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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Seriously a shame, so impressive that he fought it without painkillers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok here we go: Anyone for a rmake of "Ghost" ? The worms have really got "Hungry Eyes" ... Someone else?
  2. Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuewewewewewewse me, princess!
  3. In fairness the Arsenal fans were provoking the poor guy. Yes, I know, professionalism and all that, but there seem to be few checks on the professionalism of fans. And frankly, racism has no part in the game. Now, where's Ramar to tell us that he was in the stands and all he heard were shouts of "I say, good show Adebayor!" and "Gosh, you're decision to leave us inspires no bitterness, bully for you, old chap!"
  4. AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURED CABINET FOR SALE Cabinet for Sale - details below DISPLAY CABINET, one of the most elegant and functional display cabinets currently on the market. Features o Fine timber details o 4 leadlight options o 4 side access doors (there is maximum frontal display) o Adjustable shelves are extra deep to accommodate large items o Halogen down lights o Mirror back with glass shelves provide max illumination of collectables from top to bottom. To give indication of size of the Cabinet it previously held the following: o Rugby League World Cup o Rugby Union World Cup o International Rules Trophy o Tri Nations Trophy o Super-12 Trophy o Trans-Tasman Touch Football Trophy o Davis Cup o Hockey World Championship Trophy o Bledisloe Cup. o Ashes urn. All these trophies are now overseas and the Cabinet is excess to requirements. To make an offer call R Stuart, R Ponting, S Mortlock or P. Fitzsimons who once commented "The Australian Cabinet is groaning under the weight of all the trophies!" They can be contacted on: 1800-LOST-THE-LOT
  5. Don't touch me, you don't know where I've been!
  6. I think the real question is : Have you ever lied to someone and said "I love you too" in return for sex? I have.
  7. Languages I can speak to near fluency: French, German, Italian, Chinese, English, Languages I can understand in written or spoken form: Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Shanghainese (yes it's a different language!), Latin That is all.
  8. She's been here since 2006... apparently. Quo vadis?
  9. For example, a black person would read Jay's post as follows: Or so I am led to believe. OH! You're blaming the Jews now?!
  10. I love the implications here: The main site is boring, the chatroom is for dirty old men, the forum is for closet homosexuals and the blog is just shite. Fox, Peppy, Falco, Slippy - geddit?
  11. Take a chainsaw. Start it up and throw it between them. Tell them the one who wins gets a crack at your manhood.
  12. Look, just because we don't all believe the great Wumbadum is going to save us with his MAGIC POWERS and OMNI-PRESENT ability to just NOT GIVE A CRAP, it doesn't mean WE'RE ALL GRUMPY, WUMBADUM-DAMMIT! WHERE'S THE TYLENOL?
  13. Ouch... that's so bad I think you gave me herpes.
  14. Whatever is easiest for maintenance and adding new content. Putting that into context.... that's 3200 RMB, give or take a few Yuan. That's well above the average monthly wage for our teachers here. Sadly, there's just no more money to spare. I'd be paying for and sending goodies to you myself without the intervention of the school.
  15. So three kids are sitting in their parents room one lazy Sunday morning and they decide to ask their parents how they got their names. The mother smiles and says to the first of her offsping: "Well, we didn't know what to call you, it was the dead of winter and as we walked outside a tiny flake of snow drifted down from heaven and landed right between your eyes... so we decided to call you 'Snowdrop'" She turns to the second of her children and says: "Well, we didn't know what to call you either, it was April and so rainy everywhere and as we walked outside a tiny drop of rain fell down from heaven and landed right between your eyes... so we decided to call you 'Raindrop'" She turns to her third child and says "We thought that we'd trust to fate to give you your name too, when we left the hospital it was being refurbished and lots of workmen were going about their business..." "HMnennnnfrrnnnnrrrfnorgRABBITRABBITnnnnnnnggggggaaarrrghhh?" Mother smiled delightedly "Well done Wardrobe!"
  16. ...what is wrong with you people? Why aren't you making obscene comments about her chest and leering over her footwear? God it's enough to drive a strong man to 4chan.
  17. Why would you use a woman as a table?
  18. Pride and Prejudice The Keira Knightly version and not the good BBC adaptation. Shoddy really, amazing how they took a good story and managed to make it an empty, soulless vehicle for its two "stars". In the BBC original, Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth had chemistry whereas Knightly spent the whole time looking petulant and thoughtful and MacFayden made himself look like a twat. The BBC series was definitive, everyone was played carefully and cleverly and that scene after Darcy gets out of the pond still makes me moist. Donald Sutherland was quite good though, and just for that the film gets: 3/10
  19. http://thamestown-kids.com/ Designed by our Chairman... it's more like a Chinese Government Website.
  20. Cider or cheese... the eternal dichotomy. Welcome to the boards!
  21. I had the same kind of conversation with Mrs Iun about her dancing teacher. He's very obviously gay and she disagrees, she just thinks "he look a little like woman". Frankly my dear to be a male dance teacher, it's practically a requirement: "Ok, Mr Sanchez-Vicario, how much experience do you have?" "Three years ballet and four years jazz. And about 2 years dancing in a cage at Chez Eddie... "Mm-hmm, what do you believe is the most important qualification for a dancing teacher?" "Commitment. I believe commitment and staying faithful is the most important thing. Unlike my ex boyfriend... "I see. And how do you feel about other men's bottoms?" "Um... yes please?" "Congratulations! You get the job!" Of course, in China if you're gay you have to wear a flashing light and go to Straight Camp.
  22. Howdy! I need your help, you creative geniuses, you! My school in China needs to bump up it's advertising ideas, and the first thing we need is an updated website. Our current one is worse than terrible. Thing is, there's no money in it for you, but I can send you a heap of Chinese goodies - sweets, silk scarves, chopsticks, fake Le Sportsac bags... Basically, I'm asking a big favour for little return other than the experience and aforementioned goodies. Answers on a postcard... EDIT: What, not even a sarcastic reply?
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