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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Terminator Salvation. 5/10. Christian Bale is pretty much the same in every movie he's in. Except in Batman, where he's Christian Bale being the same as he is in every movie he's in and doing his "big boy" voice pretending to be Batman.
  2. Happy Birthday to my sometime antagonist/occasional sounding board/baffling lover of the Matrix films and StarFox Adventures.... Danny Boy The Dane! EDIT: Just seen the other thread, that had a nonsense title. You can go ahead and lock this, or we can bash the Matrix Trilogy and SFA?
  3. You're a bad winner, and that's what I personally take issue with. The level of support you have for your team is laudable, but at the same time, gloying in the defeat of a weaker opponent makes people sick. Still, you've improved on recent seasons, so well done!
  4. Basically, there's only so much you can earn as a TEFL or Classroom teacher. Also, the higher the post the better potential for future moves you have. I'm a manager now and the next move I make should be either sideways with more pay or a move up. It's a question of pay, work level, challenge and respect. China is a little hierarchical when it comes to positions, and the treatment you get. Plus it's basic workplace sense. In 20 years time I don't want to be spending all day in a classroom: I want to be spending time in an office, supervising teaching and warming my ass on a more comfortable chair. Plus I will have a wife to support from this Friday and the potential family that ensues. Though we pretty much decided kids are not on the cards at all. But a nice house is. Realistically speaking, they have 2 campuses and are opening another, so the potential is there for better things. But here we are also looking to expand the current site, thing is, they won't increase my pay or let me hire more people until we get to a certain quota of students - and there are no guarantees that will happen with the September intake. True enough, but the current lady in charge has been there for 10 years with no signs or urge of moving. It's "Dead Man's Boots" as they say. I'm worried about walking into a high-paid dead end.
  5. The question is expansion. I'm the head of the international track and standard TEFL programme as well. But the International Track is just 2 more foreigners and I do all the TEFL as well as my own classes. The boss wants to expand, but he has given no outline or timeframe. True enough, but I took a consulting role with a view to quitting my current job last year... I came within a hair's breadth of making a VERY big mistake by signing a full contract with that school. Badly run, slovenly teaching and just no respect from the parents.
  6. The thing is, I've been offered the other job, they called this morning - I only had the interview late Friday. My thought is this makes sense from a money perspective, and also the pre-established reputation of the school. But what if I don't get on with their style of teaching and approach? I'm buying a house now and getting married on Friday, what happens if things don't work out? Also, as you said Tapedeck, the position I'm in is a good one from the perspective of my career.
  7. So, I am currently the Director of English Studies at this here school. My remit is all the TEFL and International Teaching here. I am also a teacher here. I get to work most days at 9 and start my lessons at 10, finish at 11.40. I then do planning, meetings with my staff etc until I leave at about 2.30. For this I am paid well. The problems is that the school is small, badly organised (my department is not) and generally lacking direction. Also, I have gone two years without a payrise. And it's quite far from my home, too. I have been offered a job at a school with a great reputation, bigger than this one and with more children. It has an ALP and the money is better than now. Plus it's very close. The pay is better, but in total only adds up to my current salary plus my private jobs. Which is good, because I hate a lot of my private work. The issues are: I would have to 8.30 to 5pm it - which would be ok, but for my private works that I do from about 4pm most days. From 9-3pm no break time as you're with the children the whole time. The biggest issue, is that it would be a step backwards: I'd be a teacher with no responsibility for the rest of the school, only my class. Which would take the pressure off, but it doesn't seem a good career move. Or does it? Your thoughts...?
  8. Totally with you on that one. Robots that are too "life-like" are scary for their inhuman qualities. Robots that are poor facsimiles are acceptable for how they "try" to be human. Personally, life-like androids make me want to puke my pants. That and the fact that THE FIRST ONES HAD RUBBER SKIN AND WE SPOTTED THEM EASY! BUT THIS IS SOMETHING NEW....
  9. Well, naturally I'm gutted that we're down. Nobody can really be singled out for all of the blame -with the exception of maybe Graeme Souness. The Team were phoning in their performances for such a long time that it was inevitable, really. Criticism in particular for Michael Owen, who we never really felt was part of the team, just Michael Owen at Newcastle. Man made a lot of money from us, but hardly played. Injuries played their part, but it always seems like he was waiting for a better team to come knocking. The back four has always been our biggest weakness, and I don't understand how skilled, useful players like Cacapa and Beye can be consistently strong performers elsewhere, but then as soon as they get to Newcastle, it all goes wrong. And finally, we move on to St Jame's Farce boardroom. What the hell does Mike Ashley actually want from the team? Shouting about clearing debt is one thing, but making no funds available for players makes no sense. And Ramar, even though Ashley is not a player, his attitude, money and organisational approach must have an effect. It's like Chelsea before Abramovich: they were just another unremarkable London club, but then Abramovich brought in his money and a top-class manager and they were suddenly contenders. Yes, the players have the power to change things on the pitch, but without the feeling of support and leadership from the management, it's just a team of schoolboys.
  10. So they cancelled Terminator, but renewed that wanky Joss Whedon feminine-empowerment-will-they-won't-they-hilarious-cultural-references shit? I am now not going to import any more Fox DVDs, I'm going to buy the "back of the lorry" stuff they sell on street corners here just like everyone else.
  11. BACKED THE WRONG HORSE, EH GUYS? Serves you damned right. Your comments regarding the horsepower of the Wii were always going to come back and bite you in the ass. How does that assbite feel, guys? Does it feel anything like Gamecube 1.5? Seriously though, sorry to the people who lost their jobs due to management incompetence.
  12. This coincides nicely with me having just bought an apartment the other day... One main room, kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, one with balcony! It's pretty compact, but big enough for two!
  13. You are absolutely right, and I agree with you totally. But godammit, your spelling...
  14. And have seck-sew-all relations with camels! And all they ever eat is curry! On a serious note, I have a number of muslim friends, and at various times I've asked them how they feel about the world perceiving them as terrorists and terrorist sympathisers... ...most laughed it off and asked me how I felt about being perceived by the muslim world as a cursed infidel dog, whom death was too good for... But a few answers worried me, some of them said if they knew people with Jihadist tendancies, they'd turn a blind eye. Others said they would try and reform the person(s) but not make it known to the wider community. Maybe one or two said that if that's their version of Islam, then they should go ahead an be the bestest suicide bombers they can be, Allah bless 'em! But in fairness, a lot of religious groups are fairly insular... look at the Jews. Many in England are pretty anti-integration, mind you, what with the suspicion that they are faced with they kind of have a right. Or is that one a self-fulfilling prophecy? Religious group: People fear us/distrust us, so we should close our ranks to them. Others: We don't quite understand them, why are they so insular? What have they got to hide?
  15. Anyone who has sex with Matt Lucas in a wig and jogging suit deserves whatever consequences they get.
  16. Sadly, this is where the imbalance of the system comes in. As Bluey rightly said, the lady has the choice of having a baby or not having a baby, as it is her body, no-one has the right to make the decision for her. Unless she is deemed mentally incompetant to make that decision, or there is a risk to mother/child. Ultimately, the child is from her, it's not the man that has to carry the child to term. HOWEVER: the lady currently has the right to decide the future of the man with her pregnancy as well, which is inherently unbalanced. There is the old argument "it takes two to tango" but what if one of you wants to stop dancing? The lady can effectively force the father to maintain a child that he is either emotionally, physically or mentally unprepared for. That's her choice too. I know a girl with hippy-ish sensibilities - ultra pro-life, almost a Jain in terms of what she would not eat. She became pregnant due to her not bothering to take her birth control. She actively wanted a baby, her boyfriend did not. Now her ex-boyfriend is locked into a role he did not choose. It was his life, and she made the decision on his future. There's no "Oh, but she deceived him" or "But she made the choice without consulting him" it's simply a case of "there's a baby now, you have to deal with it." But what about the reverse? A man is desperate for a baby, but his wife/girlfriend aborts? Again, it is her body, but she is making the decision for two, potentially three people. This is a tough issue, and one that it's difficult to make a fair call on. I'm pro-choice, but I think that should work both ways. True, there are a lot of itinerant men out there who are irresponsible and need to "man up" as it were. But there are also those who are not ready for that due to personal or wider circumstances, and when their future is decided for them by another individual, how can anyone consider that fair? Oh and in answer, Jav. Get rid of the girl who cheated. No-one who deceives like that would ever be trustworthy again, even if they lived a model life. Infidelity is the worst, most fundamentally unforgiveable sin in a relationship.
  17. I signed the same damn thing 6 years ago when they were all hanging around in Folkestone in their straw boaters and tidy trousers. It was a disgusting injustice then and an absolute embarassment now. Get your god damn finger out of your arse, Britain, and treat these men with the respect and honour they deserve. I'll sign it, for all the good it will do.
  18. Re: Giggs winning PFA. It's like Robin Williams winning the Supporting Actor Oscar for Good Will Hunting. He deserved the award for Mrs Doubtfire -what was frankly quite a touching performance of a man driven to extremes to be close to his children. But as a comedy, it wouldn't be taken seriously by the Academy. Giggs has put in consistently good performances for most of his career, this is his moment in the limelight, and who are we to take it away from him by grumbling about our individual favourites?
  19. Theologians recently proved that this reality, and all who are in it, are nothing but a product of my imagination. Wish I had a better imagination, to be honest.
  20. Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess! We don't get half the TV or movies out here that everyone else does
  21. She's still doing tv and movies? Seriously? They are not required to speak!
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