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Everything posted by Iun

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7895601.stm Now, how on Earth are they going to do this? My experience of meeting college teachers is that they really don't give a flying fcuk. They punch in at 9 roll out at 5 everyday, mostly because students are either perceived as, or actually are lazy drop-outs unable to cope with the pressures of school life. What are they going to do, adjust their entrance exam questionnaire? "Question 6: How would you describe your level of tolerance towards people of differing beliefs, cultures and races? 1: I consider myself tolerant. 2: I consider myself reasonably tolerant. 3: I'm a spelling and grammar Nazi. 4: I fire bomb butcher's shops for fun. Meat is murder. 5: I can't stand n****rs, sand n****rs, chinks, japs or the yids. 6: Blow them to shit and let Allah decide. " And even these people can identify someone with extremist tendancies, what can they do? If they compile a list of notes on them without their permission on a non-academic track, they'll be dragged through the court of Human Rights for a violation of privacy. Your thoughts?
  2. It really gets me how "modern" ladies seem to expect equality in all things -choices, career, babies, direction of the relationship, keep their last name. But when it comes to paying the bills, or getting ready on time, they're somehow magically back in the Middle Ages where men where the patient and enduring knights.
  3. Yeah it seems unbalanced. Like for example, free tuition fees for Scottish students. /thread
  4. AAAAaaand.... the fight is off. The other guy called me a few days ago, he gained 3 kilos over the last month when he returned home for Chinese New Year. Thank God he called me... I put on 2 kilos myself...
  5. To be honest, anybody is likely to come close to a heart attack after seeing our transfer window "signings". To your health, Joe. Get well soon.
  6. Yep. It's the one thing I don't like about working in a practically all-female environment. If you piss one of the girls here off, you can guarantee problems for at least a week. All male environments are bad too, as there's often no motivation. Mixed environments work best, but it's interesting how people perceive conflict resolution. I would accept man on man violence, because it normally resolves a dispute permanently. Female on female violence only makes things escalte, but then again so does the back biting and bitching. Interestingly, I've seen women in my life have major arguments with each other, one has physically attacked the other and beaten them. You'd expect that to be an end to it, but no. The victor has inevitably gone back to the violence time and again with the same victim. Similarly, it's rather annoying to get bitchy men. You just want to smack them in the mouth and tell them to get that sand out of their vagina. I'm all for calling women equal to men, and even superior to men in some cases. But it can't be done until I can get the same 6 months paid maternity leave as women at random inconvenient intervals for my company. Oh wait, I can't because I'm not a woman... our bodies are different and our psychological make-up (and facial make up) is different too. Guess we're not actually equal.
  7. I have to say, Tsonga is a damned ugly man. When I watched him play in Shanghai this year, the first thought in my head was "Damn, that guy looks like an ape." Which he does. But anyway, I really don't feel that this should come as a surprise to anyone. Not in the least because it's Carol Thatcher and because the BBC are at least partially responsible for the obscenely PC climate we live in.
  8. RIP Ricardo Montalban, the actor most famous for his scene-stealing performance as Khan Noonien Singh in the Star Trek episode "Space Seed" and the movie "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan". Joking aside, and that oft-repeated quote ignored, he was a pretty fabulous actor. No more so than in the role of Khan in that film. He showed such fire, spirit, insanity and even genuine pathos that even Star Trek haters could admit that his was an amazing talent.
  9. Isn't that the one he recorded before he died? That's a pretty moving piece of performance right there.
  10. Lavender by Marillion always makes me stop and think about love.
  11. All of about 8 years or so ago. Started for fun at University.
  12. You're gonna have to face it he was abducted for love. Dogging.
  13. Boxing. In my university days I was the lightweight boxing champ of my Hall. I should go down to under 62 KG to be back in the bracket, but it would be a bit drastic. I've had a couple of matches in China and knocked everyone out I've fought here. This guy should be different as his card is similar to mine, but he's not had as many fights.
  14. I've got a fight coming up in about 8 weeks with a trainer at my gym, we've both got to get down to 64 kilos. Urgh. Looking forward to facing an opponent who might prove a challenge though.
  15. Er, it tastes pretty foul, Pyxis. Pretty foul. Unless it's piping hot. in which case you can't taste it because all your skin has been melted off.
  16. We went to a Malaysian restaurant the other day and had a shed load of dumplings, bean buns, fried fish rolls, wun-tuns and durian balls on a half-price offer. Enough food to feed you adequately for two meals for a mere 100RMB. Bonza.
  17. I hate to say this, but real Chinese food in China (as opposed to the pretend kind) is nothing like the takeaway kid in the UK. I was rather devastated when I found out. Though a lot of the stuff here is nicer than most greasy MSG-filled crud at the Takeaways in the Motherland, I do miss Sesame Prawn Toast. Everything else you can find here no problem, and is much better. My school cooks do a mean pork chow mien. And Jellyfish when done properly is rather yummy, like a sweet chewy cabbage. It's almost always served cold as one of the starting dishes at the Chinese New Year Banquets.
  18. I would say I always play good characters in things like Morrowind and Oblivion - avoid House Telvanni, stay away from Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood etc. Same for that crappy KOTOR game. I remember how when that one came out all my colleagues were saying "Oh yeah, I'm going to use so much force lightning on innocent bystanders!" I just thought that was pretty pathetic. True, games are escapism, but do you really need an outlet so much? Are you that buttoned-down in real life? Plus, as Chairdriver said, it's actually really easy to screw around and be a bad character in the games, being good is the real challenge to live up to.
  19. Rogue Squadron and Rogue Squadron 2 were very, very good games. The third game just seemed to be struggling for direction - an appropriate comparison would be Star Fox Assault. The airborne levels almost matched the standards of their predecessors but the ground levels were neither action game, nor platformer, nor third person shooter... I never quite forgave the second game for the vertical difficulty curve encountered on the "Prisoners of the Maw" level. But still, there were some truly stunning moments.
  20. Remember guys, Rogue Squadron 3 went bargain-bin almost immediately amid poor reviews and poor sales. Factor 5 are not the team they were once supposed to be.
  21. It was more entertaining than the real thing ( a bit like masturbation at times ) but it got a little tired towards the end ( a lot like masturbation ) and it was a weak effort in parts but ultimately satisfying when it was finished (totally like masturbation)
  22. My beef is that while it is the archetypal fantasy novel, it has been eclipsed by virtually everything since. The Belgariad, for example is a much more interesting read. The sad truth is, almost all the books that have followed on from this are simple rehashes of the same plot. But the good ones don't make you realise it until the end.
  23. Thankyou. At last someone else in the world who isn't utterly convinced that the Bored of the Rings Trilogy is the best thing since ever.
  24. According to IGN, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, widow of Star Trek creator Gene died at her home yesterday from leukemia. I for one never enjoyed the original series (excepting the 2nd and 6th films), but she was absolutely fabulous as Lwaxana Troi in TNG and to a greater extent in DS9. She also played the computer voice on most episodes of TNG. Downright shame, she was 76 and very much a part of the world of Star Trek.
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