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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Speechless. Thank you Harry, you were an ordinary man in extraordinary times.
  2. Gah.... hardcore man-cold... somebody... help... or set us up... the bomb. Alternatively, Lemsip and sympathyplzk?
  3. FORUM NAZI! HATE CRIME! Naw, love you really. You are techincally correct, and that's the best kind of correct, Portuguese Man'o War are for example, if memory serves, not an individual organism but in fact a collection of four smaller organisms clustered together. And therefore not a jellyfish, but still they are mistaken for one. But yeah, we still call these these things "fish" even though they're not fish. It's like you know, we say "French People" but they're not actually...
  4. JELLYFISH ARE FISH TOO! HATE CRIME! Essentially my point is that though it's sad that the goldfish died, Jellyfish are made of win and can be pets too. You have to see it to believe it. Also, I want to go back to that cool treehouse place on my own sometime. EDIT: I found a picture! Though it's not the same one as I saw.
  5. Sorry to hear about this. In China, Mrs Iun and I recently went to this MASSIVE furniture shop in Putuo district. Right in the centre, reaching up about six floors it had an ENORMOUS treehouse filled with sparkly lights and fairies, slides, seats and other cool stuff to play on! And the best thing about it was, there was nobody else playing on it! But I still wasn't allowed to play on it I would have been careful! Anyway, my point is, the ground floor was just filled with aquariums - tropical fish mostly. But what really cught my eye were the Jelyyfish. Yes, in China you can get an aquarium that is square with a round viewing glass, it has neon lights and is full of deadly, deadly jellyfish. It is awesome.
  6. Paper or plastic? Hurhurhur... Love is not overrated, but there's plenty of time for it in life. If you go into every relationship expecting "The One" you'll be disappointed. And besides, Keanu Reeves looks funny.
  7. This is worrying, I agree with you more and more as the days go by... I'm never going to open mouuth kiss Arsene Wenger though, okay? I am a "professional" and I see every day kids who would really benefit being smacked around the chops afew times: it would wake them up to the reality that their actions have consequences. Their parents make no contact with teachers unless it is to complain about them, and it's pretty obvious that they get whatever they like at home. There's a lot of things to blame: principally the parents in these cases. A lot of parents have their children because of a "me too" attitude or as a function of biological urges. They then decide to carry on their career as normal as if nothing has changed. When they come home at night, it's far easier in the short terms to give in than discipline. Discipline doesn't mean violence, it doesn't always mean punishment, but it does mean showing a link between action and consequence. At times, I really want to lose it with the little kid who's just smacked me in the nuts because I used a word he's never heard of before - "no". I know I won't, and yet there's always that little part of me that says "if it teaches the little piece of jizz that he can't act like this and he becomes a better person, it might just be worth losing my job over".
  8. I guess I should have joined the f*cking Merchant Navy then shouldn't I? Not only do I pay tax on my UK savings, plus the interest accruing on my student loan, I also pay tax on my Chinese income in the UK AND pay tax in China, plus my socal security and health insurance. And the only reason I do all this is because I want to stay on the level. No-one else I know here does the same, in fact, most Chinese nationals don't pay tax if they can avoid it. I'm now married to Mrs Iun (forgot to mention that ) so I'm pretty much aiming for permanent/semi permanent residence here. Anyway, back to topic. No-one wants an army, but it would be suicide not to have one. Don't like what they're doing? TS. So long as they're not breaking the law, then they are doing their jobs right. We'd need them if we were invaded, and then you wouldn't be complaining. If yu don't like the army's role in foreign countries, vote. Labour helped instigate these two wars, and yet they're still in power. Send them a message: put someone else in charge! Or you could come to Chna whereyou get locked up for dissident behaviour.You choose. The soldiers have a physically and psychologically difficult job to do, made worse by budget cuts and soapdodging greebos whining at home. I don't like war, I don't like killing, but ultimately these men need the right equipment, whether you like it or not. I don't believe that things like fertility therapy should be free on the NHS, but I'll support the people who carry out the work, and kick up a fuss if they run out of test-tubes. Be against the war, by all means, but never, ever blame the soldiers. "See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes, Chuck. And all the assholes want us to shit all over everything! So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit! "
  9. Sometimes you really fancy kicking one of the little shitbags in the head. And frankly, it would do them the world of good, when they have the no-one can touch me attitude of invincibility that the ridiculously PC "No Children Are Naughty" and "Smacking Your Child Makes Them Into Hitler" brigade encourage. But of course, you're not allowed It's your duty to take care of them and educate them - which can be the hardest job in the world sometimes. And when faced with unsupportive parents who couldn't care less when you have things thrown at you, but go ape-shit when you call their child the worst in the class... it's hard not to just say "fuck it".
  10. news.notreallybutmaybe.com "Owen Home Defaced by Fans" In a rather (but not at all) shocking result of Michael Owen's surprise free transfer to this year's Not-Winners of the Champion's League, Manchester United, football's favourite hospital bed warmer has had his home graffitied by unknown persons. "Dirty Scumming Money-Hungry Unfaithful Lying Disloyal Shotarse" was daubed in 10ft high letters in red paint across the "star's" front door and windows. Newcastle police are remaining tight-lipped about possible suspects, but an insider on the force tells us that they are preparing an attempt to arrest the whole city on a charge of telling the truth.
  11. QFT. She looks like the ugly girl at school that is best friends with the hot girl, and is basically a total bitch just for the sake of it. Or at least, that was what I was thinking last night watching this with Mrs Iun.
  12. This is something Mrs Iun and I have been debating recently: I'm not sure and she's not sure. But at the moment it is most definitely out of the question until we actually move into our new house and get a bit more financial stability. At this point, there just isn't enough money. But the good news is we can receive child benefit from the British government even though we don't live in the country. I still pay taxes though :/ The idea of you being allowed into the gene pool, even in the shallow end, disturbs me.
  13. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot too. You're still an idiot. The Royal Family, and specifically the Queen Mother and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II are the best form of diplomatic envoys we have. Frosty foreign relations? Send in one of the senior Royals: it pimpsmacks the other country into thinking we respect them and things get better. Let's not forget as well that they and their residences draw a great deal of tourists to the capital which helps the London economy. Plus the Royal Consort is just about the best and funniest guy in the world when it comes to gaffes. As for Michael Jackson, it is indeed a terrible loss for the musical world. I regret never seeing him live,
  14. No, that was Chuck Norris.
  15. Well, obviously playing second fiddle to the news about Michael Jackson, former biggest celebrity in the world Farrah Fawcett, has lost her battle with cancer. I would have killed to have had a figure like her.
  16. You... almost saw it? My head asplode!
  17. Obviously terrible for his children. Poor guy had a bit of a difficult upbringing - he was pretty much never out of the limelight from what, age 6? That's gotta mess anyone up.
  18. You have, quite literally, got NOTHING to complain about. Come to China and you will see real problems with cyclists. Don't fancy stopping for a red light? Don't bother then! Those things are just for cars anyway! The cycle lane doesn't appeal to you? No worries, just zig-zag across the middle of the road during heavy traffic, after all, you have wheels, don't you? Pedestrians on the footpath between you and where you want to be? Not a problem! Ram them in the back of the legs repeatedly until they get out of your precious way, then you can concentrate on zig-zagging in their way for fun! If you simply don't feel the need to look where you're going or acknowledge that there might be something more than three-feet in front of you, then why bother? After all, that's what your bell is for! And you know what the best thing is? A cyclist can travel in China at a dangerously high speed, not look where he is going and be talking on a mobile phone and suddenly collide with a pedestrian or car and under the law of China, it is in no way his or her fault. Yep, it's true. Cyclists have more protection under law than anyone else on the road. I once saw a women having a shouting match on her phone while cycling in heavy traffic, she dodged left out of the cycling lane, crossed a rod going in the wrong direction and ran head-on into a car travelling in the opposite direction - the police arrested the car driver.
  19. A hunk o' hunk o' burnin' love, whoooo! A hunk o' hunk o' burnin' love, whoooo!
  20. Nope. Moving to the working world was easy after university. During my studies I did 4 hours at University a day, then worked in Game for 6-8 hours, then went home and did my homework. Flopped into bed usuallyy about 1am. I had to pay for virtually everything myself, except tuition fees, which the government paid because I'm an orphan.
  21. I remember seeing an interview and the interviewer asked Christian Bale "Do you worry that Heath Ledger's performance in the film will distract viewer from your own work?" I mentally edited it to: "Do you feel that small, slightly out of focus inanimate objects in the background will out-act you?"
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