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Everything posted by Goron_3
Calling it now - this game will be closer to Smash 64 and Melee than Brawl/Smash 4. There are many reasons I think this (including the way the logo was revealed and the dark aesthetic that the trailer used) but my main reason is that every Nintendo game since the original Splatoon seems to have been built around the "easy to play, hard to master" philosphy that their older software used, and not the Wii/Wii U philosophy of designing a game to be played and enjoyed by casual/non gamers. From the Mario Tennis trailer that we got yesterday to Mario Odyssey's advanced movement (especially coming from 3DW), I'm fairly confident we are going to see a more mechanically advanced game (i.e. more movement options) that will take and expand the core gameplay of 64/Melee with the huge roster of Smash 4. Central to this is the fact that the physics engine will be based around an analogue stick again, so I expect the whole game to feel less stiff.
Really looking forward to this. The fundamental gameplay looks really solid and quite possibly the best I've seen Mario Tennis look since Mario Tennis on the N64. Can't wait.
It said "Original Game" at the bottom right hand side of the screen.....A new game and not just a port of Smash 4?
I certainly expect a Smash port, but I hope the physics engine is slightly tweaked from the Wii U and 3DS version. Make the gameplay a bit faster, add in some analogue control and add a couple of characters (ICE CLIMBERS). A balance patch would also be useful.
One thing people are missing out here is that the whole trial period of free online was based on Nintendo trying to get Switch's online sorted by September 2017, just a few months after launch. They very much designed their first year around that in mind, with Splatoon, ARMS and Mario Kart all launched to supplement a service that was literally around the corner. Naturally, things have changed pretty drastically since then and it's clear that Nintendo's own vision of what this online system looks like has become very different to its original intention. Therefore, I can 100% understand why someone who played online for well over a year for free becomes unhappy when they discover that they now need pay. It's not the end of the world, but it's a harder selling point for some.
I put together an article for this site on Nintendo's approach to third party development and how it's changed from Gamecube/Wii U to Switch. Enjoy http://www.n-europe.com/features/third-parties-on-nintendo-a-change-in-approach
Nintendo have just shown off a trailer for a game called Nippon Marathon via their Twitter account. It's basically Takeshi's Castle: The Game. Looks absolutely hilarious. Possible a good game for the next NE meet up? @Zell https://twitter.com/NintendoUK/status/964435093820444672
I actually read a really in-depth article about the history of the Gamecube recently and one thing it included were quotes from Retro Studies ahead of the Gamecube's launch. They were originally working on an exclusive NFL game for the Gamecube's launch as well as an online (!!!) RPG, but both got cancelled and they ended up working flat out on Metroid. There was actually a lot of concern that the game wouldn't deliver...thankfully the rest is history!!
I've actually played the game on Dolphin using analogue sticks and it actually works much better. I believe the same version also cuts out a lot of the padding too. I feel like Skyward Sword needs more than a straight up HD remaster. I'd like to see fix some of the pacing within the story and have another go at the art style - I don't think they got the most out of it due to the Wii's weak power.
My main issue with Smash 4 is that the controls just feel so clunky because the game is based around a d-pad and not full analogue. I've probably been spoilt by the full physics engine (e.g. momentum) used in Melee but the level of control in Melee is what I hope for in a future Smash, especially as they've gone back to a controller which has a minimum input of an analogue stick, something that they obviously couldn't replicate on a wiimote. That said, I certainly prefer Smash 4 to Brawl, and it's probably the best and most fluid they could have made a game feel whilst making it wiimote compatible. Oh and BRING BACK ICE CLIMBERS!
I'm with @Ronnie on this one. That said, it makes business sense...the old game but with all the modes and levels from the 3DS and Wii U games would sell well.
Absolutely in love with this game! The level design is great and whilst it's difficult, the instant respawn goes a long way to stop you from getting frustrated. It reminds me of Hotline Miami in that sense. Story is surprisingly deep and handed really well. A must play.
Tempted by this as it looks great! It's actually all I ever wanted from a Ice Climbers reboot - take note Nintendo. My one concern is that I don't have a Pro Controller and the precise movements in this game would definitely be better with that analogue stick and not the joy con ones. Think I'll nab Gungeon and Shovelknight first....
Pokemon Gold and Silver are weird games. i look back at them with a tonne of nostalgia but Johto is absolutely TINY and completed underdeveloped compared to Kanto in Red/Blue. In Generatons 1,3 and 4, you tend to get to the Elite 4 with Pokemon around level 50-60, but in Johto is so short you would do well to get Pokemon to around level 40 by the end of the region. It feels like the game is missing 2-3 major cities and storylines to get you interested in Johto. You tend to just go from gym to gym and the routes between each one is so short
I would be keen for a sequel but that probably would have more sense to announce in the smaller direct, no? Given that Captain Toad was based off of the mini-level's in SM3DW, I hope they consider making a 2D Mario game with the mechanics of the 2D Mario Odyssey levels. Absolutely loved them.
I'm actually going to pick it up from CEX as I have a whole bunch of games to trade in. We have limited space in our apartment so I'm going to just pick up all the stuff that I'm never going to play again and sell it off. Not sure what it will be worth but more than enough to cover Yakuza 0 and a few more games. Thanks for the offer though!
Not yet! I'll probably wait until the weekend. I'll be picking it up with another game, probably Gravity Rush 2 or Nier. Not sure yet though. Sad to hear you didn't see to love it...I know @Blade loved every second!
I’ve thought about this a lot today and I have to say that it just keeps making me smile. It’s so brilliant and I’m jealous of all the parents that will use this with their kids. I loved K’NEX growing up so this is right up my alley. One thing I’m interested in is the software and whether the software it uses will start to rely on existing franchises that work with the toys and mechanisms shown in this trailer (i.e. Wave Race, Pokemon Snap). It would be a shame if Nintendo were to announce a new Pokemon Snap title (just as an example), only to hide it behind Labo. This therefore makes me wonder if Labo games/software will focus on creating their own cohesive world and branding, a bit like how Mii’s did.
Reckon you'll get this for the kids? Overall impressions seem overwhelmingly positive. Just give me a Luigi's Mansion type game that uses a "Toy-con" as a vacuum cleaner and I'm there!
As someone who was obsessed with K'Nex and Lego growing up...this is simply fantastic!!!! I can imagine kids loving this - there's something about creating your own toys that's pretty exciting! Hopefully they can support this with some really good software.
@dazzybee Your point about price is an important one with regards to the Switch's mass market appeal. It's certainly selling very well now but once they clear 30-40M sales, the expanded market would probably interested once there's a price drop. The PS2 sold buckets once it hit £99. That's why the wording is interesting, especially the 'big kids at heart' bit. I'm looking forward to seeing what is shown and I'm confident that they have the resources and knowledge to balance these types of projects with their more core experiences.
The wording is interesting... Kids like F-Zero, right?
To add to that, their recent new franchises haven't catered to the casual audiences in the way they would have done in the Wii/early Wii U years. Splatoon and ARMS may feature motion controls (to varying degrees) but neither is heavily focused on making the games super easy to win at with items/other elements. They adopt the 'easy to play, hard to master' mentality that Nintendo which other games (Mario and Zelda) seem to be taking, which is definitely a good thing.
I hope what this means is that we'll see games that can be appreciated by everyone (Wii Sports, Nintendo Land etc) but that won't come at the expense of the core experience. I think Mario and Zelda have shown a willingness to push on with their core franchises so hopefully those games aimed at the wider audience will be more supplementary experiences. I recall one of the reasons that the PS2 kept selling so much towards the end of its generation was because it managed to get content like the eye-toy and Singstar which, combined with its functionality as a DVD player and the low £99 price point, made it a perfect system to many casual gamers. The biggest thing I want at the moment is a sequel to Nintendo Land and another Wii Sports type game.
I'm definitely getting this on Switch. Bloodborne was 30 FPS right? If so I should be able to cope with the Switch version.