It absolutely sets the right tone. The tone is that it's a big slap in the face for anyone who watched the first two.
  5. Their pretty much everywhere these days. It's kind of embarassing. You'll be walking down the street and there's like, a million dragons trying to sell you a watch or a stolen computer. As for the Aliens thing... Michael Biehn was so disgusted after all the emotional investment people had in his character that he made them pay as much for the single file photo they used of him in Alien 3 as he received for the whole of Aliens. Good on you.
  6. Ok: The Terminator is an advanced INFILTRATION unit designed not to draw too much attention to itself before completing its mission. It's then pretty much a redundant machine. Going kung-fu on the cops would have made sense, but the machine was damaged, quite badly, though not incapacitated. It's very possible that it would not have completed its mission. Plus: Skynet only knew the name of Sarah Connor, no history, no records of birth or anything. Just at the point before judgement day, she was living in that city at that time. Also: - 4,659,000 points for having the downright cheek to criticise one of the greatest movies ever made. Something that annoyed me was the way they mercilessly killed off Hicks and Newt in Alien 3. But that wasn't a plot hole or goof so much as the worst crime in history ever committed, including the crucifixion. Oh yes, and Hypercube. I mean, why?
  7. You can have him, with all our *snigger* best wishes *giggle* for a very successful *fnarfnarfnar* close to the *hnorkhnork* season. BWAAA HAAA HAAA! Are you serious? Are you serious? Jeez, I may be proud to be a Toon Army Vet, but even I wouldn't wish Allerdyce on you guys! That's like kicking a guy when he's down.
  8. Sounds worryingly like my Fridays... Ocean's Twelve Err... what was the point? It was barely interesting, infrequently funny and the whole thing was too tired. Too much emphasis on the coolness of Rusty and not enough plot development until the final 10 minutes. 3 out of 10
  9. Because they take their relatively peaceful religion and twist it into something incredibly ugly to suit their sadistic, small-penised needs.
  10. Yes, because I'm in it and I get my kit off. I saw Alien 3 before Aliens, and I still watched Aliens with a sense of wonder. After that, I could only watch Alien 3 with a sense of bewilderment and disgust.
  11. Iun


    Cycling in China is absolute murder, but it wouldn't be so bad if people followed the rules. There are dedicated cycle lanes on all roads, but people still use the paths and yell at anyone who doesn't get out of the way. I have been clobbered a few times and punched several people as a result. Even motorbikes use the paths if it's more convenient to them. Then you have the problem of people on the wrong side of the road. Naturally, you would not expect a car to be driving up the road the wrong way, so you only look in the direction traffic is coming from when crossing the road. Which is a great way to get yourself knocked down by some asswipe who is unaware that the rest of the world is using the road too. Then there's bike parking, which often occurs on the path, right in the middle of it. Which is just fantastic I'd like to point out, that is what she said.
  12. *Adds self to group hug, starts rubbing inappropriate parts of self on appropriate parts of others*
  13. There's are something new... I had to wait for him to make a move before I could zero him! ARRRRGGHGHGHH!!!! This is how it begins!!!!
  14. Just insane, really. Thoughts are with those who are suffering through this.
  15. And where is China? You racist bigamists!
  16. Qantum of Solace I'm enjoying the new direction, but this was just too light on plot and sense to be any good. I'd like Daniel Craig to do bad things to me, but I have to say I feel for the guy doing his best with such awful dialogue. Bond should feel big and brash, like something serious is happening. The whole threat of the movie was too complicated and small. 6/10
  17. Wrong. Under the "Offer To Treat" rules, they can offer it at a certain price, but are allowed to change the price at the till. Plus, this stops thieves changing the prices on the sticker and then insisting that new game x should be sold to them at the 49p price sticker they stole from the lolipop. Wouldn't you feel great if something was labelled 37.99 and at the till it came up at 24.99? I know I would, but the shops certainly wouldn't. It works both ways. You wouldn't complain if that was the situation, and that's still false advertising. Would you insist on paying the sticker price then?
  18. Where's Dynastygal when you need someone to conveniently crucify about their stupid beliefs?
  19. Tropic Thunder. It's worth it to see Robert Downey Jr as a black dude. However, as usual, Jack Black is neither funny nor entertaining. In fact the "trailer" at the beginning with him in it is less of an spoof of Eddie Murphy but more of an homage to Black's own terrible movies. 8/10
  20. This is just insanity. There are so many "Gotham" villages and towns, "Springfield" is apparently one of the most popular names for American cities... what is the point? Maybe he's just trying to encourage tourism.
  21. Congratulations! Good that it was such a short labour too! My wicked stepmother was 36 hours with my sister...oy.
  22. Thanks m'dear! It'll be next year, I am hoping September or October, they have soemthing here called "Double 9th" which is the 9th day of the 9th month by the traditional Chinese Calender, which should fall at the end of September or early October as Chinese New Year is very early in 2009. Sometime late January, I think. Anyway, getting married on Double 9th is supposed to be good luck. Or indeed, getting married on any even-numbered month or 9th, 11th or 6th. The 4th is out because 4 in Shanghai language is extremely close to the word for "Death". Rest assured you'll all be hearing the news as it breaks! First things first we need an engagement party to break the news to everyone!
  23. Maybe it's the extra long tongue I have, maybe it's the supple yet manly hands... or maybe it's the rohypnol I slipped in your mojito. Oh man, what do I do with all my innuendoes when I get married?
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