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Everything posted by Iun

  1. MINGE! My Wicked Stepmother did Jury Service once, she had decided by end of day 1 who was guilty and not guilty. Hooray for basing opinion on fact and not just "I didn't like the way he looked"
  2. Having met a few aged Japanese from the pre-war era (friend of mine, a friends parents, colleagues) I have to say they really live in a different world mentally. Even the more "modern" friends that were born since the war (who are in their 40's and 50's) are remarkably different in cultural attitude. For example, my rhythm guitarist's girlfriend is a widow -her husband had a factory that went bankrupt, so he killed himself instead of facing the shame. This widow talks very proudly of the event, lfor her and her son it is better that he is dead than living with the dishonour. While the bombs were a terrible event, we must remember that the people we were dealing with were beyond reason as we understood it at the time. Maybe they would have capitulated, maybe the war would still be raging. The fact is, it was done, we now live with the consequences and pray that it never has to happen again. It's easy to pick history apart from a distance, realistically speaking either World War could have been avoided, but they weren't and tough decisions were made. A lot of people died, but a lot more got to go on living because of them. "...we will remember them."
  3. Muse. All their songs sound the same anyway, so it's difficult to pick the most overrated. Respect that other people like them, but their sound just really blends into one for me.
  4. It was always a comedy, the whole series was made into a bad joke by the sequels. Keanu Reeves should never have any more than two lines in a film, and even then, he should be interrupted by a better actor (ie anyone) after attempting the first syllable. The most recent film I saw was Bender's Big Score. If anyone was ever in any confusion over why Futurama was cancelled in the first place, well, there's your justification right there. 2/10
  5. Yeah, I like to go straight to a woman's hips. What were we talking about?
  6. I told you, you have to come to China! They do that sort of thing for free!
  7. Certainly my little sister, she's the only other one with any chance of breaking the mould. I would for any member of my family, and I think they'd happily let me. I doubt that the reverse is true, however.
  8. Way back when I used to bike everywhere, and I got shunted at a red light by a guy in white Escort. I went flying and he drove off. Never rode my bike again, it's too dangerous these days. In a reversal of the situation, I was walking the other day and crossing the road. when this guy on a bike came haring along at high speed on the WRONG side of the road. I didn't even look in that direction because he shouldn't have been there in the first place. His bike struck me fairly hard and I started to bleed. To top it, he then stopped and sdtarted hurling abuse in Chinese. I responded by getting up close and hurling my own. He then got personal. So I hit him. Hard.
  9. "Lavender" by Marillion best exemplifies how I feel about love. But "The Touch" by Stan Bush is pretty much a description of me. And Optimus Prime.
  10. Crikey, you go girl! When I played "Rocky Horror" in the stage musical about ten years ago, they had a custom corset made for me - my chest and shoulders were far too bulky. It fit like a glove, but they made me give it back. Shame really. I've never found another one quite as nice.
  11. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but there's a fantastic materials market here where they can copy virtually any design or tailor one to your own request. I get all my shirts hand made there and it only costs the equivalent of 20 quid for three shirts that are made specifically for my sexually appealing body shape. Wait, did I say appealing or apalling?
  12. Speaking of big piles, what the heck was that "Game of Life" all about?
  13. The Book Of Nintendo, Chapter 3, Verse 1: "And Yea, Nintendo Invented The Super Gameboy, And The Land was Filled With Big Screen Gameboy Games" Still, this is a sort of nice way to raise money.
  14. This game sucks. I win about 50% of the time, I don't take it too seriously and have a good time. My family on the other hand take it as a life or death experience, so I've stopped playing with them.
  15. What happened to Links Awakening?
  16. The Simpsons brought us hours and hours of laughter. About 10 years ago. Now, it's just like an actress once considered a sex symbol who has really gone to seed, but is still somehow convinced she's still "got it". It's a shame.
  17. Is it available on the Xbox 360? There could be erectionage if such is the case...
  18. Morrowind. There just is no better sandbox game.
  19. It's like Nightwolf says, maybe the pros are going to look at you sideways, it's not your fault, they just feel threatened. And the change in medication with what your body chemistry must be doing to you at the moment... that's just not good. Oh, me and the new missus made love for the first time last night, it was her birthday and it was pretty magical, I have to say
  20. Those are the freaky Opus Dei ones with metal studs on the insides, and when you walk you go "Ginch! Gonch!"
  21. Sods *big hug* They're bastards, aren't they. Do you know what has made your depression worse? I think we all felt you were really making progress. Although sometimes it's difficult to put your finger on it at times. Now and then, it's just the right time to be sad. I think they're jealous of your popularity, if even half of what you have said onm here is true, then I think you're something of a star out there. And a star here too
  22. Telekutan Aleutian, came over from the archipelago to the mainland, so I am told.
  23. Could be the guy's own surname? I have my name on my shirt.
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