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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. There's no guarantee that they'll make more money long term though.
  2. On a different note...If I was Nintendo I would 100% just get AM2R out on Switch ASAP. I've heard nothing but incredible things about that game and whilst we're still a way off from Prime 4, getting that game on Switch would be ace. Swallow your pride Nintendo and work with the team behind it to get it on Switch.
  3. Really hyped for this. It doesn't look quite as good graphically as I was hoping (although they likely started with the original assets) but man, I'm so excited. I found XC2 a bit too anime for my taste but the combat system and supplementary systems were so damn good! I've heard nothing but good things about this game so very excited to step into the sequel.
  4. Regarding 3rd parties - EA recently said that over 60% of Switch owners owned at least one other console. It's no wonder they aren't throwing money at Switch development - they're better off just focusing on XBO and PS4. The Switch has had a weird year. It hasn't had any big AAA titles but ultimately outside of Mario, Zelda, Smash and Metroid, Nintendo have historically had a gap in quality, budget and scope between their second tier franchises (this isn't uncommon btw). What's great is that they do have franchises like Luigi's Mansion, Xenoblade and Splatoon, but they probably need another big budget franchise or another couple of franchises to sit in that second tier. Fire Emblem probably fits that hole for some fans. Likewise, Animal Crossing might not be big budget but it's sells consoles and software to the wider market. This year was always going to be the year they chased after the mass market, especially with the Lite now available. Pokemon and Animal Crossing work well for that, and it reminds of how the Wii started off with Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda and Prime in its first year and then had Animal Crossing, NSMB and Wii Sports resort in its 3rd-4th year to really drive home its mass appeal. Pokemon in November, AC in Spring and some Mario remasters will keep sales very high. That said...I'm hungry for a bigger title. We've said it before and it's still true that Nintendo have never successfully filled the whole that Rare left. Retro pump out one game every 3-4 years and they've never made a 3D HD title, so I'm not expecting Prime 4 any time soon (likely Switch 2). Monolith have XBC1 coming out this month but I'm more excited about the game they are working on after that. In an alternate universe, we'd likely have Metroid Prime 4 this year. Sigh.
  5. Just had a few of these come through the post. I've also got the Pikachu one ordered so hoping it arrives next week. It's funny that the clothes look baggy on the models. I imagine this is because the clothes are actually sized for adults but they've chosen younger models for this particular collaboration. I find Uniqlo's clothing fits me better than any other brand to be honest - a large is always pretty much gaurenteed to be perfect, whereas it's often a bit too big elsewhere.
  6. I've noticed this about the Pokemon titles. There are certain reviews (i.e. IGN) which essentially boil down to 'I LOVE POKEMON, THIS IS MORE POKEMON' without really critiquing the game. I think it's important to recognise that reviewers generally aren't looking to critique a game. They are essentially just trying to rate their experience of the game whilst providing a rough overview of the pro's and con's. Game design is something that will never really come up. A full, in-depth critique of a game like Skyward Sword for example (the Matthewmatosis one is excellent) is at odds with the critical reception the game got. I guess the issue here is that for reviews, 'reviewers' are given a game and are expected to complete and review it within a very small timeframe. How can they sit back and really try to analyse the game they've played? It's easier to just summarise their own experience. On a final note, I'm reminded of a quote from Jay Z after major music outlets reviewed his album just hours after it came out. He said something along the lines of "I spent hundreds of hours making this album. I gave thought to every word, every beat...I poured my heart into it. And they give it a review after listening to it once. Good or bad, how can they claim to review it when it's barely sunk in? Why bother reviewing it if you're just rushing it out and not thinking about it. I don't get it." This pretty much sums up my opinion of reviews. They'll help you predict your own experience of a game, but not much more.
  7. It makes me laugh that's I've got an absolutely massive house now yet not a single piece of furniture.
  8. Decided to go to Sprouts. Thanks anyway 😊
  9. Lol I literally have no idea what just happened 😂
  10. I keep getting the 'Looks like we're getting interference' message. Presumably I just need to keep trying?
  11. Adding you as a friend now! On my way!
  12. @Kaepora_Gaebora Disappearing for the next 45 mins-1 hour but will keep an eye on this thread
  13. Yes, likewise, I am also *working* until 5pm *cough*
  14. I'll happily take that. Are you able to open up around 4:30pm? I'd like to make a couple of trips if that's possible
  15. Thread bump! Just put together a feature piece for the site on how the Switch has become a great console for visual novels. The Rebirth of Visual Novels
  16. I played through MGS2 for the first time a few years back and just couldn't get into it. That said, I really appreciate the game and think it's pretty special. The plot itself is absolutely genius. You'd never get that nowadays.
  17. Was it the handsome Asian guy with a tweed jacket?
  18. @Kaepora_Gaebora I'm just finishing work - will head on over with the most recent code you've posted
  19. Thanks @Kaepora_Gaebora! I've never had to use a Dodo Code before. Presumably the difference between a Dodo Code and just visiting an island that has its gates open is that the owner of the island doesn't need to be online?
  20. @Kaepora_Gaebora YES PLEASE! My prices so far have all been below 70. Not good at all.
  21. Just spotted on Reddit that Super Mario 3D World has been spotted on Best Buy's internal systems. It's definitely coming.
  22. I think for me the main benefit would be for games like Xenoblade or Zelda, especially the former which definitely struggled in many areas. I don't exactly have a huge TV but I definitely think there's a market for it (especially in the U.S where virtually everyone has a huge TV) but utlimately price is a big factor. As @Eddage points out, cloud saves is also a factor.
  23. Yeah, a Switch Home or equivalent would be a better name. Essentially it would be similar to the PS TV Sony launched a few years back, but with some upclocking on the GPU and CPU. Ultimately, more form factors makes sense. I imagine that there's a large segment of Switch owners who are willing to buy new hardware every couple of years.
  24. The resetera thread about the above seems to be pointing towards the possibility of a 'Pro' model (docked only), which would make 100% sense imo. The new Mariko chip that's in the latest Switch model is capable of much more power (not quote XBO but enough for games like Mario and Zelda to easily hit 1080p, unlike 900p which they currently do). The only reason the Switch doesn't hit those levels of power is because of cooling and battery concerns...A docked only variant would make a lot of sense as they wouldn't need to worry about battery performance. We could essentially end up with the following: Switch (£280) Switch Lite (£199) Switch (docked only) (£199, or even less as they'd save money not having to worry about a cooling solution, internal battery and Joycons). Just speculation of course, but the last time a software update revealed something (Mariko), we did get an updated Switch.
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