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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Here's the point: . Here's you: x Do you see what you did there?
  2. I've often wondered what it must be like to not have a soul, and now I know.
  3. I'm sorry to say it, but the little kid did not get what he deserved.* Bullying is a real problem in many schools - I for one was bullied for many years by a local boy who seemed to take perverse pleasure in giving me regular nose bleeds, skinned knees and punches in the back of the head. It was a horrible experience, and I learned the deepest darkest depths of wickedness in humanity from it. I never responded in kind, though there were times I wished I had. You see, I was taught that violence begets violence, that it forms and endless cycle where the victim eventually becomes the bully. Then his victim eventually becomes the bully and so on. Nothing was ever truly solved with violence, there are so many examples of history being decided on the turn of great battles but if you are a student of human nature, as I am you will see that why are you still reading this? Just scroll down to the footnote already. History teaches us that wars end in a bloody spurt, an orgy of bloodletting that is supposed to prove our moral superiority by showing that our enemy was wrong to ever oppose us. However, this can never truly prove our mastery of our own souls: ultimately if it takes violence to end violence, human beings will see it as I'm making bread today for the first time in about 14 years, that's so cool a recourse to action that they will take time and time again. It's a learned group behaviour that is self-perpetuating. * He DESERVED about three other guys to come running in and stamp on him while he was on the ground.
  4. sh, sh, sh, it'll all be over in a minute, just hold still...
  5. -Touches Gingerly-* *AS IN: Like a Ginger person: with a very freckly and clammy hand.
  6. Gee, an image that's probably related to a video about gay men falling over, I feel SO MUCH BETTER ALREADY. /envy
  7. Well....goodness gracious me...
  8. People are fighting for their liberty in Libya. Japan suffers a terrible disaster and a nuclear crisis. The Cricket World Cup is on... ...why is this even vaguely important?
  9. Stop posting Youtube videos: I can't view them in China and it's making me sad.
  10. I'm celebrating St Patrick's Day watching the DS9 episodes that heavily feature Chief O'Brien. Those episodes seem to have a very strong focus on drinking, singing, darts, fighting and for some reason, traditional dancing.
  11. I feel for you. My Great Uncle passed away in his sleep just two days ago - I never met a gentler man or a better listener in my life. My family didn't even tell me he had gone into a nursing home. Then I just got a note from Staffordshire saying that my fees were overdue... not that they ever bothered raising an invoice in the first place. Just told me that the amount was overdue in contradiction of a previous invoice that was paid. Stupid people. "Oh, you have to pay within seven days, there's nothing I can do, it's University policy." "Well, my policy is not to pay large sums of money to people who couldn't open a front door without detailed instructions."
  12. The sad thing is ... A LOT of the Chinese media is perfectly happy to let commenters and even some of their journalists run with the "It's a judgement on Japan for the crimes they committed during WWII!" line. A man was here visiting the school from the LEC this morning, I mentioned I had some friends in Japan and he told me he thought the Japanese deserved it. That the tsunami was retribution from China. I asked him what he thought the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China was punishment for... he seemed to be confused.
  13. Pestneb, jeez, now there's a name I've not heard in a while. Miss that guy. And happy birthday, Tapedeck! I don't miss you, because you're still here!
  14. I've been around since 2003 - I've not changed my name, nor have I changed my avatar.
  15. I love you, so I forgive. You I don't love: prepare for buttock-related doom. Heath Ledger was the only good thing about that film. Oh, and the fact that it ended. That was also good. Well, not so much "good" as it was "welcome". It was like that sense of relief you get after holding in a dump for a few days - the pain is over, all you feel is happy the whole thing is done and dusted.
  16. No. It. Wasn't. Don't. Ever. Say. Again. Come. To. Your. House. Smother. You. With. Buttocks.
  17. "Mr Bale, Mr Bale... after the late Heath Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar as The Joker, do you worry with such a stellar supporting cast you might be outshone by some of your co-stars?" "No not at all, I'm not worried about any other actor stealing the limelight from me!" "No? How about inanimate objects, slightly out of focus in the background?"
  18. Oh, The Peeps, you optimist...
  19. Transformers used to be a LOT less complicated - you just stood the car on-end and pulled the legs down, arms out and flip off the top to reveal the head. ... ... Sounds like a Saturday night...
  20. That is DEPRESSINGLY tidy. I mean, holy titboobs on a stick, I'm a married man and right now there are ALL KINDS OF HORRIBLE SHIT on my TV stand in the living room. I love you Coolness, but I think that from now on, somehow, somewhere, sometime, it's my mission to get you into a gangbang.
  21. Lego. I had an epic space saga of trust, betrayal, genetic engineering, lost hope and the death of a corrupt institution with high-minded ideals blighted by a dogmatic adherence to law. I'm turning it into a book.
  22. That scene at the bottom there looks incredibly fake while in motion. This doesn't seem like a good movie, appears a little bit sort of... early nineties origin story.
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