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Everything posted by Iun

  1. This is the beauty of democracy: everyone gets the chance to choose. Sometimes they choose right, sometimes they choose wrong. I'm not well informed enough (as I doubt most people are here) to make a decision. The important thing is that th will of this democratic nation is respected.
  2. Iun

    HoT DANG!!!

    Happy birthday young HoTtie.
  3. Iun

    You Rok!

    Happy Birthday to our Resident Rokhead! Have a good one, and we all want to see pics!
  4. Hey! Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed it, stupid time difference, what did you get into?
  5. Congratulations on the job, commiserations on the loss of money due to incompetence of the the third party. Sting either the bank or the phone company (whoever is to blame) for some money for that. I mean come on, the banks charges you when you mess up, and the phone company fines you when you don't pay.
  6. The guards or the guns?
  7. That sounds like someone who is destined for middle management if ever there was one. Reminds me of the missus, actually.
  8. So pleased for you honey! Well done! Had an interesting massage today, didn't go to the usual place and it was a bit of a mistake. It was a nice place... a bit too nice, to be honest. *ahem*
  9. With that final paragraph, you basically summed up the attitude of most reviewers here in Shanghai. "New restaurant opened today, top chef from somewhere in Sichuan, apparently. I've never heard of him so he can't be that great. Would prefer to spend my time moaning about how much life has sucked for me for the last 10 years in China. Food was good, but like everywhere else in China, their English was poor. Why can't incredibly low-paid members of staff working 100-hour weeks learn English?!?!?! 3/10" Basically, sounds like you're perfectly suited for this sort of job AF. Complaining about how much life sucks and throwing down huge wads of cash that you've neither earned or need. Yeah, take the job. It might not be your dream job, but it's pretty much ideal for everyone else in the world. Who knows, you might grow less contemptuous for the world of work in time. Seriously though, you little ratbag, I have to work 60 hours a week and at the weekends as well just to pay the bills and have enough money to do basic things like go out for a few hours once a week - when I'm not exhausted that is. Get your head into reality.
  10. You'll be in good company:bouncy:
  11. Hooray! Thank the Lord Of All Bananas that there are other people who hate "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
  12. There is no football this Summer, I don't know what you're all talking about. However, to play along with this fantasy of yours, I would say that Germany look likely candidates as usual.
  13. I believe the phrase is "pics or it didn't happen". Anyway, if it doesn't have the Kite mark, then don't go for it. I'd never trust anything but Durex. Has anyone tried non-Quaker porridge? Is it still as edible?
  14. Europe as a united sovereign state can get stuffed. Our economies are not all precisely compatible, nor are all of our ways of life.
  15. Nah man, I've been "Wining" for years now, I need the good stuff or copious amounts of the other stuff to get what I need.
  16. A biscuit without chocolate is a waste of chewing.
  17. Actually, yes. I am a Wine Gum fanatic and the Tesco's Wine Gums were a lovely substitute for the real thing. Of course, I needed twice the amount to get the same "hit" but it was still better value.
  18. This is crazy. Why make games for the PS3 at all, let alone make a game that is naturally only going to hit a small percentage of the installed userbase. The Xbox 360 I can understand as it is the right sort of platform for the more hardcore titles, but to leave the Wii out is utter brainlessness. Maybe it's not as powerful, but it is the current world-leader.
  19. It's six of one, half a dozen of the other. Yes, it was wrong of the world to hand over Israel without giving thought to the people of Palestine. Absolutely wrong. But it's also wrong to believe that terrorist attacks will solve the issue. The other problem is that the Israeli Army has nukes and can point them anywhere in the region.
  20. MINGE! Mingemingemingemingemingeminge! I love that word! Moogle, you're awesome for using that word, and Chairdriver is awesome for having a birthday thread in which the word "minge" is used! MINGE! Happy birthday, minge.
  21. You'd die for this? It's a noble sentiment, I admire and understand it. But if the option is buggering off elsewhere or dying, there seems to be no alternative. If there's CCTV, stay near the cameras. If there's no CCTV, complain and try and get some. Start a letter writing campaign, go and meet the MP for your district, get some time with the local council. Put together a diary of incidents, so that if this continues you have written evidence of this happening. Then when the police approach you, you can give them a timeline.
  22. Just don't get involved, go somewhere else. I know it's giving up, but better alive than dead.
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