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Everything posted by Iun

  1. That was a nice story *cocoa* Today was swelteringly hot - easily over 36 degrees and it's just started raining. Yay, no trip to the gym for me
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8169649.stm And there's a surprise. Just goes to show there's one rule for McLaren and better rules for everyone else. If that had been Hamilton he would have been subject to a full stewards inquiry, tribunal, points docked and the team and driver fined. But we don't want to upset the *cough*racist*cough* Spanish fans so Renault get a slap on the wrist. One question: And if the loose wheel had resulted in injury or death to another driver?
  3. Because it pretty much is just the one mate you've got, isn't it?
  4. But after about two minutes of Neo kicking the shit out of 5 million Agent Smith's you just get to thinking "what's the point? Why did I pay for this?" Much like sex with a 55 year old hooker.
  5. I did a shed load of the voices for that game None of the main characters, sadly.
  6. Sleepless in Seattle I know it's a chick-flick n'all but frankly, it was dire. You've Got Mail was much better -at least the characters interacted before the end of the film. There was no real personality development or real story. 4/10
  7. THANK GOD! Another comic book fan who DOESN'T shoot his load every time Tobey Maguire is on screen! Seriously, Spider-man is supposed to be a funny and intelligent guy who is comming to terms with himself. Tobey Maguire just can't do the one-liners. After I saw Transfromers 2 you know what I thought? "God that movie was too long and the robots didn't have enough screen time." And then shortly before bed I thought "Shia LaBoeuf would make a much better sSpider Man."
  8. Judged by the quality of your enemies and all that But I'm having trouble working this one out, am I the good guy or the bad guy?
  9. Jeez... on the one hand, he's still technically a human being. On the other hand, he's not really a human being.
  10. Sorry to hear that, Bard, if you need anything, we're here. And ReZ if Molly's answer is anything other than "Awesome, simply the best movie. Even better than that shitty Dark Knight movie with 'same in everything' tosser Christian Bale and that pretty good Dead Guy from Australia" then we know she's not human.
  11. Francis Cabrel, I guess. His music has quite a timeless aspect to it, and Samedi Sur La Terre is probably one of the all-time great albums of French music. Mind you, that's a bit like saying Tofu is the all-time best meat substitute. Which celebrity couple would you most like to watch having sex? Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, because I bet he would last all of 10 seconds and be giggling like school boy throughout the whole act.
  12. Anybody that makes Rezourceman laugh because they are anybody that gets anybody who says anybody who says lmao needs shooting a glass of orange juice is anybody I'd like to hang around with. And frankly, that's not just anybody. It has been raining tirelessly in Shanghai today. No chance of getting the washing dry
  13. Anybody who gets me a nice cold glass of orange juice will get the clothes of the guy I just killed with EEVIL's Uzi for saying lmao. And Reggie, really? Surely this place is too small for even one of his mighty shoes!
  14. Anybody that says anybody who says lmao needs shooting needs a medal.
  15. Flash! Flash, I love you! But we only have 14 hours to save Aung San Suu Kyi! Seriously though, where's Daniel Craig when you need him?
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8194596.stm Military dictatorship finds democratically elected leader guilty on a trumped-up charge. Now there's a fucking surprise. Ooh, quick, Gordon! Get in there with a "strongly worded statement" and really strike a crushing blow to them...
  17. Alright Ash, we get it: You regret not being a woman. Next time, ok? The heart of this debate is not whether women are equally valuable members of society, but whther or not a man or a woman should hold a top position out of a notion of equality. Which is something I totally disagree with. If you can prove your worth, then do so, if not, then you're not equal. What we need to remember though is that the world needs people to lay the foundations as well as those who design them, every position in the world has it's value.
  18. You've kind of hit the nail on the head there. I'm for equality - providing the people are equal. Truth is, some people are simple, brainless thugs or thugettes who are not equal to other people. So why in the name of being fair should we routinely allow the brainless and the unqualified into top positions? I think what she was implying is that there should be more opportunities for women who are capable, and psychological barriers - such as those that exist, should be torn down. I'm all for having more black people, female people, asian people, handicapped people etc. in the workplace - but let's make sure they are they because they can do their job, not simply because they have no penis.
  19. *coughcoughnotnowtalklatercough* Yeah... I just... they... you know, they're all like Ramar but just... worse. I'm going to go down the PR route if nothing else turns up. It was earlier today when I got off the metro... I hate being called "Laowai" which is a not so nice term for "foreigner" in China. They were all trying to get my attention and just kept shouting abuse, I took one look at them and thought "fuck, you're unregistered workers paying no tax and I get taxed to shit and you're insulting ME... not happening" I started by asking them if it was true that all Chinese men are gay and that's why Chinese girls get all hot under the collar when they see our manly penises. In retrospect there were 6 or so of them and I could really have got my head kicked in. But I get sick of the uneducated casual racism so many people engage in here. I was talking to this other old guy at the station the other day about living in China and I told him how I felt China was my home now with my wife living here and he just turned round and said "China will never be your home, you're a foreigner, this is our home. You don't belong here." I could have lost it with the guy. And the thing is, the Government tries to promote this progressive image to the outside world with the Olympics and the 2010 Expo, but it's all just a big lie. Yeah, don't get me started. Four different tones which are almost impossible to distinguish for non-natives - basically the same word with a slightly different inflection e.g. xia = shrimp, xia = next, long = lane, long = dragon etc. The rwritten language is a throw back to the days of the empire where basically a means to control the population was through different levels of education. If you have no common frame of reference for a character or vague recognition of it, then you have no way to know how to say a word. Which again, keeps people below a certain standard from achieving anything. Similar, I suppose to moveable type.
  20. How many divorced men does it take to change a light bulb? None. The man never gets the house.
  21. Well, you'd be surprised who might have a vague contact somewhere somehow... I mean, I know the guy who was in charge of the British intelligence effort during the first Iraq War! Which is kinda useful if someone wants a book about it or a non- NDA related piece of info. I'd imagine it tastes like a sweet kind of axle grease and strawberry sherbert. And awesome. Have you ever been to one of those places? They're scarier than shoe shopping. I might have to actually talk to people who don't know about video games! My spoken language is pretty fluent - to the point where I cussed up a group of motorcycle taxi drivers today by telling them every time a foreigner boinks a Chinese girl she feels scared because we're all so much bigger than Chinese men. However, my understanding of the written language is pretty basic. There's no commonalities between characters and as each character represents a different syllable, it's just... well it's a f*cking ridiculous language in written form to be honest.
  22. Hilarious! ANOTHER Arnie movie reference! But listen: if you don't have anything useful to add to the discussion, go and troll another thread. When we want to know what Arnie's cock tastes like, we'll ask you. BTT: I'm thinking I could contact the PR department and make it into some kind of cross-cutural promotion. Hmm. Got to play this one carefully. No-one has any connections inside Anfield?
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